Hemorrhoids and alcohol: the relationship, whether it is possible to combine, treatment

According to the experts, with the systematic abuse of any type of alcohol, the chances of developing hemorrhoids are significantly increased. And if the patient already suffers from this disease, then under his influence, alcohol can exacerbate it. The topic of hemorrhoids is rather delicate, because about 80% of the world population suffer from this pathology, however, because of the delicate nature of the pathology, specialists are not in a hurry to specialists.

Hemorrhoids and alcohol

Hemorrhoids refers to quite unpleasant pathologies that cause a lot of discomfort and disrupt the quality of life.

The disease is chronic and usually occurs:

  • With unhealthy eating, involving the abuse of spicy and smoked, spicy or idle food and alcohol;
  • To provoke hemorrhoids may be incorrect working conditions such as prolonged standing or immobile sitting;
  • The disease also develops due to pregnancy and subsequent delivery.


It turns out that there is an inseparable link between alcohol and hemorrhoids, due to the fact that abuse of hot drinks is a significant risk factor for inflammation of the hemorrhoids. The use of any, even low-alcohol drinks affects the body and leads to the development or exacerbation of the course of hemorrhoids. This is the answer to the question, why can not alcohol with hemorrhoids and how these concepts are generally compatible.

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The relationship between hemorrhoids and alcohol is as follows:

  1. Alcohol has a vasodilator action directed to the blood lines of the whole body, including the intestines. As a result, there are bloodstains in the hemorrhoidal nodes, which leads to inflammation.
  2. Alcohol leads to dehydration, yielding in addition to liquid and beneficial substances. Fecal masses, due to dehydration, acquire a firm structure, why it is more difficult to pass through the intestine. This leads to constipation, provoking inflammation of the hemorrhoids.
  3. When alcohol is metabolized, highly toxic substances are released, leading to damage and ulceration in the tissues of the rectum.
  4. Unhealthy diet in the form of sharp and fatty, smoked and spicy dishes adversely affects the intestinal mucous membranes. To the low-tidal organs, blood flows, which complicates the condition of the hemorrhoidal veins.
  5. Abuse of alcohol disrupts hepatic function, resulting in cirrhosis. Why blood circulation is disturbed, causing the growth of hemorrhoids and their inflammation.

On the video about the causes of hemorrhoids:

Development of the disease

Hemorrhoids develops in the form of varicose veins. The initial stages of pathology are characterized by malaises in the lower abdominal half zone, painful sensations in the anal passage, burning with constipation, itchy sensations. Stool contains blood veins. Hemorrhoids can be complicated by prolapsed nodes that instantly become inflamed and can develop into thrombotic formations. This can only be corrected through surgical intervention.

Hemorrhoids are accompanied by difficulties with the emptying of the intestines, so the diuretic, and then the dehydrating effect of alcohol only aggravates the situation. Unfortunately, patients turn to specialists when the disease develops to the last, final stages, when only surgical intervention can improve the condition. Statistics show that 40% of patients get to specialists with exacerbation of pathology.


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Stages of hemorrhoids development

Presence of the disease

According to studies, about 35% of chronic alcoholics are regular clients of proctologists. Therefore, many people suffering from hemorrhoids are very interested in how much alcohol it is permissible to use in their illness. The opinions of experts in this matter vary.

It is not uncommon to ask questions like whether it is possible to drink alcohol with a similar disease and why not. The practice is that when alcohol is abused against the background of already existing hemorrhoids, patients not only have progression of the pathological inflammatory process, but also its transition to more complex stages of development, which are difficult enough to yield to conservative effects and are eliminated only through surgery.

The use of alcohol in hemorrhoids, in addition to exacerbations, provokes many other complications, especially in combination with factors such as:

  • Significant decrease in the tone of low-fat muscle tissue;
  • Almost constant constipation;
  • General weakness of muscle tissue;
  • Hereditary weakness of intestinal veins;
  • Overweight;
  • Hypodynamics.

Even after the abuse of beer, complications of hemorrhoids may occur, manifesting an increase in pain symptoms, burning and bleeding from the rectum. Against the background of constipation, alcohol abuse can cause thrombosis, leading to low-stagnation stasis, which also worsen the course of the pathology.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

When hemorrhoids provoked by dehydration against the background of alcohol abuse, it is recommended to drink more liquid and adhere to a specialized dietary diet. Doctors prescribe the reception of necessary medications, the use of anal suppositories, ointments and compresses on the anus. All kinds of vitamin supplements and dietary fiber contained in vegetables, combined with healthy habits and sufficient activity will help to avoid the development of repeated inflammation of the hemorrhoids. Such an approach will avoid complications and aggravation of the clinical picture of an already existing hemorrhoids.

If the disease is started, and surgery can not be avoided, then after surgical intervention, the use of the fever is unacceptable. The rehabilitation period implies adherence to a specialized dietary diet, you can eat only in small portions. The basis of consumed products should be vegetable dishes, enriched with fiber, which soften the feces, facilitating defecation processes. In addition, you need to eat low-fat varieties of meat, fermented milk products, bread from coarsely ground flour, crumbly porridge, compote from dried fruits.

It is important to monitor the consistency of the stool, to avoid hard feces irritating the operated area of ​​the rectum. This irritation leads to postoperative complications. You need to move more and eat well, otherwise the hemorrhoids necessarily recur.

The time of the alcohol ban after the operation to remove hemorrhoids should be as long as possible, throughout the rehabilitation period, and, if possible, after it. In the future, the decision about friendship with alcohol remains with the patient, however, specialists do not recommend drinking alcohol, so as not to bring the situation to relapse.

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