Cialis and alcohol: compatibility, instructions, consequences, reviews

Excellent potency for men is one of the most important indicators of its solvency. Therefore, when problems arise in this area, many people start taking drugs like Viagra or Cialis, which significantly increase the potency. But in situations where a man is required to be "fully armed", drinking often takes place, for example, drinking wine or champagne during a romantic evening with a partner. Therefore, it is quite justified that men are interested in the possibility of drinking alcohol together with Cialis.

Cialis and alcohol

So, Cialis refers to drugs prescribed to men in case of erectile problems and disorders. The main working component of the drug is tadalafil - this substance helps to relax the arteries of the penis, which leads to an improvement in the blood supply of the organ and is manifested by a high-quality and very long erection. According to the responses of men, Cialis is a kind of wand-help, helping to return many representatives of the strong half of the joy of sexual relations.

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The pharmacodynamic effect of Cialis is explained simply. When a man develops sexual arousal, then nitrogen oxide is released. Under the influence of tadalafil, the arterial tract relaxes in the smooth muscle tissues, causing the blood flow to the penis to increase significantly and an erection appears. If the sexual excitement is absent, then the drug Cialis is useless.

In healthy patients, taking the drug does not cause BP changes, does not change the frequency of myocardial contractions. Numerous studies have shown that the drug has no effect on spermatogenetic processes and qualitative characteristics of the seminal fluid, does not change the hormonal background, does not change the level of androgens. But can it be taken with alcohol?
Principle of action of the preparation Cialis:


As for alcohol, its main substance is ethanol, which is the strongest toxin, which adversely affects all organic structures. Alcohol provokes toxic poisoning of the organism, causes biochemical and physiological disturbances in its activity. It is interesting that everyone knows about this influence of alcohol, however, many are not afraid for health and drink alcohol. Do not spare the ethanol and man's reproduction.

Under the influence of alcohol:

  • The quality of seminal fluid drops significantly;
  • Erectile possibilities decrease;
  • Sexual desire is significantly weakened, etc.

Cialis is used to eliminate such disorders. Some men after using a certain portion of alcohol, on the contrary, there are erectile improvements, increased excitement, there is some inflow of sexual energy, there is confidence in their own purely male attractiveness.

Is the drug compatible with ethanol? In general, studies show that the compatibility of alcohol with Cialis is possible, which is considered a very noticeable plus of the drug. If alcohol is consumed in moderate doses, it will not adversely affect the therapeutic effect of Cialis. If the man is not moderate in alcohol consumption, then he will have to forget about taking the drug.


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Possible consequences

Cialis, according to experts, is considered one of the most powerful drugs for increasing the sexual capabilities of men. Especially popular with him is the possibility of combining with small quantities of alcohol. Many men have experienced the combination of the drug with alcohol and believe that Cialis works perfectly even with this combination.

However, the lack of influence on the effectiveness of the drug does not mean that there is no negative effect on the body. If this combination is repeated at times, then there may not be a negative reaction, however, with regular simultaneous administration of Cialis with alcohol, the consequences can become unpredictable.

Its effect will be more mild and will not cause adverse reactions that occur when taking conventional Cialis:

  • Muscle pain;Dizziness or headache;
  • Tides of blood to the head;
  • Dyspeptic disorders;
  • Rapid heart rate;
  • Tachycardia Symptoms;
  • Pressure jumps( very rare);
  • Signs of shortness of breath;
  • Pathologically long erection;
  • Hives;
  • Fainting condition;
  • In isolated cases, ischemic attacks and even sudden death.

Similar reactions to the drug are relatively rare, however, when combined with hot drinks, the likelihood of such effects increases manyfold.

Admission regulations

According to the instructions for use Cialis is recommended to take a pill, a maximum of once a day, about half an hour before the alleged sexual contact. The effect begins in about half an hour. The drug lasts approximately 36 hours.

If you do not exclude the combination of alcohol with Cialis tablets, then a similar question should be discussed with a doctor who will determine the necessary dosage, if combined with alcohol it does not cause unforeseen complications. If alcohol is taken infrequently and in small amounts, then the man should not have problems. Sometimes the combination of Cialis with the use of alcohol can lead to the lack of therapeutic effect of the drug.

Small doses of alcohol are allowed both before and after taking the medication, however, provided that they are not prohibitive. Although Cialis and helps restore an erection in men, even in the most neglected cases, it is not recommended to take a special interest in its joint reception with hot drinks. In addition, it is impossible to accept it arbitrarily. Any drug should be appointed by a specialist who determines the dosage and the regimen of administration.


So, we sum up. Studies on Cialis have shown that its effectiveness does not depend on the consumption of alcohol and fatty foods( provided that alcohol is consumed in small amounts).But remember that both substances, both ethanol, and Cialis, have a systemic effect - they both contribute to the expansion of the vascular walls, which contributes to a decrease in pressure. Therefore, even in the absence of a negative effect when mixing such a drug with alcohol, it is better to avoid such a "cocktail".

But if these portions are repeatedly exceeded, then there are no guarantees that the evening will pass as planned, and the man will be able to show the partner unprecedented sexual abilities. Do not forget about the general organic negative influence that alcohol has. If you really want to get drunk, then you have to choose - either a stormy night or a drunken drunkenness.

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