Allergic gastroenteritis

When diagnosing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastroenteritis is quite common, in which the inflammatory process covers the mucous membrane lining the intestine and stomach.

The factors that provoke the disease determine its type. In allergic gastroenteritis in the defeat of the digestive organs, these are characteristic reactions during food intake, which are allergic in nature.

The manifestation of allergic gastroenteritis is not limited to intestinal symptoms. Along with them there are bronchial asthma or rhinitis, which are related to respiratory diseases caused by allergens. In addition, with this disease may affect the skin( urticaria), pain in the joints and muscles, as well as difficulty urinating.

Diagnosis and treatment of allergic gastroenteritis

The organism of each person is individual, and from the very birth of the majority there is an increased sensitivity to certain substances, which are the cause of the development of this type of gastroenteritis. That is why when diagnosing this disease, the main task that specialists set themselves is the identification of food products, the use of which contributed to the development of the inflammatory process and their subsequent exclusion from the diet.

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In addition, therapy for allergic gastroenteritis includes the intake of adsorbent drugs, as well as drugs that have astringent effects.

To date, there have been abrupt changes in the culture of nutrition, which increased the frequency of contacts of modern humans with food allergens. It is the diet that is rich in various seafood, exotic fruits and various seasonings becomes most often an exciting factor for this disease. This is explained by the fact that food enzymes, which play an important role in the digestion process, are designed for the products of the human habitation zone, they determine their composition and activity.

In children, the frequency of diagnosing allergic gastroenteritis is explained by the early transition to artificial feeding. In the first months of life, the stomach of infants is not ready to eat complex foods, which is why various vegetable / fruit purees, cereals and mixtures can cause acute symptoms. The immune system does not perform its protective functions in full in this period, and the body itself does not produce the necessary volume of enzymes responsible for the protein breakdown.

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