Cryptitis of the anus - symptoms and treatment, chronic and frontal views, how to treat Proctosan candles, Posterizan and folk remedies during pregnancy?

Inflammation of the blinked crypt( deep in the anal canal), flowing in acute or chronic form, is called a cryptite and is caused by a violation of the order of passage of stool. When the bowels work normally, the feces are moistened and softened by mucus produced by glands located at the bottom of the original crypt sacs before being added to the calves. Violation of the process of mucus production leads to the fact that a feces lump, not sufficiently softened and moistened with mucus, can not completely empty the sac.

The remaining stool particles accumulate, make it difficult and even completely block its exit from the pocket. Undigested food residues in the stool, such as the husks of sunflower seeds, coarse fibers can injure the crypt. In addition, diarrhea or attempts at constipation cause very strong irritations of the intestinal mucosa, provoking outflows of the rectal mucosa and crypts.

The causes of the development of cryptite are:

  1. Presence of such diseases as hemorrhoids, proctitis, paraproctitis or proctosigmoiditis.
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  3. Violation of the defecation process. Pathology of the mucus secretion process.
  4. Consequences of a rectum injury.
  5. Inflammation of the glands of the anal department. In addition to provoking the development of the disease, hypothermia or overheating of the body can occur.

Symptoms and treatment of cryptite

Cryptite, depending on the pathogen, has different forms, but the common signs for them are:

  1. Pain sensations in the anus region during or after defecation.
  2. Moisture of the skin around the anus, a burning sensation and itching.
  3. Small blood discharge during defecation.
  4. Sensation of the presence of a foreign object in the anus.

Symptoms of cryptitis in the acute stage are manifested in more than half, who have fallen ill in the form of acute, burning pains, which, when suppuration become pulsating. In this case, the pain syndrome can be felt in the area of ​​the genitourinary organs, sciatic nerve, coccyx or sacrum. Possible prolonged, for three weeks, constipation, after which the disease can go into a chronic form. Chronic cryptitis is determined by other manifestations of the symptoms of the pain syndrome, which are obtuse and intensified during defecation, during physical exertion and with prolonged lying on the legs.

Treatment of cryptite in the acute phase is primarily to eliminate the factors that triggered the development of the disease. With the establishment of drainage of the crypt and anal glands, a full recovery comes. If the disease occurs without complications, conservative therapy is used, applying dietary nutrition with good cooking, and plenty of food.

The use of laxatives in case of constipation with cryptite is not recommended, as liquefaction of stool leads to profuse defecation, irritatingly affecting the mucosa of the rectum. Cleaning of the rectum is done using enemas. Hygienic measures, including sedentary baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, washing after each emptying of the intestine with warm water, microclysters for the night, are carried out for seven to ten days. It is also effective to use candles in the treatment of cryptite.

Untimely or substandard treatment leads to the formation of complications - paraproctitis, incomplete fistula of the rectum. In this case, surgical intervention is recommended. The operation is necessary and with symptoms of gastritis. Its features are cryptite in pregnancy. After all, in this case, a special therapy scheme is necessary, taking into account the safety of the unborn child. Inflammation of indentations in the rectum, in addition to unpleasant sensations, affects the weakening of immunity, which is fraught with serious complications for a pregnant woman. Therefore at the first signs it is necessary urgently to address to the doctor and to begin immediate treatment.

The defining sign that such a crypt of the anus is the inflammation of the blinker crypt, which is at the top of the rectum and is covered by a flap from the bottom. At the same time, the mouth of the duct of the anal gland comes to the surface of the bottom of the Morganic crypt. With the front cryptitis, when only the crypt is involved in the process, the external examination of the anus does not indicate any changes. Soreness and swelling are determined only by finger research of the crypt itself and rectal examination with the finger of the upper third of the anal canal. How to treat the crypt doctor determines on the basis of differential diagnosis data, using anoscopy, ultrasound perineum, sigmoidoscopy.

Currently, in addition to conservative and surgical treatment of symptoms of cryptite, alternative non-surgical methods are proposed:

  1. Coagulation of affected tissues by directional infrared ray.
  2. Laser method, in which the affected tissues are removed by a directed light flux of point action.
  3. The radio wave method is the most effective and painless. The principle of this method is based on the fact that the directed flow of radio waves provokes a sharp increase in temperature in the pathological cells and the doctor removes the affected tissues. At the same time, scarring of surrounding healthy tissues does not occur, and rapid healing takes place without complications.

Treatment of cryptite with folk remedies

Traditional medicine methods are used as a supplement to traditional methods of therapy, but only after consulting with a doctor. The most effective are sedentary baths with the addition of decoction of medicinal herbs or mummies. The most common herbs from which broths are prepared for the treatment of cryptite are calendula, St. John's wort, millennia. They remove inflammation and have excellent healing effects soda-salt baths taken within 10-15 minutes. Prepare a bath based on the proportion: for 5 liters of warm water for one tablespoon of soda and salt.

Effective in the treatment of chronic cryptite Candlesticks. For the removal of pain and inflammation, suppositories can be with levomitsetinom and krasavki drug. Suppositories with hydrocortisone have an excellent effect for rapid removal of the inflammatory process. Posterizan in the composition, which has a strong anesthetic( lidocaine), instantly relieves pain, eliminates the itching and burning sensation in the anus region, characteristic of the cryptite.

Apply it in the form of ointments or rectal suppositories. With anterior cryptitis with its pronounced clinical manifestations in the form of bleeding, which can be copious, painful, inflammatory, it is very difficult to choose an effective medicine that does not have side effects. The use of cryptite Posterizan, consisting of natural components, improves the functioning of the human immune system, stimulates the healing process of inflamed tissues.

In addition, with chronic cryptitis, the suppositories strengthen the walls of the vessels, stopping bleeding and preventing relapses. After their application, the body becomes more resistant to the effects of pathogens when the disease worsens. The absence of side effects makes it possible to prescribe the drug even to pregnant women and infants. The course of treatment with this drug usually does not exceed three weeks.

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