Tsifran and alcohol: compatibility, consequences, whether it is possible to combine, reviews

Any malaise usually brings not only bad health, but also violates all our plans. We have to take a sick leave and stay at home, and instead of the planned gatherings with friends, we will have a handful of tablets and a TV set. Quite a sad picture. And if you still can not resist and take a glass or two after drinking an antibiotic in the morning, maybe there will be no consequences? We will consider whether it is possible to combine the substances in more detail.

Antibiotic Cyfran - what is it for?

Composition of antibacterial and antimicrobial preparation Cyphran is one active substance - ciprofloxacin and a number of excipients.

Ciprofloxacin is considered a truly unique substance because:

  • Virtually no contraindications.
  • May be combined with other antibiotics.
  • shows strong activity against a large number of different bacteria, preventing their growth and reproduction.
  • Suitable for the treatment of protracted and recurrent infections, difficult to treat, including intracellular infections.
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  • Provides the desired effect even at the lowest dosage.
  • Keeps the intestinal flora.
  • Due to the lightning effect of Cyfran, the resistance of bacteria to therapy does not have time to develop.

Assign this drug in case of infection and the development of inflammation of various organs:

  • of the respiratory tract - pneumonia, lung abscess, pleurisy, acute and chronic bronchitis, pulmonary diseases and suffering from cystic fibrosis;
  • ENT organs - sinusitis, otitis, mastoiditis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis;
  • of the urinary tract - pyelonephritis, prostatitis, cystitis, acute and chronic infections of the urogenital organs;
  • of the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, typhoid fever, salmonellosis;
  • infections of the skin and soft tissues - ulcers, wounds, infected burns, erysipelas;
  • gynecological infections and sexually transmitted diseases - gonorrhea, syphilis;
  • infections of bones and joints - osteomyelitis, septic arthritis.

Interaction of Cyfrane and alcohol

Drinking alcoholic beverages when curing for any infectious diseases, of course, should not be. In particular, this refers to antibacterial therapy. As for such a strong drug as Cyphran, as a result of interaction with alcohol, two different effects can manifest themselves:

Strengthening the action of ethanol. The parallel use of an antibiotic and a beverage that has ethanol in the composition will enhance the effect of the latter, and intoxication will increase many times, which can completely lead to alcohol poisoning.

Weakened action of the drug. As a result, the necessary therapeutic dose of the active substance in the blood is not achieved, and the drug simply does not work, which is extremely detrimental to the infected organism.

The fact that both drugs and alcohol are metabolized in the liver and then excreted by the kidneys, does not know, unless, a child of a kindergarten age. A double load on the liver during the treatment and alcoholic libations will easily lead to drug hepatitis. You need to consume the medicine anew, for a long time and certainly without participation in this process of alcoholic beverages.


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In addition to drug-induced hepatitis in the distant future or a severe allergic reaction in the present, the patient may well get a whole bunch of complications from taking an antibiotic in combination with alcohol

So it will be from a similar combination of alcohol with Cyphrane? The consequences are as follows:

  • severe headache or dizziness, which are usually attributed to intoxication;
  • abdominal pain and bowel disorder;
  • increased pressure and increased heart rate.

When can I drink?

Another popular question regarding the use of alcohol during antibiotic treatment - through how much can you already attend parties and feasts with spirits? The answer should be sought in the instruction, and it says that Cyphran has a sufficiently long half-life, during which the remains of the active substance are found in the body fluids.

For example, therapeutic doses of Cyphrane can be detected in the urine after 24 hours after taking the medication. Therefore, after completing the course of treatment with Cyfran, it is worthwhile to wait at least two days with alcohol, so that during this time the drug managed to be completely metabolized and removed from the body. The doctors' comments say the same - there is no compatibility for these substances, and the recommended terms should be strictly adhered to.


As a rule, the course of treatment with strong antibiotics rarely exceeds the two-week threshold. Therefore, it is worth waiting for these two weeks to allow the body to get rid of the infection. Do not load your only liver with a double work on detoxification of drugs and ethanol. A glass of beer or a glass of cognac is hardly worth the problems that will have to be dealt with after such a combination.

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