Diarrhea after mineral water from coffee, indigestion( diarrhea) from green tea

Diarrhea is basically a protective reaction of the body, striving to quickly get rid of pathogens, products of putrefaction and fermenting toxins. The main danger of diarrhea is the dehydration of the body, which in children and the elderly in severe cases can lead to death.

Given the importance of maintaining the water balance to ensure the normal course of metabolic processes in the human body, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient supply of fluid. The liquid is consumed in different forms. It can be tea, coffee, juices, water - mineral, carbonated and from a source. However, in some cases, after use, they can cause diarrhea.

Diarrhea after water can be caused by the use of contaminated water or from an unknown source. Usually this kind of liquid stool is called "traveler's illness".After all, in these cases, water can be contaminated with pathogens, which, if ingested into the stomach, disrupt the microflora and provoke diarrhea.

Drinking sweet water in large amounts also leads to diarrhea. This is due to the fact that in the recipe of its production there are substitutes that are not processed in the intestine. As a result, after drinking, the peristalsis of the intestine is intensified, and a fluid accumulates in the lumen, which could not absorb into the walls of the intestine. The result is a loose stool.

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Carbonated water containing a large amount of carbon dioxide, causes irritation of the walls of the stomach, increasing the secretion of gastric juice. Getting into the esophagus, the acid causes heartburn and promotes the formation of erosions and ulcers, accompanied by diarrhea. Mineral water is often used as a drinking water, although initially it was offered purely for therapeutic purposes. The use of mineral water for medicinal purposes should be carried out in strict accordance with medical recommendations.

Any violation, especially when combined with eating fatty foods, allergenic foods or alcohol, can lead to diarrhea after use, and in general to intoxication of the body in severe cases. In this case, diarrhea after mineral water is due to a large intake of cold carbonated beverage or its incorrect dosage.

Another drink, green tea, is useful for diarrhea. However, it has caffeine, which activates the work of the intestines and diarrhea from green tea can be caused after consuming it in large quantities and very strong brewing.

Indigestion from coffee

The drink actively affects the human body and this is associated with a high caffeine content( 1500 mg / l).Under its influence:

  • accelerates cardiac activity;
  • is stimulated by mental and physical performance;
  • improves digestion;

However, the high content of this substance often provokes the development of diarrhea from coffee. Between its use and the process of defecation, there is a certain relationship, it stimulates the intestinal peristalsis. Movement of food in the digestive tract is provided by contraction of muscles, and caffeine serves as a catalyst to accelerate this process, causing the appearance of diarrhea. Therefore, it will be more accurate to talk about diarrhea after coffee. In addition to the catalytic effect on peristalsis, the acidity of the cooked beverage helps to increase the amount of bile, which leads to the development of diarrhea. The appearance of diarrhea after coffee depends on the quality of the drink, the way of preparation and the individual characteristics of the organism.

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