Wetting eczema: causes, symptoms, treatment, complications and prognosis

Wash eczema is usually called dermatosis - skin rashes that cover different areas of the body. They consist of vesicles( vesicles), inside of which there is a serous fluid. Defeat is more often observed on the legs and arms, but in severe cases, the foci of the disease affect other areas of the body.

Wetting eczema is not contagious, so it can not be affected by direct contact with the affected area. The main cause of the rash lies in internal disorders of the body. And today we are going to talk about means from wet eczema, its symptoms and treatment, we'll look at photos and videos.

Features of the disease

The mechanism of pathology is a reaction to the internal, but more often to an external stimulus. Immunity begins to attack the skin, which leads to the appearance of all the symptoms inherent in eczema. If you examine the immune system even at the very beginning of the disease, it is always found that it is weakened, it does not work properly. This is especially important when treatment is wrong, because joining a secondary infection to wet areas is only a matter of time.

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  • Excessive eczema affects women to a greater degree, which may be due to hormonal shakes, which often occur in their body.
  • People at risk approaching the age of 40 are also at risk.
  • Otherwise, the disease is equally common in both adults and children. The latter usually suffer more often from an allergic form of the rash.

About what wet eczema is, this video will tell:

Classification and forms of

Dilating eczema can be divided by location. It arises on:

  • palms,
  • of the inside of the elbows,
  • of the feet,
  • of the chest,
  • of the knees( their inner part),
  • of the head.

The disease is divided into 4 types:

  1. Seborrheic .It is located on the head, hands, other parts of the body, covered with hairy vegetation. She's also often behind the auricles.
  2. True .This kind of rash is most difficult to treat. Moreover, it proceeds hard, the rashes are abundant, characterized by soreness, and areas with a rash swell. Wetting erosion in this case flows quickly into a chronic stage.
  3. Professional .Happens to a number of people whose activities are associated with strong irritants. It is work with any chemicals or detergents with aggressive ingredients.
  4. Microbial eczema .It develops in areas where infection has occurred with pathogenic fungi or other pathogenic organisms.

The causes of the emergent eczema

Pathology usually has several causes at once, so it's always very difficult to establish them correctly. Etiology is associated with the disruption of the internal areas of the body, especially it occurs with endocrine, immune and neurological problems.

Eczema-provoking factors are very numerous:

  • stresses and psychological problems;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • nerve strain;
  • heredity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic infections;
  • of the GI tract.

Symptoms of

In the first stage of wet eczema, the skin begins to become covered with red areas of different shape and size. They are swollen, and on their surface there are papules( have purulent content) or vesicles( only a transparent secret separates after opening).Even if you try to ignore the itch, both types of rashes will open themselves. It is because of the serous exudate and its continuous separation that there are wetting areas.

After a period of time instead of the opened papules and vesicles there are crusts that begin to actively peel. The main symptom of wet eczema is a combination of a rash that is at different stages of development. That is, in one area there is peeling at the same time, old vesicles are opened and new ones are formed. The itching, which accompanies all this, is so strong that it often becomes not only the cause of sleep disorders, but also neurotic disorders.

If the process has flowed into the chronic, the foci are thickened, the skin becomes scarred and acquires a bluish-red hue. In such areas there may be constant peeling, and to him at an acute stage other symptoms of the disease are added. Some foci eventually disappear, but sometimes eczema leaves behind pigmented spots on the skin.

How wet eczema looks like, this video will tell:


Special value is given to differential diagnostics. The doctor can prescribe various tests to determine the cause of the disease. Conduct, in particular, allergic, immunological or scarified samples.

More specific studies are not required( they, by the way, do not exist), but the disease has a pronounced course, therefore, its diagnosis does not cause difficulties. Differentiate this kind of eczema only from lesions of the pustular form, which have a continuous wetting surface. For eczema, the point nature of the lesions is characteristic, therefore exudate appears on the surface of the skin as drops of dew.

Next, you will learn about what and how to treat wet eczema on the hands, feet, fingers.

Treatment of

Complex therapy is required to treat moccasive eczema, but it is always easier to prevent it with preventive methods.

Therapeutic treatment

Local treatment can not be ignored, because at each stage of eczema it helps to reduce the manifestation of symptoms. The astringents are very helpful, so the lotions are made on the basis of:

  • Naftalan,
  • silver nitrate,
  • birch tar,
  • Resorcinol,
  • Ichthyol ointment.

During the period when the disease flows into the acute stage, compresses are made from water with silver. Wet gauze and in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Treatment with lotions is also carried out by the course. Usually it takes 3 days for 2 treatments. For 1 procedure, 3-4 compresses are replaced, and the process takes about an hour. After removing the lotion, the skin is sprayed with a saline solution or smeared with ointment. Compresses impose only cold!

If the formation of crusts, then the acute stage is over, so the main task of local treatment is also changing. Now apply ointments that help quickly exfoliate crusts:

  1. Fenistil.
  2. Creams based on uric acid.
  3. Gestan.

It is impossible to remove crusts on its own, otherwise mechanical damage will entail a repeated relapse! Once the disease fades, passing into the acute phase, you can connect physiotherapy treatment methods( magnetotherapy, cryotherapy, UHF, etc.).

For ointments for treatment and other medications for erectile eczema, read below.

Drug medication

A number of medications are used to treat the problem:

  1. Enterosorbents. Required for the absorption of toxins and their excretion. To maintain the body, a series of injections of magnesium sulfate, sodium thiosulfate and calcium gluconate are carried out.
  2. Sedatives. Most scientists link the cause of wet eczema with neurological problems, so these drugs form the basis of therapy. Serious medications do not use, preferring tablets with plant components.
  3. Daytime tranquilizers.
  4. Antihistamines. These medications help fight puffiness, itching and other manifestations of allergies.

Antibiotics and corticosteroids are not used in every case, but only when a secondary infection is attached to the underlying disease. With this outcome, even the use of serious drugs by courses does not help to shorten the period of treatment - it is always long and complicated.

Considerable importance should be given to the therapy of the underlying disorder, which became the cause of wet eczema. If it could be diagnosed, then treatment becomes much more effective, but the main thing is that it is possible to successfully prevent new relapses, and the period of acute phase - to reduce.

The treatment of wet eczema on the hands and feet of a child and an adult with folk remedies is further considered.

Folk methods

With a reasonable approach, folk remedies provide significant assistance in treatment. Many doctors advise the most effective means, but also on the application of those recipes that will be described below, their approval is also required:

  • Take the saltol and lubricate the skin surface. After 10 minutes, the mixture is washed off with tar soap. Due to the gradual addiction, it will be necessary to increase the time required to maintain the ointment on the skin. After 1.5-2 weeks of using the product, it can be added as a component to compresses applied overnight. Instead of pure solidol it is useful to use and pharmacy ointments based on it( Magnispor, Kartalin, Solipsor, Chernyshov's ointment).
  • For lotions it is useful to use sea buckthorn and fir oil, cucumber brine.
  • Trays with medicinal herbs, in which the affected areas are immersed, a lot contribute to treatment. Before this, a decoction of plantain, chamomile, sporelet, elderberry, clover, yarrow or pine needles is made. You can simply add essential oils to the baths, for example, ylang-ylang, geranium, lavender, tea tree.
  • Slaked lime( 100 g) is diluted with the same amount of liquid and boiled. Kashitsu cool, filter and mix with oil( 1: 1).Affected areas are lubricated with this remedy.
  • Take a children's( very fatty) cream and combine it with fir oil. You can also replace the last component with beeswax. Once the mixture becomes homogeneous, it can be used as an ointment. Use such a tool you need 2 weeks, spreading over the day 3 times the skin areas.

Prevention of the disease

To prevent the appearance of wet eczema on the soles of your feet, you need to monitor hygiene and choose the right footwear. Avoid relapse can be with the exclusion of contact with allergens, so any clothing should be hypoallergenic. If there are still local foci with pigmentation, it is recommended to apply on them ointments based on the tar of birch, petrolatum, ichthyol, sulfur.

  • It is very important to maintain a certain lifestyle and diet, compliance with sleep and exclusion of nervous overload.
  • It is recommended to avoid sauna, bath, and any places where there are 2 factors that can provoke an acute phase - it is contact with water and high temperatures.
  • Carefully you will need to monitor the health of the body, prevent the development of infections and fight with various kinds of parasites.

Complications of

The main complication for wet eczema is the fact of joining a chronic infection. Sometimes open areas become infected and pathological fungi. All this leads to aggravation of the course of the disease, to prolonged therapy and worsening of symptoms.


It is better for patients to adhere to the principles of healthy eating, to exclude the food that can provoke an allergy. Citrus fruits, strawberries, honey, chocolate, red fruits and other similar allergens are subject to compulsory exclusion. Diets will have to adhere to everyone who has become ill, and not only to those patients who are allergic to the cause of moccasive eczema.

You need to try to diversify the diet to get all the vitamins, and even the food should be full. Cut calories costs only with obesity, because sometimes this is the same factor that provokes eczema.

During the period when the exacerbation develops, the ration should be better based on cereals, soups, and sour-milk products. All strong broths( like salt, sweets and pastries) are completely excluded for a while. Ideally, if the amount of such foods in the diet is very low.

Forecast of

With an integrated approach to treatment, the acute stage gradually dies out. Here the individual component, that is, the consciousness of the patient, is of no small importance. If he does what is prescribed and wants to be cured, the symptoms will disappear soon.

Complete recovery should not be expected, because the process as a whole is chronic. Further effectiveness of treatment will be determined by the number and duration of relapses.

The mechanism of appearance of eczema is presented in this video:

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