Treatment of hemorrhoids in women, how quickly to cure hemorrhoids, which doctor to go to, methods( methods) of first aid, what to do?

To which doctor should a woman be treated with hemorrhoids? If this issue has become relevant, it is worthwhile to thoroughly understand it. Hemorrhoids are part of the group of diseases of the rectum. Therefore, all the manifestations that make up his clinical picture belong to the field of proctology. If a woman finds herself in the characteristic painful formations in the anal canal and recorded the allocation of blood from the anus, then all questions about her condition she needs to ask a coloproctologist. This is exactly the doctor who treats hemorrhoids in both women and men, regardless of sex. According to international standards, it is now customary to call doctors-proctologists. And most of them are men. Here we must forget about the awkwardness and false shame, discard all unreasonable constraints and go to a specialist who not only knows how to treat hemorrhoids, but he will be able to cure him, moreover, at any stage. The doctor who treats hemorrhoids will treat his patient with great attention and will not allow any banter over her condition.

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To whom to address a woman with hemorrhoids?

"The doctor for hemorrhoids" - a narrow specialization, not every polyclinic and hospital, especially in the villages, has staff of this profile. In this case, a woman needs to consult a therapist if the disease is chronic, or take a referral to a surgeon in an acute process. But the gynecologist should not go - the treatment of hemorrhoids in women, this doctor does not produce. In the treatment of female hemorrhoids, a vascular doctor is also competent. Inflammation of hemorrhoids - a pathology of rectum veins. Therefore, you can safely turn to a phlebologist or angiologist, which is the same thing. Efficient treatment is directly related to the nutrition of a woman. It will be useful advice and nutritionist. Against the background of a regulated diet, the symptoms will quickly subside. After the stifling of the acute process, an instrumental study should be conducted. The doctor to properly treat hemorrhoids in a woman in each specific case will require data on the extent and nature of the course of the disease. Treatment requires an individual approach. After all, the doctor's task is to correctly diagnose, select the necessary technique and successfully apply it to get a good result. In proctology from a cannon on sparrows do not shoot, the treatment of hemorrhoids in women at an early stage is different from helping with a neglected form.

Methods for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women

Conservative, otherwise drug therapy is used at the first two degrees to alleviate the condition during an exacerbation, that is, as a temporary measure. Basically, this is a local treatment of internal or external hemorrhoids. At the phenomena of a thrombosis apply such ointments, as Venobene, Gepatrombin, Gelpan, containing thrombolytic components. Women are important to remember that they can provoke bleeding. To treat inflamed hemorrhoids is better than hormone-containing Aurobinum, Ultraproject, Posterizan Fort, Proctosedil. The last three drugs are also in the form of rectal suppositories, shown with internal hemorrhoids. The swelling will decrease - the pain will go away. When bleeding, a good effect results in the application of the hemostatic sponge Spongostan or Tachocomb. Convenient for women and gauze lotions with a solution of Androkson. But this is not a budget line. With a restriction in funds, it is better to pay attention to suppositories and Relief Advance ointment, which contain a rapidly healing shark oil. Stop minor bleeding can be a lotion with Etamsilate, Dicinone, Vikasol and even calcium chloride. From the suppositories for anesthesia and treatment, anesthetics Anestezol, Olesesin, Anuzol. What to do if the hemorrhoids came out unexpectedly, the woman is at the grandmother in the village, and in the medicine cabinet only an old methyluracil ointment? Definitely, apply. A proven effective remedy will relieve inflammation and heal the wound. If a woman has chronic venous insufficiency and has problems with veins on her legs besides hemorrhoids, the doctor can advise the use of venotensive agents( angioprotectors): Detralex, Flebodei, Troxevasin, Venoruton( in tablets), Procto-Glivenola( suppositories or ointment).

Minimally invasive, otherwise with minimal penetration of the physician's hands, interventions are performed using an anoscope and used only for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids. The condition of their application is the absence of inflammation and anal fissures. In the early( first) stage, when the cones are still small in size, sclerotherapy proved to be very successful. In the hemorrhoidal formations a syringe is injected, the action of which is directed at stopping the blood supply of cones with further dying and falling away. This method of treatment is not very traumatic, even in the case of fragile veins, suitable for elderly women. It is useful when you need to process several plexes at the same time.

Since recent time, infrared photocoagulation is popular, effective for bleeding complications of 1 and 2 degrees. Treatment is a point cauterization of the foot of the formation of a coagulant. During one procedure, only one lump is affected. Manipulation is quite painful, you need anesthesia.

No less popular is ligation with latex rings. Also performed in the conditions of the polyclinic at the 2nd and 3rd degrees. The elastic ring tightly grips the leg of the fallen hemorrhoidal node, blocking access to the blood vessel. Within 14 days there is a process of withering away of the cone tissue and ends with its rejection together with a ring. Ligation does not apply if the inner hemorrhoid is closely adjoined by the outer one.

The minimum percentage of relapses gives a new Japanese method for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women - desarteration or suture ligation. The ultrasonic sensor( doppler) detects arteries, blood supplying the plexus. The surgeon's task is to put seams on them and bandage them. Dropped cones are corrected, stitched and fixed in the rectum. After a month, the suture material dissolves. The operation requires local anesthesia, most often spinal anesthesia is used. Desarterization allows you to cope with hemorrhoids 1-3 degrees.

Proctology know-how - Longo's hardware method. During surgery, part of the rectal mucosa is excised and sutured with titanium staples. Plexus is not removed, but pulled up. Deprived of blood flow, rapidly reduced, and later overgrown with connective tissue. The anal canal is restored anatomically. Longo intervention is considered to be sparing, pain usually does not happen, analgesics are not required in the postoperative period, on the 5th day after the treatment, a woman can go to work. All minimally invasive interventions can cure internal hemorrhoids quickly provided the doctor's error-free operation and compliance with recommendations in a restorative( very short) period.

The thrombosed hemorrhoidal site delivers to the woman difficult sufferings. First aid for external complicated female hemorrhoids - removal of coagulated blood from the fallen plexus. The doctor makes a 5 mm incision and removes the clot.7-10 minutes of operative time will be required to clean the bump and to stop acute pain.

External hemorrhoids doctors are usually advised to treat as long as possible conservative therapy and apply a scalpel only with a significant decrease in quality of life. One can understand a woman who wants to remove a bump for aesthetic reasons, even if she does not bother with anything other than her size. But the doctor, most likely, will not support her in this and will offer therapeutic treatment. How long is hemorrhoids treated with dosage forms? The recovery can take 2 weeks, and maybe a month.

Hemorrhoidectomy is performed in a hospital strictly according to the indications at the late( 4th) and advanced grade 3.During surgery, all the altered tissue is radically removed, and the blood vessels are ligated. This method of treatment remains the most in demand today, despite the active introduction of new minimally invasive technologies. A woman of working age necessarily cares how long it will take to recover from a surgical procedure? On average, the rehabilitation period lasts up to 3 weeks, the wounds heal longer - 3-7, sometimes 10 weeks. But experienced proctologists give the best guarantees of recovery in favor of this method.

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