Congestive gastritis

Congestive gastritis - a violation of the functions of the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. It is accompanied by the transfer of food to the small intestine. Often, patients can not independently identify the symptoms of this disease, so it is necessary only a comprehensive examination with a doctor.

The main causes of this disease are bad habits( smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.) and peptic ulcer.

Is bleeding possible with congestive gastritis?

Yes, it is possible. Blood loss can be of two types: acute and chronic. In the first case, therapy is prescribed, and intravenous drugs are administered. In chronic bleeding, drip administration of p-blockers is effective. But only in the absence of contraindications. In any case, only the doctor will prescribe the right treatment.

Causes of development of congestive gastritis:

  • bad habits;
  • excessive use of aspirin;
  • effect of alkaline liquids;
  • various bacteria;
  • constant stress.

Main symptoms and treatment

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Acute pain and discomfort in the stomach, a feeling of heaviness after each meal, nausea, vomiting, heartburn. The most dangerous symptom of congestive gastritis is the occurrence of erosions( ulcers) on the mucous membrane of the stomach. In this case, the blood supply of the body gradually deteriorates. It is often difficult to identify symptoms, the disease is asymptomatic. A person may even not suspect of its presence. You can detect the disease only after the appearance of bleeding. And this is complications.

Often susceptible to infection with congestive gastritis:

  • people of advanced age;
  • women;
  • people smoking;
  • persons suffering from arthritis.

If symptoms persist, seek medical attention immediately. Timely treatment will help avoid pathologies and bleeding. Most often, the onset of this disease provokes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Therefore, in order to avoid the appearance of this disease, it is urgent to stop using them. Correct treatment will be prescribed only by an experienced doctor. Do not delay the visit to the hospital, congestive gastritis is a rather dangerous disease. It must be treated. Prevention includes the use of antisecretory drugs, which suppress the effect of the acid factor on the walls of the stomach.

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