Neurinoma of the auditory nerve: causes, symptoms, conservative treatment, removal and postoperative period

Neurinoma is considered to be one of the most common types of tumor diseases. It is benign in nature and develops from Schwann cells located in the myelin sheath. As a rule, such formations affect the auditory nerve. If you do not go to the doctor on time, the consequences can be the most serious.

What is neurinoma of the auditory nerve

This is a benign formation that develops, as a rule, in the vestibular area of ​​the auditory nerve. Usually neurinoma appears in people of middle or advanced age.

In children, a similar pathology does not occur, at least until puberty.

The disease is diagnosed in approximately 10% of all intracranial tumors. Neurinoma is formed from Schwann cells and develops in the cerebellar-bridge corner.

As a rule, it presses on the internal auditory meatus, the bridge of the brain, the cerebellum, which makes it possible to diagnose the disease at an early stage. In this case, the severity of symptoms is determined by the size of the neurinoma.

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There are three stages of development of pathology:

  • 1 stage. In this case, the size of education is no more than 2 cm. Pathology is accompanied by hearing disorders and disruption of the vestibular apparatus. There may be problems in the work of taste buds, a small paresis of the facial nerve.
  • 2nd stage. Education reaches the size of a walnut. In this case, the signs are more pronounced: coordination of movements can be disturbed, sharp movements of eyeballs are observed.
  • 3rd stage. Education in size resembles a chicken egg. Symptoms are caused by sudden compression of the brain. Nystagmus develops, hydrocephalus, visual impairment.

How is the treatment of absences in adults can be found in this article.

Read more about the main symptoms and treatment of tension headaches here.

Causes of the disease

Reliable causes of neurinoma of the auditory nerve have not yet been established. There is reason to argue that this process is affected by genetic predisposition.

The child can inherit from the parents abnormal genes responsible for the development of a similar tumor. In especially severe cases, neurofibromatosis develops - in this case, neurinomas are observed in different parts of the body, including the auditory nerve.

Symptoms of

For this type of neurin characterized by such signs:

  • Gradual hearing loss in one ear. The hearing in the second ear remains normal.
  • Loss of the ability to recognize sounds. Especially often this problem is observed during a telephone conversation.
  • Appearance of a ringing in one ear.
  • Pain sensations are not always observed. Sometimes patients complain of a feeling similar to the effect of an electric current, at the time of palpation of the formation.
  • If the tumor does not affect sensory nerves, then there are no neurological problems.

As the education grows, symptoms may increase.

In this case, there are:

  • Problems with coordination of movements and balance.
  • Weakness of the facial muscles on one side.
  • Numbness and tingling of the face.
  • Severe headaches.
  • Confusion. If this symptom arises, the tumor presents a serious danger to life.


First of all, the doctor conducts a questioning of the patient, studies the history of his illness, performs a survey of the ears and nervous system.

The basic diagnostic procedures include the following:

  • MRI( magnetic resonance imaging).This examination is performed on the basis of the use of magnetic waves, which allows you to take a snapshot of the brain. With this technique, there is an opportunity to reveal neurin at an early stage of its development.
  • Computed tomography. It is carried out with the use of contrast medium. Using this type of study, it is possible to detect formations larger than 1.5 cm.
  • Audiogram. With this procedure, it is possible to measure the hearing in each ear.
  • Electronstagmography. During this study, warm and cold water is injected into the ear canal. Air can also be used. After that, fix and evaluate the results of eye movement and dizziness.
  • Auditory test for brain stem reaction. With the help of this procedure it is possible to measure the speed of electrical impulses directed to the brain by the inner ear. If there is a neurinoma, then this study will show deviations from the normal state.
  • Radiography. With its help, you can see the changes in bone structures that are caused by the development of the tumor.
  • Ultrasound examination. The most accessible and absolutely safe method, allowing to see changes in soft tissues in the education area.
  • Biopsy. It is an invasive method that involves the removal of a certain part of the education. This is done in order to obtain tissue samples and conduct a histological examination.

Another unpleasant tumor in addition to neurinoma of the auditory nerve is rightly considered the meningioma of the frontal lobe of the brain. This tumor is difficult to treat, in contrast to neurinoma.

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Methods of treatment

The choice of treatment tactics depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body and the severity of the symptoms.

Three directions of pathology treatment can be distinguished:

  • Expectant tactics.
  • Surgical intervention.
  • Radiation therapy.

Conservative treatment

Expectant tactics should be used in such situations:

  • formation is small;
  • signs of the disease are absent or slightly expressed;
  • the state of human health and its elderly age do not allow for an operation.

In such cases, the progress of education is monitored. To determine the rate of its growth, it is necessary to conduct a regular tomography and to investigate the hearing of a person.

If the neurinoma increases in size, and the hearing rapidly deteriorates, you need to start more active methods of treatment.

Various medicines can be used to alleviate the condition:

  • analgesics;
  • is a diuretic;
  • is an anti-inflammatory.

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment consists in the removal of the neurinoma of the auditory nerve. It is very important not to break the integrity of the facial nerve. Such interference helps to prevent hearing loss.

An operation is performed under general anesthesia. During this procedure, the incision and trepanation of the skull is performed.

Thanks to the use of trans-labyrinth access and the latest microsurgical instruments, the surgeon has the ability to make very precise movements.

If the tumor size is not more than 2 cm, then it is possible to almost completely preserve the hearing.

If the neurinoma is large, surgical intervention is performed through the posterior cranial fossa. This method is considered more traumatic. In particular, the threat of damage to the facial nerve is significantly increased.

After the operation for several days a person is under observation. The recovery usually goes from six months to a year.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is an effective method of treatment of neurinoma. The most commonly used "gamma knife".This procedure does not require any cuts: radiation comes exactly to the place where the tumor is located. The process is completely painless.

Radiation therapy is performed in order to prevent further development of the tumor. Also, a gamma knife can be used to irradiate the remaining tumor after surgery. This allows you to keep intact healthy tissue.

However, radiation therapy has certain side effects: nausea, pain in the neck, in the long-term period there is a worsening of hearing. In some cases, paralysis of the facial nerve occurs.

Treatment of neurinoma of the auditory nerve by folk methods is not common, due to its specific location. The application of these methods is possible during the period of remission for the speedy recovery of the body.

Postoperative period

After surgical intervention, a course of treatment with medicinal products is prescribed. Its task is to maintain the state of the organism in norm and to restore the lost functions of the brain. Rehabilitation measures are also very important: medical gymnastics, physiotherapy, special diet.

It should be borne in mind that a surgical method of treatment can cause certain complications. These include bleeding, infection, complications after anesthesia. There is also a threat of hearing loss. Sometimes paralysis of the facial nerve is observed.

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Consequences and prognosis of

In general, the prognosis for this disease is very favorable. Since neurinomas grow slowly enough, conservative therapies can be used for a long time.

If neurinoma is located in a favorable place for surgery, it can be completely removed and does not cause any negative effects on the body.

Prevention measures

Because the reasons for the development of this education are not fully understood, there are no effective measures to prevent its development.

A neurinoma of the auditory nerve is called a benign tumor that often causes a worsening of hearing. In neglected cases, such education may pose a serious threat to life.

Therefore, if you have any symptoms, you should immediately contact a qualified specialist who will be able to choose the right treatment.

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