Polyps in the nose in children and adults: symptoms, causes, photos, diagnosis and treatment

If it is noticed that colds happen quite often, the common cold goes into a chronic form, and, in general, there is discomfort associated with breathing through the nose, it should be checked for the presence of benign formations in the nasal passages and sinuses, which are called polyps.

Definition of

In the sinuses of the nose, benign lesions arise.

In the photo you can see what the polyp looks like in the nose in adults and children

Inflammations are of a very different nature. Polyps are born in the sinuses of the nose and with further spreading occupy space in the respiratory passages.

This phenomenon occurs in adults and children. In men, it is three times more common than in women.

Causes of the occurrence of

Why polyps in the nasal tract are beginning to be created in the body, there are supposed answers.

  • As a consequence of the chronic infectious processes , the mucous membrane reacts to this phenomenon and thus develops a protective mechanism, increasing its area. Diseases that can provoke the polyp process:
    instagram viewer
    • rhinitis,
    • sinusitis,
    • front.

    Nasal mucosa problems leading to the formation of formations are also able to cause:

    • fungal infection,
    • Staphylococcus aureus.
  • In a separate group, cases are distinguished when polyps were formed as a result of allergic reactions to substances which are specific irritants for a particular person:
    • home dust,
    • medications,
    • flower pollen,
    • animal hair
    • and other allergens.

    The mechanism of the disease is the same as in the first case: first there is inflammation of the mucosa, and then with time, when its protective functions begin to weaken, it can initiate the creation of polyps to increase the area of ​​the mucosa, as if to strengthen its functions.

  • If a person has congenital obstruction in the structure of the nose for full breathing, then this also includes a mechanism for the appearance of polyps. There may be such anomalies:
    • nasal passages are too narrow, the
    • septum has a curvature.

The difficulty created by such a structure, promotes the appearance of inflammation of the mucosa. And long-term inflammatory processes can cause polyposis. The same situation happens if a disorder in the structure of the nose appears as a result of an injury.

Symptoms of the disease in adults and children

Polyps in the nose do not cause pain, therefore it is often impossible to suspect of the onset of the process of their formation in time.

Symptoms appear when polyps reach such a size that they create tangible obstacles to the breathing process.

Signs of the presence of polyps in the nasal passages:

  • deterioration of the sense of smell or loss of it,
  • disruption in the work of the taste buds,
  • nasal congestion, which is initially intermittent but gradually changes into a chronic form;
  • frequent colds,
  • constant discharge from the nose, often with purulent inclusions;
  • change in voice timbre, the appearance of a nasal;
  • frequent sneezing,
  • severe discomfort from shortness of breath - such a problem occurs when the formations acquire significant dimensions;
  • is a headache that occurs as a consequence of the fact that the brain does not receive enough oxygen.

Tip to parents, what to look for in order to prevent the development of large polyps:

  • constantly open mouth,
  • nasolabial folds have a flattened view,
  • the jaw of the child slightly hangs.

What are the dangerous polyps in the nose?

The formation in the nasal passages creates conditions for such phenomena:

  • Difficulties in leaving the contents from the sinuses initiates inflammation of the mucosa, which in turn reinforces the process of creating new polyps.
  • Overgrowth polypous structures can completely block respiratory passages. In this case, breathing through the nose becomes impossible. A person experiences extreme discomfort and breathes through the mouth. This case requires urgent surgical intervention.
  • Polyps are benign entities. The greatest danger lies in the fact that they are able to degenerate into cancer tumors.

Stages of

Specialists distinguish three stages in the development of the process of polyp formation:

  • Small polyps. They create a little palpable discomfort.
  • The dimensions of the formations have reached a level that overlap the nasal passages to a large extent.
  • Polyps completely closed the airways in the nose. Breathing is only through the mouth.

How to identify the disease?

Methods for diagnosis of polyps in the nose:

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
  • can be used and computed tomography,
  • to determine and study the problem is well suited method of video endoscopy.

Treatment of nasal polyps in adults and children

A very important factor for the successful treatment of polyps in the sinuses of the nose is their timely detection and assistance.

At the stage where education is small it is possible to apply medication and to dispense with surgery.

When polyps are large, the operation becomes an obligatory measure. Good reviews are given to complex treatment, which affects the cause of the formation of polyps.

Methods of treatment for children and adults do not have any special differences.


Polyps are amenable to drug treatment only in the early stages of development. In other cases, this type of treatment can only be a supplement in complex treatment.

Drug treatment is aimed at eliminating conditions that provoke the creation of benign formations.


  • sanation of the cavity from infection,
  • drying of the mucosa,
  • if allergic rhinitis is present - treat it;
  • therapy, restoring normal microcirculation of the surfaces of the nasal passages;
  • restoration of immunity.

To achieve therapeutic effect, such medicines are used:

  • ozone-ultraviolet sanation,
  • turundas, which have an anti-inflammatory ointment applied;ointment can carry an appointment, pull pus from the sinuses;
  • inhalation with saline solutions and other formulations,
  • laser therapy,
  • hormonal sprays or drops that have a curative anti-polype effect;local application does not affect the entire body as a whole and does not constitute a threat of negative consequences.


Operations that are currently used to remove polyps from nasal passages:

  • Loop removal is a traditional operation. It is more traumatic for the mucosa than other types of surgical intervention. Polyps are pulled out by a loop together with a part of the mucosa. The operation involves long healing of the injured surface, observation of the doctor and the possibility of relapse.
  • Using a laser - the operation involves evaporation of water from the formations. After the dehydrated polyp shells are removed.
  • Endoscopic is an operation for the removal of pathology with the help of endoscopic instruments and a microchamber, which displays the picture of the operation on the monitor.


This method is used as an adjunct to the main treatment. To help cardinally, he can at the initial stages and if the patient shows discipline and perseverance. Any appointment must be agreed with a specialist.

Applied plants:

  • celandine,
  • St. John's wort,
  • sea-buckthorn,
  • thuya,
  • Ledum.


The measures that can prevent the appearance of polyps in the nose include:

  • Consultation of a dietitian about making up the menu. The general recommendations are: to exclude or reduce in the diet the amount of products that cause the body to form mucus( milk and others).
  • If a person is prone to allergic diseases, then it is necessary to identify the allergen and do so that to exclude it from the environment of the patient.
  • Ensure that the place of residence is in a favorable ecological environment.
  • Do not allow chronic inflammatory processes in the body, in time to treat them.
  • For discomfort associated with breathing through the nose, which does not go away or appears more often, you should consult a specialist.

The most important thing about nasal polyps in this video:

Do I need to remove polyps in the nose, the following video will tell about it:

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