What to do if the head and neck hurts after hitting

1 When should I ask for help?

Immediately after hitting the head, special attention should be paid to the type of pain syndrome and its characteristics. Such features can be guarded in the patient's condition:

  • for a long period after the impact, the pain does not cease and continues for a while;
  • to remove the pain syndrome is not capable even of strong drugs-analgesics;
  • blood pulsates so much that there is temporal pain and tinnitus;
  • movements of the neck are constrained, which makes it difficult to rotate.

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Find out in what state the brain is located, the presence of such factors will help:

  • unconsciousness;
  • is often dizzy;
  • darkens in the eyes;
  • vision deteriorates, the image becomes fuzzy;
  • there are speech disorders;
  • frequent urge to vomit;
  • the whole body is weakened;
  • appear puffiness under the eyes and bruises.
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If a shaking occurs, not only does the head ache after the impact, but also hallucinations, convulsive seizures, loss of orientation in space. Concomitant are violations in the coordination of movements, irritability, inadequate response to too loud sounds or bright light.

If you lose consciousness, but feel well, you should still go to the doctor. Trauma can provoke hematomas, vascular ruptures, inflammatory processes.

Obligatory is hospitalization, if the head impact fell on the temporal region. The patient, who has avoided treatment, exposes himself to irreversible and serious consequences.

Cases with neck and back injuries are dangerous. After all, damage or displacement of the vertebrae can lead to damage to the blood vessels, impaired blood flow to the brain and the appearance of pain.

If a person is hit hard with his head, the following complications may occur:

  • , a split personality appears;
  • speech becomes disjointed;
  • there are neural disorders;
  • memory weakens, the cognitive system fails;
  • hearing and vision deteriorate, taste and smell are impaired;
  • convulsions and paralysis can eventually lead to a state of coma.

There are certain cases when a visit to a doctor is vital:

  • trauma with bleeding, the duration of which exceeds 15 minutes;
  • pain in the head and neck becomes worse and is accompanied by nausea;
  • body temperature exceeds the mark of 38 ºС;
  • convulsions are observed;
  • lost the ability to move independently;
  • the sizes of pupils change with the subsequent loss of sight;
  • makes breathing difficult, loss of consciousness occurs.

2 Medical treatment

After the person hit his head so much that a number of symptoms appeared, it is advisable to use such drugs:

  • piracetam - its action is aimed at improving metabolism at the brain cell level, alleviating pain;
  • etamzilate stops bleeding, improves blood circulation in the brain;
  • ascorutin strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • euphyllin promotes the maintenance of puffiness and normalization of blood pressure;
  • Diacarp( diuretic) helps lower blood pressure, reduce swelling and stress on the heart;
  • antibacterial drugs are recommended for ruptures of the tympanic membrane.

What should I do if a person is hit by a head, and the necessary drugs were not there? In this case, drugs from the medicine cabinet will suit: nurofen, analgin, spasmalgon, paracetamol, and junism.

It is also important to balance the electrolytes( calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium) after hitting the head in the body. They affect the work of muscles. At a blow there can be cramps. For their prevention, you need to use an adequate amount of electrolytes. Therefore, the main thing is not to allow dehydration of the body and drink more liquid to replenish electrolytes in the body.

A child who strikes something and is in extreme pain, needs to be examined and hospitalized. Often, hidden damage is very difficult to identify, especially at home.


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A head impact can provoke very serious complications, so a qualified specialist can not only prescribe medications, but also contribute to positive changes in the body:

  • improve metabolism;
  • strengthen the walls of the vessels;
  • to remove puffiness;
  • to restore blood circulation.

It is important to remember, if a friend or friend, respectively, hit or hit her head, you need to urgently go to the hospital. Thus, there is a high probability of preventing various injuries. Bed rest, minimal physical activity, refusal of the computer and TV will help to save health and accelerate recovery.

3 Useful tips and recipes for traditional medicine

If a man has his head hurt, what can I do? For a speedy recovery, you just need to follow the doctor's recommendations and follow certain rules of rehabilitation.

  1. Rest and only rest. After the injuries received, it is better to lie down, rest or sleep. A good sleep will help to remove the pain after the strokes. Meditation and total silence will also benefit. A cold compress on the water or from a cabbage leaf can alleviate the general condition of the body. To remove a spasm and to relax it is possible by means of mint tea.
  2. Herbal tinctures. They can soothe and ease the pain. Most often recommend teas or drinks from vegetables. Ideal are: decoction of potatoes, tomato juice, carrot-beet juice, tincture on motherwort or St. John's Wort.
  3. Acupressure massage is quite effective when refreshing painful sensations. The impact on the region of temples in the form of grinding stimulates the production of natural painkillers by the body.
  4. It is better to get rid of bruises in the early stages of their appearance. If a person hit his head so much that hematomas and abrasions appeared, you need to urgently use a linen patch, viper fat or other pharmacy.
  5. Auxiliary action produces aromatherapy. Relax before bed is possible after taking a bath based on essential oils with lavender, lemon, grapefruit, sage, mint, chamomile, eucalyptus. Massing with temples, forehead and other painful areas will bring a relaxing effect and help to forget the sinister blow.
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This kind of therapy can also be different. Essential oils are added dropwise to the warm water tank and placed in a resting or sleeping area. After such procedures, it is better to sleep, rest, and relax.

To avoid unpleasant and dangerous situations that threaten health, it is necessary to adhere to elementary safety rules.

Timely appeal to doctors is able to maintain health and prevent possible consequences.

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