Varicose veins and hemorrhoids, varicose veins of the pelvic hemorrhoidal veins, treated as related, are they the same?

There is such a thing as varicose hemorrhoids. Do not think that this is a mistake. In fact, the inflammation of the hemorrhoids and the enlargement of the veins of the small pelvis are one and the same. Varicosity of the lower limbs also has a direct relationship to the painful and often bleeding congestion in the intestines and anus. Interconnected ailments are one of the most common diseases that arise due to weakening of the vascular wall. The main reason for the decline in her tone is a violation of the outflow of blood from tricky plexuses under the influence of certain negative factors. Specialists identify several main causes that provoke the development of varicose hemorrhoids:

  • Pregnancy and labor;
  • Unfavorable working conditions( hard physical work, prolonged stay on legs or in a sitting position);
  • Constant constipation;
  • Prevalence in the diet of fatty and coarse food, as well as the abuse of alcoholic beverages.

Usually varicose veins of the small pelvis and an increase in hemorrhoids occur gradually, and for a long time is accompanied by a mild, moderate symptomatology. The signs accompanying the ailment are expressed in the discomfort in the area of ​​the anus, the feeling of raspiraniya, which increase after physical exertion and alcohol consumption. Also, patients feel itching and burning in the perianal area. But this is only the initial manifestations of varicose hemorrhoids. With the progression of the disease, they intensify, and also bleeds of varying intensity are added to them.

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In the event that no adequate treatment is performed, the pathology in a short time can lead to the development of thromboses that carry the threat of death. In the most neglected stages, the inflammatory process easily passes from the nodes to the surrounding tissues, which can provoke necrosis. Diagnosis of varicose hemorrhoids and expansion of veins of the small pelvis during finger and instrumental examination of the perianal region. If palpation shows the condition of only the anal canal, then application in the diagnostic measures of sigmoidoscopy and anoscopy allows to assess the mucous membrane at a depth of 30-35 cm.

How are varicose veins and hemorrhoids related?

Varicose veins always contribute to the formation and further expansion of hemorrhoids. Both these pathologies are one and the same. Their difference lies only in the place of localization. This connection of pathologies is evidenced by the fact that the primary cause of pathological dilatation of the veins of the lower extremities is:

  • Heredity. If the next of kin of the patient suffered from this disease, then he automatically falls into the risk group of varicose hemorrhoids;
  • Age. This factor has a very big impact, as the aging of the body provokes a weakening of the venous tone, and at the same time an increased tendency of the vessels to stretch. Most often, the disease develops as a result of this premise in those people who do not adhere to a healthy lifestyle;
  • Cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. With these problems, blood flow primarily suffers, and blood instead of circulating normally stagnates in one place. This leads to the fact that the veins expand, which contributes to the weakening of their walls and, as a consequence, the development of varicose hemorrhoids;
  • Wearing tight clothing also contributes to the occurrence of this pathology. In this case, the stagnation of blood is affected by constant compression of the vessels, and poor venous blood flow always becomes the cause of hemorrhoids;
  • The risk of varicose veins and hemorrhoids is very high in people who are overweight and pregnant women. In this case, the effect is increased pressure on the organs located in the abdominal cavity, especially the intestine. In addition, for all complete people is inherent in the conduct of a sedentary lifestyle, which is also a direct route to varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Varicose veins, judging by the above symptoms, are not only directly related to the increase in pathological nodes, but also represent the same disease. Only to the risk factors for the development of the disease in the intestine are added stool disorders and negative effects that increase the pressure in the pelvic organs. Experts always note that if a person has a pathological problem with the vessels on his legs, then the probability of developing varicose hemorrhoids on her background becomes simply huge. This contributes to the violation of blood flow in the lower limbs, which quickly leads to stagnation of blood in the walls of the intestine and increase the nodes on them.

Treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoids

The same reasons that cause the expansion of veins and provoke the development of these pathologies suggest the similarity of the conservative therapy used to get rid of them:

  • Drug treatment will stop the symptoms, as the use of vasoprotective drugs( Endotelin, Dioven and Detralex)the basis of systemic therapy, improves blood microcirculation;
  • If there are signs of hemorrhoids in varicose veins, dilated veins of the lower extremities, the same ointments that are used for the legs, for example, Troxevasin, are successfully used in medical measures to eliminate the inflamed nodes. These drugs have the ability to effectively dilute the blood, which is necessary for both diseases.

An important place in complex therapy is physiotherapy, because special exercises effectively carry out the flow of blood from the hemorrhoid cones and enlarged veins of the lower extremities. In addition, a special diet is needed. Correction of food implies the exclusion from the daily menu of fatty, salty and canned foods. Also, with the expansion of veins, which provokes varicose veins and hemorrhoids, spicy spices and alcoholic beverages are banned. People suffering from the development of these pathologies of the lower extremities and intestines, it is necessary to increase the consumption of bread from wholemeal flour, lactic acid products, vegetables and fruits.

In complex therapeutic measures for varicose hemorrhoids, careful treatment of the anus after each defecation and cool baths should be used. This will help to prevent development of irritation sites in pathologies affected by pathology, and, as a result, enhance negative symptoms. It should not be forgotten that conservative therapy for both diseases will be effective only if it is started at the earliest stages. Later stages of their development suggest the appointment of minimally invasive or surgical intervention. All therapeutic measures, as well as determining the stage and nature of the course of the disease and the presence of complications, are the prerogative of the doctor. Only he has the opportunity to make an accurate diagnosis and choose the most effective protocol for the treatment of varicose hemorrhoids.

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