Scraping from the skin of the face, head: on fungus, demodectic, oncology

Symptomatic manifestations of dermatological diseases require a set of diagnostic procedures that will allow you to make a final diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. With the appearance of skin peeling, rashes on them and on the mucous membranes, as well as with reddening of the epidermis and increasing the degree of its sensitivity to external stimuli, a dermatologist prescribes scraping from the skin.

This method of diagnosing the skin condition allows you to determine both the presence of skin disease, and the degree of its neglect, shape and make a scheme of therapeutic effect, which will give the most rapid positive results. With the help of such scrapes, the dermatologist receives the maximally detailed picture of the current disease, which has caused the manifestation of characteristic symptoms and worsening of the patient's condition.

What is scraping from the skin

Scraping from the skin is a thin cut from the surface of the skin of a part of the cells, which are then subjected to analysis and study for the presence of a certain infection or virus in them.

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Since dermatological lesions are characterized by a wide variety, scrapings from the skin from any part of the patient's body can be assigned:

  • from the facial skin,
  • of the scalp,
  • of the skin of the body,
  • with the mucosa of the ENT organs, which includes the nose, pharynx, pharynx.

Several types of studies of taken images of skin cells are carried out, which allow obtaining information both on the skin condition of the examined area of ​​the body and the organism in general. After all, it is the skin that first of all signals the problems and failures that are present in it, which should be considered the first symptoms of many internal organic lesions.

On what is scraping from the skin, and how to prepare for it, for example, the video will be described below:

To whom it is prescribed

Skin scraping can be prescribed if certain skin diseases are suspected, accompanied by increased peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis, itsfrequent inflammation and the formation of rashes, wounds and erosions on the surface of the skin. Preliminary analysis for skin diseases is often made after a visual inspection of the affected area, but the diagnosis is clarified by laboratory examination of the skin sample.

This means that scraping from the skin can be prescribed in case of suspected skin lesions, with a clarification of the preset diagnosis and as an additional study that will make it possible to draw up the most complete picture of the current organic disturbance. This type of study can be assigned to both women and men, and adults, as well as children. Simplicity of carrying out this type of taking biological material for the research provides its speed, as well as informativeness.

Why do this procedure and how often?

Execution of scraping from the skin is carried out if necessary to put an accurate diagnosis in case of suspected skin lesions. Usually this method of diagnosis is used when there is a strong suspicion of a fungal infection, which has characteristic manifestations in the form of enhanced skin peeling, the appearance of areas with increased sensitivity, skin flushing.

The frequency of this procedure depends on the effectiveness of the treatment, the regularity of relapses. Fungal skin lesions are often characterized by the complexity of complete cure, a fungus that settles on the skin, even after prolonged and active medical treatment, tends to re-activate as a relapse of the disease. Therefore, scraping from the skin can be prescribed by the treating dermatologist if there is a suspicion of the repeated occurrence of this pathology of the epidermis.

The procedure of scraping from the skin is carried out with the help of special tools that do not cause soreness to the skin of the patient, affecting only the upper layer of the epidermis. The skin particles that are taken for analysis are examined with the help of an intensified microscope, with them a special sowing in a nutrient medium is made, which allows to detect the presence of pathogenic microflora on the skin.

Its kinds of

Taking a scraping from the skin can be prescribed when several skin pathologies are identified. The most effective this method of diagnosis will be in the following cases:

  • in detecting demodecosis;
  • for detection and presence of oncological skin lesions;
  • for the detection of fungal infections of the skin;
  • if suspected of having skin mites;
  • in the process of diagnosing staphylococcal infection in the epidermis.

Scraping from the skin is also taken when determining the type of flora, in case of suspected dermatological infections that develop in the upper layer of the epidermis. These lesions are mainly infectious, therefore their presence is dangerous both for the health of the patient himself and for the people around him.

Indications for

Complaints about certain negative changes in the skin most often lead to the need for scraping from the skin. Referring to a dermatologist with indications such as excessive skin peeling in a particular area of ​​the body, increased sensitivity and hyperemia of the skin, soreness in contact, and a change in the shade of damaged areas of the skin makes it necessary to examine the skin with a scraping from the skin.

The following pathological conditions of the body can also be considered indications for taking a skin scraping:

  • loss of eyelashes and eyebrows;
  • deterioration of the nails and their delamination;
  • frequent formation on the skin of acne and deep furuncles, which can be triggered by the presence on the skin of pathogenic microflora;
  • appearance of rashes on the mucous membrane.

The decision on the need for scraping is taken by a dermatologist on the basis of both an external examination of damaged skin and on the basis of blood tests. It is the skin particles that provide the most information on the state of the epidermis, and in the case of infection in them, one can get the most complete picture of the disease.

Scrapings from the skin to the fungus - the subject of the video below:

Contraindications to the use of

Contraindications to scraping from the skin a little. These include long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers on the skin, increased susceptibility of the skin to external mechanical influences.

Safety procedures

Skin scraping is a diagnostic procedure that allows you to obtain a large amount of necessary information on the condition of the skin and determine the presence of pathogens on its surface. Complete safety for both health and life of the patient is the most important advantage of her.

Absence of penetration into the thickness of the skin and in the subcutaneous tissues of the instrument, exposure only to the upper layer of the epidermis does not allow access to the interior of the organism of possible viruses and infections, without the moment of damage to the integrity of the skin.

Preparing for it

Before taking the scraping from the skin, the surface from which the scraping will be taken must be previously cleaned, dust, dirt, cosmetics and traces of sebum are removed from it. Restrictions in nutrition and fluid intake before the procedure( except for alcohol use) are not available.

For obtaining the most informative results, it is recommended to perform hygiene measures on the site, before applying this procedure, not to apply cosmetic preparations and not to cover the nail plate with varnish. The exclusion of medicines that may affect the results of the study will allow to obtain adequate information about the condition of the examined skin.

How it is carried out

For scraping from the skin a special tool is used that allows you to carefully and painlessly remove the particles of the outer layer of the epidermis, which then go for laboratory analysis. The tool is usually a scalpel, a special spatula, as well as scissors and a needle that is used to take a sample of skin from the nail roller. It is usually used for suspected nail fungus and skin.

Skin samples are taken in places that are more exposed to negative effects. Skin samples are collected in a special container, which is then sent to the laboratory.

Interpretation of results

After passing this diagnostic procedure, the expert deciphers the results obtained during the study. The transcript is made in the laboratory, and then explained to the patient by the attending physician. The dermatologist who prescribes this procedure determines the need for treatment, then the most optimal scheme is chosen.

Average cost of

Skin examination by means of scraping is carried out in specialized medical institutions that investigate skin and diseases that can occur on it.

The average cost is from 550 rubles to 3000 rubles for one procedure, depending on the area of ​​the lesion, the location of the lesion and the price policy of the medical institution.

Technique for taking surface and deep skin scrapings is described in this video:

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