Enema of worms for children and adults, how to do at home( video), does the folk remedy help in the exile of helminths?

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One of the most popular methods of treating worms are enemas. Practically proved and scientifically proved is the high efficiency of this procedure, which is adopted by many specialists-parasitologists and pediatricians. Enema from worms helps not only to expel parasites, but also to rid the body of toxic products of their vital activity.

In this case, do not forget, the enema against helminths does not always help, in addition - it's a purely medical procedure, so before you do it to children or an adult, you need to consult a doctor. In addition to the general recommendations, the doctor will tell you how to make it at home, so that the worms come out, and select the appropriate composition of the solution, taking into account the specific nature of the disease and the characteristics of the organism.

How to make an enema from worms?

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to wash the intestines. This is necessary so that the medicinal solution can penetrate into the remote regions of the small intestine and exert the maximum effect on the parasites.

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Cleansing enema from worms is done as follows. Take a volume of water equal to two liters, settled for 8-12 hours, mixed with a tablespoon of natural fruit or apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of salt. It is put to the patient in the knee-elbow position. Detailed instructions can be found in the video above. Water should be introduced "approaches": half a liter four times. After each "approach", the patient must completely empty the intestine. After the procedure, you can begin to expel the parasites at home.

It's interesting : By itself, the procedure with water can not drive out parasites, since worms can live in an aquatic environment. Medicinal solutions contain components that worms do not tolerate. Therefore, to get rid of worms it is not enough to make an enema, it is important to choose the right ingredients for it.

There are several effective solutions for enemas against worms:

  • Garlic. Garlic is an excellent means of fighting against parasites. According to statistics, people who regularly eat garlic in their diet are less likely to suffer from helminthiases than those who ignore this vegetable. The secret of effectiveness is that worms do not tolerate garlic flavor, therefore they leave the body. The solution is prepared as follows: for cooking one enema, take three heads of garlic. Grind it and put it in water( one liter).Water should be a temperature of 40-45 degrees. When the water cools down to 38 degrees, you can perform the procedure. If the event is designed for children, you can replace the water with warm milk. In this case, the harmful effect of garlic juice on the mucous membrane of the baby's intestines is reduced. However, the effectiveness of the event is also decreasing. Do garlic enema should not be more than once in two or three days.
  • Garlic and onion. Such an enema against worms is similar in composition to the previous version. Only in this case is added the bulb, which is previously ground through a meat grinder or in a blender.
  • With tansy. Tansy is known for its harmful effects on parasites. It is often used to make infusions and enemas against worms at home. To make a solution, a handful of inflorescences of tansy pour 200 grams of boiling water. The composition is insisted before cooling to a temperature of 38 degrees. Inflorescences of tansy are removed by percolation through gauze. The resulting solution is injected into the small intestine. You need to wait a maximum amount of time before emptying the intestine. This method is not recommended for young children.
  • With soda. Soda enema from worms is a popular remedy for traditional medicine, the effectiveness of which is recognized by practicing parasitologists. This procedure helps not only to drive out adult helminths, but also to cleanse the intestines from accumulated toxins and toxins.

As a significant number of parasite species live in the intestine, "enjoying" comfortable conditions for development and reproduction, it is important to choose the right remedy, which during treatment will work well and does not harm the intestinal microflora. This method is a soda enema. To prepare the solution, take two teaspoons of baking soda per liter of warm water. The solution should be warm. It is introduced into the small intestine and held for half an hour. The procedure should be conducted every day for seven days.

Advantages of enemas in the treatment of worms

Drugs against worms, sold in pharmacies, have an effective and quick action. When they are used, parasites go out a day after the intake. However, many mothers choose enemas for their children, which should be set, and the course of treatment can take more than a week. This can be explained by the fact that such an instrument of expulsion of parasites has several advantages:

  • The enema not only removes parasites, but also cleanses the intestines from toxins and toxins.
  • This procedure fights with violations of intestinal motility.
  • It can be used for any type of intestinal parasite.
  • Special solutions wash out not only adult parasites, but also larvae.
  • To do it, you do not need to have a medical education or have special skills.
  • Any parent knows how to make enemas for children, the main thing is to prepare the solution correctly.
  • An enema from helminths can be used as an auxiliary therapy when taking other medications, including the medicinal forms offered by the modern pharmacological market.
  • A large number of solution options allows you to select the optimal composition for yourself.
  • The procedure takes a little time and has practically no contraindications( except for rectum diseases, pregnancy and some others).
  • Solutions against worms are prepared from ingredients that are always at hand.
  • Unlike tablets, the cost of the procedure is low( products for the composition are in every house).

It is important to remember that after an enema from worms it is recommended to perform a purification procedure similar to that described in the preparatory stage. This will restore the flora of the intestine.

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