Flemoxin Solutab and alcohol: interaction, can I drink at the same time, the consequences

Antibiotic therapy is used today in the treatment of a variety of infectious pathologies of bacterial origin. Antimicrobials block the development of certain microorganisms or completely destroy specific bacterial species. Among antibiotics of the latest generation, which are very popular among doctors for fewer side effects, Flemoxin Solutab deserves attention. But can you drink it with alcohol?

Flemoxin Solutab and alcohol

Such a preparation belongs to semisynthetic penicillins and is characterized by a fairly wide-spectrum effect. Flemoxin Solutab is effective against streptococcal, staphylococcal, meningococcal bacteria, clostridia, Helicobacter pylori, etc. The main active ingredient of Flemoxin is amoxicillin. It acts on pathogenic microorganisms and breaks down in their cells real exchange processes.

The drug is available in tablet form. It acts on microorganisms, however, does not affect the activity of the cellular structures of the human body. Flemoxin soluteab prevents the final formation of a bacterial macromolecule, as a result of the drug's action, the walls of bacterial molecules are destroyed, and the bacterium simply dies. Undoubted advantage of the drug is its harmlessness for organic structures and the absence of harm for the normal course of biochemical cellular processes.

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On the video review of the preparation Flemoxin Solutab:


Flemoxin Solutab is prescribed for the emergence of infectious and inflammatory pathologies provoked by microorganisms that are sensitive to amoxicillin.

This can include infectious lesions:

  • Gastrointestinal system;
  • Respiratory structures;
  • Soft-tissue and dermal infections;
  • Pathologies of the genitourinary system.

Flemoxin Solutab is an acid-fast antibiotic bactericide. But when interacting with alcohol, there is a violation of the metabolic processes of the drug in the hepatic tissues. Alcohol causes biotransformation processes of the drug, which is associated with hepatic lesions that are available to people who drink. In addition, when interacting with alcohol, the risk of developing encephalopathic processes is great.

Possible consequences

Alcohol affects all body structures, it lowers immune defense, which prevents the body from resisting infection.

As a result of combining Flemoxin Solutaba with alcohol, such complications can arise:

  • Disturbances in the digestive system. The patient is disturbed by vomiting and vomiting, he refuses even water. Often there is diarrhea, which worries for several days. When combining the drug with alcohol can occur jaundice of a cholestatic nature.
  • Circulatory disturbances. After combination with alcohol, Flemoxin soluteab can provoke bleeding in the gastrointestinal organs, from the nose, thrombocytopenia can form, which is fraught with cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Disorders in the genitourinary system. Due to the combination of an antibiotic with alcohol, kidney tubules can become inflamed, malignant processes develop in the urinary and renal tissues. There is general organic malaise, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, etc.
  • Nervous system disorders. The drug is characterized by the presence of some adverse reactions, manifested in the irritability of patients, impaired consciousness. And after a combination with alcohol can develop a serious depression, insomnia, epileptic seizures, nonsense and even acute psychosis.

Therefore, experts strongly do not advise combining hot drinks with the reception of this antibiotic.


Elena Malysheva:

"Is Alcoholism Cured? Yes! Use an effective home remedy. .. "

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Through how much can alcohol after treatment?

The dosage of the medicine is determined by the doctor who prescribes it. Usually therapy lasts no more than 10 days. Flemoxin soluteab is taken on a pill twice a day. Meals absolutely do not affect the absorption of the drug, so it can be taken regardless of food.

It is strictly forbidden to take alcohol during the course of antibiotic therapy - the substances are not compatible. Even after the termination of treatment it is necessary to refrain from hot drinks for at least a week. If alcohol has already been used, then the antibiotic treatment can begin only after a couple of days, when the alcohol is finally removed from the body.


So, combining antibiotic therapy Flemoxin Solutaba with the use of alcoholic beverages is unacceptable and can be life threatening. Doctors in regard to this combination are categorical - you can not combine. Even after the end of treatment, at least a week should refrain from consuming hot drinks.

Here is one doctor's opinion about the combination of alcohol with Flemoxin Solutab:

Therefore, combining alcohol with a drug such as Flemoxin soluteba is not categorical, otherwise the consequences can become irreversible.

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