How to make an alcoholic be treated voluntarily or compulsorily: advice, legislation

Alcoholism destroys not only the personality of the drinker, but also his family. Spouses and children of alcoholics suffer greatly from the addiction of a loved one. The cherished dream of relatives becomes the cure of a relative from alcohol addiction.

How to get an alcoholic to be treated

One of the psychological characteristics of an alcoholic is not recognizing the fact of his illness. Most alcoholics refuse to help specialists, believing that they can stop drinking at any time. There is another category of alcoholics - they think that they are seriously ill and no help will save them from this malignant disease. A significant part of those suffering from alcoholism do not want to be treated, the state of euphoria when using alcohol for them is higher than the enticements of close people. Spouses and children of alcoholics, tired for many years from the drunkenness of a once-beloved person, try to cure the patient with various herbal tinctures, pharmaceuticals, prayers and healers. All this, unfortunately, either does not lead to the desired results, or turns the drunk from the bottle away only for a while. In the treatment of alcoholism, only one thing is important: the sincere and unshakable desire of the patient himself to be cured.

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In Soviet times, there was compulsory treatment of patients with alcoholism. Drunkards were sent to medical and labor dispensaries, which was tantamount to the term of prison punishment. There were few treatments in such places, but there was plenty of work therapy. Unfortunately, those times have sunk into oblivion, and at this point in our tolerant state the violent treatment of any socially dangerous diseases is prohibited by law.

The following are an exception: the

  • patient presents a danger to himself and others;
  • alcoholic is unable to serve himself;
  • mental state of the patient is so severe that without specialized care, he will die.

What does this mean in the realities of modern life? Only that it is possible to call a medical team and force a close person into a hospital to be treated for alcoholism only if he commits suicide attempts in alcoholic psychosis or causing socially dangerous actions in a state of alcoholic delirium. Is it possible to do this in a way to save a loved one from alcoholism? With such compulsory hospitalization after the arrest of a fit of fever, the patient will be discharged from the hospital and sent home, where he is very likely to take up the old one again.

To obtain a positive result of treatment, expressed in long disease-free periods of sobriety, it is necessary to prove by any means a patient with alcoholism the need to receive medical care.
On the video about the compulsory treatment of alcoholism:


Almost in every locality of our country there is a state narcological dispensary where you can get free treatment from any dependence. Treatment is carried out with the knowledge and consent of the patient. And only in this case it will give a lasting and lasting effect.

Often, patients do not agree to treatment in a state institution, arguing that it is impossible subsequently to get a driver's license or permission to carry weapons. In this case, you can try to persuade an alcoholic to go to the hospital anonymously for a moderate fee or be treated in a paid clinic with a good service.


Elena Malysheva:

"Is Alcoholism Cured? Yes! Use an effective home remedy. .. "

Read more. ..

In any case, the most important point in treatment is the patient's voluntary consent to getting rid of alcoholism. Help the psychologist persuade the patient at a preliminary consultation. The doctor will find the right words and arguments, diagnose the reason for the dependence, will help choose a treatment regimen.

Correct behavior against alcoholic

To convince a native person to be treated, it is necessary to build the right communication scheme with him:

  • Stop scandal each time a loved one returns tipsy. This is very difficult, especially when alcoholism progresses not for the first year. However, one must understand that hysterics and unnecessary discussions about the drunk only exacerbate the problem - after each scandal, an alcoholic person will even more seek consolations in the bottle, can become aggressive and raise his hand on relatives.
  • Stop feeling sorry and cover the drinking relative. Hoping to recover the alcoholic to the last, relatives protect him from real life: they pay debts, raise children, pull household difficulties alone. This nanny position is very beneficial to the alcoholic - he does not stop drinking, but gets rid of all worldly burdens.
  • Stay calm and unruffled person, stop controlling the alcoholic. In moments of enlightenment, calmly start a conversation about the possibility of treatment and rehabilitation. It is acceptable to invite a psychiatrist-psychotherapist to the house.
  • Do not resort to meaningless and empty threats, the alcoholic is not afraid. If you threaten to divorce, try to fulfill your promise. Usually sick people value their comfort in the family very much and the decisive actions of the second half can push the drunkard to thoughts about a sober life.
  • To support the spouse in an effort to start a sober life, to show all the pleasant moments of sobriety, to try to find new goals in life that will entice the sick relative and lead him out of the depths of drunkenness.

Motivation for a sober lifestyle

Suppose that the family managed to persuade the alcoholic to undergo the procedure of drug treatment and psychotherapy. What's next? To consolidate the positive result and to avoid relapse of the disease, it is necessary to consolidate the motivation for a sober lifestyle. Many alcoholics do not see anything interesting in a sober lifestyle, sobriety does not just scare, it terrifies - how to enjoy life, laugh at it, how to have fun without drinking?

To properly build a motivation for living without alcohol, loved ones need:

  • To understand and accept the fact that an alcoholic is an infantile, weak-willed and selfish person. To fulfill the wishes of the coded patient, so as not to fall off - the wrong way at the root. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to make his own decisions and enjoy it.
  • To support every positive moment of sobriety, to convince to keep a list of such moments in order to maintain motivation daily.
  • Completely change the circle of communication, it is possible to move.
  • Try to interest the former alcoholic with something new, so as not to leave him free time to think about his unhappy boring existence. It can be a job change, a sport, a hobby that excludes alcohol.

It should be understood that the motivation should be built by the alcoholic personally for himself, the family can only help in this and provide support in every sober day of his life.

Recommendations to the

family Follow a few simple rules:

  • Be consistent in your persuasions and beliefs.
  • Give examples of significant people in an alcoholic environment who have abandoned bad habits.
  • Go together for a consultation with a psychotherapist and an expert in narcology.
  • Change your position in family life with sacrificial or unnecessarily controlling to the opposite.
  • Study all available information about alcoholism and at moments of enlightenment, give her an alcoholic.
  • Do not add any herbal infusions, drops and teas to alcohol. This can cause an allergic reaction and provoke a heart attack.

Remember that only properly built motivation for a sober lifestyle will help an alcoholic cope with the disease.
Tips for relatives about the rules of behavior with an alcoholic:

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