Wasserman's reaction: carrying out, deciphering the results, price

As a constantly improving procedure for detecting pale treponema in the body, Wasserman's reaction allows timely detection of syphilis and initiating the necessary therapeutic effect, which will prevent the possibility of developing undesirable consequences for the health of the patient. The specifics of such a diagnostic operation make it possible to control the course of treatment, to classify the degree of effectiveness of the chosen methods and to make the necessary adjustments to achieve faster and longer-lasting positive results.

The analysis is based on the study of the blood composition of the patient, which during the period of infection with pale treponema is induced by a significant amount of antibodies to this pathogen. Wasserman's reaction allows using a special substance( cardiolipin antigen, which is synthesized exclusively in the laboratory) to detect the reaction of the organism to this pathogen and draw up a scheme of action. Venereologists are aware of the high degree of effectiveness of the Vasseraman reaction, because this is the method of diagnosis used to detect such a serious and dangerous to human health lesions like syphilis.

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What is the Wasserman reaction

The analysis for syphilis carried out with the help of the Wassermann reaction provides the most complete information of doctors about the patient's health in the presence or absence of antibodies to pale treponema in the blood. Also this method of investigation provides an opportunity to approximately determine the time of the infection that has occurred, which is important for determining the probable range of infected individuals.

Such diagnostic analysis allows, in addition to the appointment of adequate treatment, to carry out the necessary prevention of syphilis. Blood, which during infection contains a large number of antibodies to the causative agent of the disease, "reports" the degree of infection and the period of infection, which is important for the design of the treatment regimen, the choice of medications, their dosage and duration of use.

Why do such an analysis

As a detection of the presence of such a disease as syphilis, as well as to prevent it and to control the quality of the treatment being administered, the procedure is used - the Wasserman reaction. Venereologists use it both to determine the presence of pale treponema in the blood, and to record the time of infection. The maximum informativeness of the analysis, the relative ease of execution and the accuracy of the results made Wassermann's reaction a frequently used method of diagnosing syphilis. The specified diagnosis is not required.

Wasserman reacts in case of suspected infection with syphilis, with unprotected sex, in the presence of this dangerous disease in the mother: syphilis can pass from an infected pregnant woman to a child. Since the informativeness of the diagnostic procedure is high, it is used to obtain reliable data on the time of the infection, for prevention in the listed situations. Control of treatment, its effectiveness is also determined by the Wasserman reaction, which allows you to adjust the treatment process with its insufficient effectiveness.

The frequency of the diagnostic procedure in question is determined by factors indicative of a possible infection with syphilis, if there is a suspicion that the treatment is not effective.

More details about Wasserman's reaction will be told by the video below:

Types of such procedure

There are no variants of Wasserman's reaction. The procedure for performing this diagnostic procedure is standard, the application depends only on the goal: detection of the existing infection of the syphilis virus by the body, which is transmitted sexually and from an infected woman to a child during pregnancy, treatment or prevention with unprotected sex.

Indications for

Indications for use of the Wasserman reaction procedure are suspected infection with syphilis and monitoring of ongoing treatment. If it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis( this method of research in some cases gives a false positive response due to the presence in the blood of any person of a certain amount of the virus antigen), Wasserman's repeated reaction is also used.

Analysis is taken with dermatological problems, such as:

  • Focal scleroderma;
  • vitiligo.

Also the following conditions and situations are considered indications for the application of the research method in question:

  • the period of gestation due to the high probability of infection of the fetus by a venereal disease, early miscarriage, the probability of developing organic pathologies in a newborn child;
  • for work related to close contact with the population - medical and social workers, commodity experts and sellers;
  • for suspected syphilitic sore throat;
  • before stapedoplasty;
  • when planning pregnancy;
  • for alcoholism and drug dependence;
  • when taking a patient to a medical institution - neurological, psychiatric;
  • before shock wave lithotripsy and laser crushing of kidney stones;
  • when the patient is hospitalized, who has signs or suspected of being infected with syphilis;
  • for suspected neurosyphilis of the nervous system, Alzheimer's disease;
  • before the blood donation procedure.

Contraindications to the use of

There are no contraindications to the implementation of Wassermann's reaction. However, there are a number of factors that can distort the final result of the analysis, therefore it is necessary to carry out Wasserman's reaction in their absence. To such false-positive factors provoking the following factors:

  • first two weeks after delivery;
  • during the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • presence in the body of neoplasms of benign and malignant;
  • high body temperature;
  • inflammatory processes that occur in the body;
  • pneumonia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tuberculosis.

These situations most often cause a distortion of the result of the reaction to the detection of syphilis, so if they are available, do not take the blood for analysis.

Safety of the

method The procedure for taking blood for analysis is absolutely safe, since a sterile instrument is used, the norms for taking blood from the vein are observed.

Preparing for the

procedure Before taking blood for analysis to perform Wasserman's reaction, one should not drink alcohol, smoke, eat fried, sharp, smoked foods for several days( 3-5) until the time of taking blood, and before eatingthe very reaction is to completely give up eating. The delivery of blood for carrying out the Wasserman reaction is carried out strictly on an empty stomach, otherwise the result with a high degree of probability will be false.

Features of the

To conduct blood sampling for Wasserman analysis, the ulnar vein in adults and the occipital vein in infants are used. Also, newborn children can take a blood test from a small incision on the surface of the heel.

The patient for taking blood is seated on a chair or placed on a couch. In order to be more convenient to get a needle into the vein, the hand is developed - with a rubber band wrapped in a vein, the rubber ball is squeezed and unclenched, or the patient squeezes and unclenches the fist.

Then the doctor in rubber gloves takes a blood with a sterile disposable syringe, which is immediately sent for analysis. If there is no possibility of the fastest possible analysis, the blood is placed in a freezer with a temperature regime of -3 - -5 ° C.

The patient does not experience pronounced painful sensations during blood sampling. The procedure lasts about 3-6 minutes. If necessary or dizzy, the patient is asked to lie on the couch for as long as possible to fully regain consciousness and recover.

Explanation of the results

After the procedure of taking blood from the ulnar vein in adults or a vein at the base of the skull in children, the doctor decides which gave the direction for the analysis. In general, decoding looks like a set of pluses that show the degree of probability of the presence of an infected infection in the body.

  • With one plus the probability of syphilis is minimal,
  • with two pluses - hardly positive,
  • with three - positive,
  • and with four pluses - extreme positive.

However, when receiving the result of the analysis, one should not independently establish a diagnosis, since the number of pluses should not always be regarded as the final result. When diagnosing a doctor, not only the positives received during the analysis, but also the presence or absence of concomitant manifestations of the disease are taken into account.

Scheme of Wasserman's reaction

Average cost of

Such a diagnostic procedure, as Wasserman's reaction, is carried out in almost every medical institution with its own laboratory. The duration of the analysis depends on the number of employees and the remoteness of the laboratory.

The quality and exact result of this analysis does not always depend on the cost of the procedure. In a private medical institution, the price of analysis will be higher than in a public institution, where it is possible to pass such an analysis free of charge under a medical policy. On average, the analysis of syphilis( Wasserman reaction) costs from 580 to 1650 rubles.

How to conduct a test for syphilis at home, the video will be described below:

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