Dry skin( xerosis): causes and treatment, cream and remedies for it

Xeroderma is a pathological dryness of the skin. Against the background of this symptom, infection, deep fissures, inflammation can develop. How long he will last depends not only on the type of disease, but also on what kind of treatment measures have been taken. Most often, patches of dry skin can be found on the face, legs, hands. What kind of skin diseases can xerosis indicate? What are the causes and methods of treating dry skin of the hands, feet, face and body?

What is dry skin

To the concept of "xerosis", many doctors are accustomed to refer not only the very dry skin, but all the negative manifestations that accompany it. It is frequent inflammation, burning, a tendency to injury, itching. Sometimes a xerosis precedes such a serious disease as ichthyosis, but the likelihood of such an outcome is not so great. Dry causes are usually preceded by less dangerous causes.

  • Most of all the dryness of the skin is affected by people living in excessively hot or cold climates who have to regularly face the effects of chemicals on the skin( nurses, workers of enterprises, hairdressers).
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  • Regular visits to the pool and age over 40 are also risk factors. So, in the elderly, the active work of the sebaceous glands slows down with age. For such cases, dryness of the lower part of the body is characteristic.

Its classification

Dry skin can be divided into two criteria:

  1. A good tone of the epidermis. Wrinkles on the skin surface are not noted, it itself retains elasticity, matte. May be susceptible to irritants from the outside.
  2. Reduced skin tone. Wrinkles are formed, as the epidermis is thinned. Only cosmetic means can not fix the problem.

Types of xerosis:

  1. Senile .This includes the physiological cause of dry skin, which can not be canceled - it's aging. The form is inherent in women during the menopause and can be accompanied by a strong thinning.
  2. Acquired .Appears in the form of reaction to cosmetic ingredients, with excessive cleansing of the epidermis, entrainment with various cosmetic procedures or even due to poor hygiene.
  3. The constitutional form has pathological causes or arises due to genetic features. This type is inherent in blondes, children under 2 years.

How to identify a symptom in yourself

If the symptoms appear only at certain times of the year( more often in winter), then the xerosis is not associated with any internal pathology. It's just a reaction to cold or dehydration. In such cases, the dryness quickly passes, it is enough to moisturize the skin only regularly.

The dermatological problem is indicated by the fact of constant dryness, and the presence of the following symptoms:

  • skin rough;
  • itching;
  • cracked;
  • she acquired an ashy shade;
  • more obvious cutaneous pattern;
  • strong tightness after water procedures;
  • scaling;
  • redness;
  • peeling.

Sometimes the cracks are so deep that they do not just provoke pain, but also bleed. Gradually, stiffness and itching are replaced by severe ecdysis. The skin reacts very sensitively to the slightest irritation.

The third stage of the xerosis is characterized by the fact that the plates of the exfoliating skin increase, deep wrinkles appear. With this form it is extremely difficult to compensate for dryness with an ordinary cream. The cover becomes rough, prone to erythema, inflammation, the appearance of hyperkeratosis.

At the fourth stage, skin layer atrophy occurs, not only horny, but also dermis. The changes are so serious that they sometimes flow even into trophic ulcers. The clinical picture is similar to skin aging.

Diseases and disorders

The following disorders in the body are capable of causing xerosis:

  1. Atopic dermatitis.
  2. Stress.
  3. Infection.
  4. Psoriasis.
  5. Dehydration.
  6. Renal failure.
  7. Autoimmune pathologies.
  8. Follicular keratosis.
  9. Anemia.
  10. Intoxication.
  11. Dystrophy.
  12. Ichthyosis.
  13. Allergic rhinitis.
  14. Hypovitaminosis with vitamin PP.
  15. Hypothyroidism.
  16. Pathology of the digestive tract.

Dryness of the skin also accompanies such serious diseases as diabetes and pituitary tumor. Both cases pose a serious threat to the body and must be treated in a timely manner.

For creams and other pharmacy products for increased dryness of the skin of the body, face in children and adults, read below.

Elena Malysheva will tell you how to get rid of the dryness of the facial skin:

How to deal with the xerosis

General rules

Before applying any medications, it is better to slightly adjust the habitual diet and daily routines.

  • So, the food is enriched with a large number of minerals, a good solution is the reception of a quality multivitamin complex. Restoring the level of vitamins C, B, A, E significantly helps in healing.
  • It is necessary to shorten the period of taking a bath and a hot shower, and after these procedures you need to lubricate the skin with moisturizers.
  • If cracks and flaking have already begun to appear, it is better to use healing ointments.

Along with moisturizing agents, anti-inflammatory agents are required. Inside, it is recommended to use anti-allergy drugs, fortifying medications. To cause a xerosis, very serious diseases are capable, but the choice of other medicines should be handled by a specialist.

Folk methods

When dry on the skin of the body, it is important to regularly moisturize, and various compresses and masks based on natural ingredients can help in this. The most interesting recipes are as follows:

  • Brew chamomile, prepare another decoction of flax seeds( 5 tsp) and 2 glasses of water during cooking. In the bath add equal parts. It should be about 15 minutes.
  • Cream( 0,5 items), butter( 100 grams), avocado and banana mixed in a blender. The resulting mashed potatoes, dropping into it 5 drops of pink oil. After repeated whipping, apply to clean skin.
  • Honey( 200 ml), almond oil( 1 tsp) and stir and heat the milk in a water bath. The resulting product can be used for compresses or added to a bath.
  • If the xerosis is present on the feet, then at night they are smeared with castor oil, wrapping them with a film. It is advisable to wrap your feet or wear socks.
  • Take ammonia and glycerin in equal amounts, mix. Apply ointment to skin areas that have cracks or flaking.
  • Jojoba oil add to oatmeal flakes, cooked in milk, add ingredients to 0.5 tsp.vitamin E and almond oil. On the affected area the agent is applied in a thick layer for 20 minutes.
  • Calendula and sea-buckthorn oils to mix, warm and lubricate the skin.

Address to a dermatologist

Not always self-medication can help, so it is important to monitor the skin and prevent the disease from worsening. To address to the dermatologist it is necessary, if:

  1. Scratches and cracks were infected, there was a suppuration, a hyperemia, the general delicacy is felt.
  2. Itching and peeling are very pronounced.
  3. Long-lasting redness.
  4. There is not even a slight improvement after home therapy.
  5. The areas of peeling and scaling are very large.

Long-term drying of the skin can lead to persistent eczema. This risk is especially great if the symptom is accompanied by constant irritation of the skin with some tissues, household remedies, etc. It is better not to experiment for a long time with the use of various tips and home therapies, but get advice from a doctor.

The girl in the video below tells first-hand how to deal with dry skin:

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