Symptoms and treatment of irritable bowel syndrome( IBS), signs and manifestations - belching, burning, nausea, spasms, temperature

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What factors contribute to the development of the syndrome, have not been studied and at the moment, despite the large spread of the disease. According to various estimates, the prevalence of this syndrome is from 20 to 40 percent of the total adult population of the planet. The main version of the development of the syndrome is that the violation of motor and sensitive intestinal reactions are provoked by disorders of the central nervous system of a functional nature. In addition to abnormal intestinal motility, changes in perception of pain symptoms, the microbial composition of the intestinal environment is disturbed.

The main symptoms of IBS of the intestine are:

  1. Pain and abdominal cramps that do not have an accurate positioning, decreasing after going to the toilet.
  2. Diarrhea or constipation, which can alternate.
  3. Increased gassing, accompanied by spontaneous release of gases with an unpleasant odor.
  4. Swelling or puffiness of the abdomen.
  5. Unexpectedly arising strong urge to defecate.
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  7. The remaining impression of not completely emptied bowel after bowel movement.
  8. Traces of mucus in faeces.

To determine the type of disease, the symptoms are selected by the nature of the stool and gas formation. These are symptoms of IBS such as:

  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence.

The difficulty in establishing the "irritable bowel syndrome" prognosis is symptomatic, due to the fact that there is no single test to accurately determine the disease. Therefore, research is assigned whose purpose is to exclude diseases of other organs with similar symptoms. These include:

  1. Blood test, which allows to exclude the infectious process, or the immune system reaction to gluten.
  2. Check the presence of parasites and blood in the stool.
  3. Computed tomography and MRI to exclude oncological diseases, appendicitis inflammation, intestinal obstruction, presence of fecal masses. In addition, in the process of establishing a diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude possible causes that irritate the mucosa of the digestive tract.

First of all, it can be the acceptance of large amounts of fatty, spicy food for a short time, chronic effects on the esophagus, gas-producing products, alcohol, coffee, irritating mucous products. The presence of IBS can also indicate a number of symptoms that are classified along with the main symptoms.

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

Conditionally all signs of IBS can be divided into three main groups:

  1. Disorders related to vegetative and neurological.
  2. Characteristic dysfunction of the digestive system.
  3. Characteristics characteristic of psychopathological disorders.

Disorders of the first type include drowsiness or vice versa, poor sleep, migraine, difficulty swallowing with a feeling of a lump in the throat. Neurological signs of IBS of the intestine include impotence, dysmenorrhea. About eighty percent of people with irritation of the esophagus treat complaints of vomiting, belching, pain in the hypochondrium and other painful symptoms characteristic of digestive tract diseases. Complaints of depression, hysterical fits, phobias anxiety, and panic characterizing psychopathological disorders, which are symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome( IBS), which are treated in medical institutions, range from 15 to 30 percent.

Manifestations of IBS

Manifestations of the syndrome, in addition to the mandatory presence of at least two major symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, acting for a long time, are very diverse and can be of an extra-intestinal nature. In IBS, nausea may be due to the presence of some diseases of the internal organs.

To the extraintestinal symptoms of IBS include:

  • rapid urination;
  • an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth;
  • indigestion;
  • pain in the back and in the cross;
  • feeling tired;
  • bronchial hyperactivity.

IBS with spasms is associated with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome without diarrhea. Increased activity of the colon promotes increased pressure in the sigmoid colon. Symptoms such as spasmodic pain depending on the individual characteristics of a person may be of different duration and intensity of manifestation. As a rule, relief comes after the act of defecation during the escape of gases. Spasms in IBS are caused by stretching the intestinal walls with gases in combination with strong muscle contractions. Heartburn with IBS is not among the main symptoms, but if it is present constantly, then it should be checked for other diseases. The cause of heartburn in this case is the excessive reaction of the mucosa to the pain impulse. There is heartburn with IBS burning behind the sternum, which can be given in the neck.

In IBS, the eructation accompanying heartburn may indicate the presence of gastritis or peptic ulcer. The occurrence of heartburn is associated with neuropsychiatric disorders after eating, which irritatively affects the mucous membrane of internal organs. IBS and eructation of rotten eggs testifies to the development of a disease associated with flatulence based on emotional overloads, various nervous disorders.

Overexcited nervous system causes spasms of smooth muscles of the intestine. The slowing down of muscle contractions leads to the accumulation of gases that stretch the bowel, causing rumbling in the abdomen, severe pain. The resulting difficulty in the normal process of food processing, reduces the activity of enzymes, which in turn leads to non-assimilation of nutrients. Into the composition of the intestinal gas, in addition to carbon dioxide and hydrogen, there are aromatic compounds( hydrogen sulphide, methane, mercaptan, etc.), which, when belching, give this smell of rotten eggs.

Weight loss in IBS is associated with the presence of a symptom of diarrhea, when nutrients do not have time to suck in the circulatory system, and transit with cola masses. Slimming with IBS is also due to a decrease in appetite, nausea and vomiting that can accompany the disease. Weight loss in irritable bowel syndrome may be a consequence of depression, nervous disorders, but with irritation syndrome marked significant weight loss, it indicates the possibility of some other illness and then it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination in order not to miss a more serious disease.

The burning sensation on the left side of the IBS occurs in the case of the visceral mechanism of abdominal pain formation. Caused by increased pressure, tension, and circulatory disorders, such pain does not have a clear localization. Burning under the ribs in IBS is caused by irradiative pain, which is a reaction to intense intense abdominal pains.

Increased temperature in IBS, as a rule, does not occur, but sometimes there may be a slight increase in temperature as a reaction to stress. This increase may be due to the individual characteristics of the body. The frequency of urination with IBS may increase, which is associated with psychoemotional stress. The temperature in irritable bowel syndrome does not belong to the characteristic symptoms for this disease.

Symptoms and treatment of irritable bowel syndrome

The choice of tactics for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and signs, depends on the factors that caused the disease and the symptoms that are fundamental. The treatment of the disease is based on the following principles:

  1. Dietary nutrition, taking into account individual intolerance or sensitivity to individual products.
  2. Therapeutic measures, including anticholinergic drugs, calcium channel blockers.
  3. Normalization of motor and evacuation functions.
  4. Correction of revealed psychological disorders.

The main thing in the menu of dietary nutrition is the balance of energy value with the content of fats, the quality and quantity of lactose in foods, as well as fructose and sorbitol. The phenomenon of flatulence reduces the decrease in the consumption of foods containing carbohydrates( legumes, cabbage, grapes, raisins).In the presence of constipation, the ration of therapeutic nutrition is enriched with products rich in fiber, cheeses, vegetables and fruits, which strengthen intestinal motility. With diarrhea, the menu includes rusks, light chicken broth, mucous soups, rice, blueberry, oat broth.

The use of drugs in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is carried out taking into account the clinical form and symptoms of the disease. To suppress excessive bacterial growth, intestinal antiseptics are used. With diarrhea, drugs that reduce bowel motility and increase the tone of the anal sphincter are used. Irritable large intestine syndrome with constipation symptoms is treated with soft laxative drugs, and folk remedies are used in the form of broths, infusions of medicinal herbs.

Effective to eliminate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in the treatment of myotropic antispasmodics. With an exacerbation of the psychoemotional state, psychotropic drugs are prescribed if necessary. In general, drug treatment is prescribed only in the case of a disease in a complicated form, for example, in irritable bowel syndrome with nausea, preferring to manage with diet and traditional medicine. This approach allows you to get rid of the undesirable consequences when using medicines.

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