Diarrhea from the geyner, diarrhea from protein

Often when using sports supplements, there are some side effects. The most common of these is the intolerance of individual components. Most often there is diarrhea from the geyner, but he is not the only problem. Sportsmen abusing sports nutrition can suffer from severe flatulence, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, severe headache and deterioration in overall well-being. Similar symptoms appear in case of abuse of geynerami or protein. But this does not mean that you need to completely abandon the use of sports nutrition. What can be done to keep health healthy, and to bring the muscles to a proper state faster?

The consumption of the geyner and proteins gives rise to quite understandable reactions in the body. When a large amount of protein enters the digestive system, it reacts with bacteria that form the basis of the intestinal microflora, rapidly decomposes and rot. The process of decay is accompanied by abundant release of gas, the stool becomes liquid, diarrhea appears. In turn, diarrhea creates a tangible social inconvenience, a person experiences constant discomfort, he prevents to lead an active lifestyle.

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What should I do in this situation? When diarrhea from a protein or a geyner occurs due to an overdose, it is necessary: ​​

  • Reduce the intake of protein. The norm is calculated according to the scheme no more than 30 grams at a time, not more than 300 grams per day. If such a dose of taking a geyner or protein causes diarrhea, it is necessary to reduce the single dose to 15-20 grams.
  • Try to take fermented drugs. They help the pancreas work more efficiently. Proteins in this case will quickly split up into amino acids and enter the bloodstream. Preference should be given to Pancreatin or Abomin. They contain a large amount of protease. Do not be afraid to take digestive enzymes. Recent scientific studies have shown that they can accelerate muscle recovery and growth. Modern producers of geyners and protein cocktails themselves include fermented components in the product described, therefore, when choosing a sports nutrition, it makes sense to study the composition more carefully and choose those products whose formula includes fermented additives.
  • In the case when the use of the geyner led to the appearance of diarrhea, it is worth to drink a course of probiotics.
  • Strong diarrhea from the protein often appears in those who have lactose intolerance. In this case, you need to look for geyners or cocktails without lactose.

Digestive disorders( diarrhea) can cause a large dose of creatine - another component of sports nutrition, diarrhea often occurs due to intolerance to the fat burner and pre-training complex. In any case, the symptoms of an intestinal and stomach disorder are eliminated by reducing the dosage of the drug taken and strictly following the manufacturer's instructions.

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