Protopik: instructions for use, price, analogues, reviews of dermatologists

In case of violation of the integrity of the skin, its mechanical damages use the means that contribute to its early healing, elimination of cracks and swelling of the tissues. An important indicator of the effectiveness of the chosen remedy is also the ability of its active substance to restore the epidermis, dry the inflamed areas and clean the surface of the affected area. The combination of speed and high degree of effectiveness of the drug, aimed at restoring the integrity of the skin, provides a pronounced result after a short time from the beginning of its application.

Due to the high degree of penetration into the fabric when applied externally, the Protopic preparation has a high degree of efficiency. This is especially important for advanced stages of inflammatory processes that occur in the upper layer of the epidermis, during the recovery period after surgery, when tissue infection and the growth of pathogenic microflora causing inflammation have occurred. The active substance eliminates visible manifestations of the main lesion for a short time, stimulates the activation of metabolic processes in the skin, which allows you to quickly eliminate inflammation and associated pathological processes that worsen the appearance of the skin and reduce its protective properties.

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Features of the preparation

Protopik, well proven in the application of various types of mechanical damage to the skin, copes even with significant areas of the area, leaving no traces in the form of scars and scars. Not being a hormonal drug for external use, it can be used for a long time, which does not cause significant side effects and addiction to the body, followed by a decrease in the medicinal and therapeutic effect of the drug.

Relating to a group of high-performance anti-inflammatory agents for external use, Protopik quickly eliminates both inflammation and its underlying cause. Therefore, this drug is recommended for the removal of the pathological reaction of the skin when pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into it.

Dosage form

Preparation Protopik is available as a cream and ointment intended for external use. Both types of the drug are presented in aluminum tubes of various sizes( 30, 60, 90 g), each tube is packed in a cardboard box with the attached detailed instructions for use. The use of the drug is usually prescribed by the attending physician-dermatologist, however in drugstores of the city the drug under consideration is sold without a doctor's prescription. And when using the Protopack, care should be taken, so read the instructions carefully before using.

The cream has a white color and a completely uniform consistency, the ointment can have a light yellowish hue. The degree of absorption of both dosage forms is quite high, which makes it possible to use them without complications depending on the purpose and indications for use. The composition of both forms is the same, the percentage of active substance is slightly different.

Composition Protopika

The active substance of the drug is calcineurin, which takes part in the synthesis of a mediator of skin inflammation. This substance depresses T-lymphocytes responsible for inflammation processes, as well as stimulates the skin's own immunity, reducing the edema of the affected areas and accelerating its healing.

Also in the composition of both dosage forms is vaseline purified, which enables the drug to be absorbed quickly into the skin, while moisturizing it and restoring its natural elasticity.


The price index is especially important for buyers, and the price of the treated skin product can range from 1210 to 1580 rubles per ointment package with a concentration of 0.03% by volume of 60 g, the cost of the same volume of a tube of cream with a concentration of 0.1% - from 1350 to1820 rubles per packing.

Pharmacological action

Protopik has a high speed of interaction in the body, which allows you to get the fastest results in the treatment process. A high degree of decontamination is due to the bactericidal properties of the preparation, which allows to eliminate the inflammatory processes of any localization and degree of neglect.

Modern and thoughtful in the process of creating the drug, Protopik has a lot of positive feedback from those who used it in the treatment of certain skin lesions. Inflammatory processes quickly stop when the ointment is applied to the affected areas in combination with irradiation with a special lamp that increases the effectiveness of the effect.


The special effect of the drug is its rapid penetration through the upper layer of the epidermis and the absorption of the active substance into the blood. Due to this quality, acceleration of healing effect, decrease in the rate of inflammatory processes with their gradual decay are noted.

Also active substance of the drug penetrates through the placental barrier, which requires increased caution when using the Protopika in the process of bearing a child. This quality is also indicative of the degree of penetration of the active substance into the tissues of the body.


The penetration rate of the active substance of the drug into the skin layers is high;Also, accumulation of it in layers of the epidermis occurs quite quickly. The process of excretion of the decomposition products of the Protopika also proceeds quickly: complete removal of residual products from the body with blood flow is noted during 2-5 weeks after the end of its application.


The main indications for the use of the Protopack are inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin, which are eliminated quickly enough due to the high degree of activity of the active substance of the agent under consideration. The following conditions should also be considered as indications for the use of the Protopase:

  • vitiligo - many patients noted the appearance of the first signs of improvement within 1-2 weeks from the time of application of the drug. The greatest effect of the drug is observed in the treatment of vitiligo in the neck and face;on the hands and legs, this disease is less treatable. To get the most effect from using Protopica by many dermatologists it is recommended to stay in the sun for 1-2 hours during the day;
  • is atopic dermatitis. Even with advanced forms of the disease, there are signs of improvement in the patient's condition;
  • eczema - the wetting variety of this disease is best treated.

Inflammatory skin diseases during the application of the Protopika quickly stop, the general area of ​​skin lesions is reduced, the elasticity and elasticity of the skin is restored. The Protopik helps with dermographic and cold urticaria, localized skin itch, perioral dermatitis.

Instruction for use

The use of the drug is not difficult, because any of its dosage form( ointment or cream) is easily applied to the affected areas of the skin, quickly absorbed, leaving little residue on the skin. Before using the drug, you should carefully study the accompanying instructions, because with its help you can make the most effective use of the product. However, in order to obtain the most pronounced results in the absence of adverse events, it is recommended to perform a complete skin examination with a dermatologist in order to achieve the greatest results in treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

The greatest effect from the use of this drug is noted in the presence of inflammation on the skin, with deterioration of the skin's resistance to external aggressive influences. Possessing pronounced efficacy, as well as the possibility of using in complex treatment, Protopik is easy to use and practically has no side effects when used.


The minimum number of possible side effects, even with prolonged use of this external remedy, explains the constant demand for it among buyers. Instructions for the use of the drug for adults include the following items:

  • should be thoroughly cleaned before application to the affected area;
  • the drug is applied in a thin layer, not requiring rubbing and applying a pressure bandage;
  • frequency of application of the drug is depending on the stage of the current pathological process 2-3 times a day;
  • after the disappearance of the manifestations of the disease should stop using the product.

When a relapse occurs, the use of the remedy can be resumed.

For children and newborns

Due to the high activity of the product and the increased sensitivity of baby skin, the use of the Protopika for children under 2 years and newborns is not recommended.

After reaching two years, you can apply the drug no more than 1 time per day, monitoring the reaction of the body. After 12 years, the use of the Protopack proved positively. The frequency of application of the drug to the affected areas of the skin should be no more than 1-2 times a day, depending on the degree of susceptibility of the active substance and the degree of sensitivity of the patient's skin.

For the use of Protopic and its analogues in vitiligo, the video will be described below:

In pregnancy and lactation

Since the active substance quickly penetrates into the skin tissues and through the placental barrier, it is necessary to use the Protopic with great care when bearing the baby and during lactation: the active ingredientalso penetrates into breast milk. In these cases, the remedy can be prescribed by the attending physician-dermatologist with guaranteed positive effects with minimal adverse effects on the child's body.


Contraindications to the use of the Protopika include the following conditions:

  • intolerance of the active substance of the agent;
  • marked allergic reaction to the agent during its use;
  • neglected stages in the work of the kidneys and liver with their diagnosed functioning insufficiency;
  • children under 2 years.

Side effects of

Side effects of the Protopika include allergic manifestations in the form of redness and swelling of tissues, the emergence of an area of ​​hypersensitivity, the upper layer of the epidermis can turn red.

Special instructions

In case of individual intolerance to any of the components of the remedy, its use should be stopped or continued to be used under the supervision of a dermatologist, who will help to correct the method of using the drug in a timely manner.

Interaction with other drugs

  • Use of the Protopika with the simultaneous use of Erythromycin and similar agents may worsen the results of treatment and reduce the effectiveness of both drugs.
  • A decrease in the degree of effectiveness of all vaccinations administered, acceleration of the excretion of many drugs with simultaneous use of Protopic has also been revealed.
  • Hormonal contraceptives decrease their effectiveness during the period of treatment by the Protopter.

Reviews and efficiency

Presenting itself as one of the most effective and safe preparations of the latest generation, Protopik has many positive reviews.

According to reviews of those who have already used this drug in the fight against pressure ulcers and inflammation of the surface layer of the epidermis, Protopik copes well with most of the external manifestations: it removes the puffiness of the affected area, reduces the degree of its sensitivity, eliminates the process of inflammation of the tissues. Healing the upper layer of the epidermis, the drug has proven itself in the complex treatment of affected skin areas.


Drugs that exhibit similar therapeutic effects are:

  • Elidel;
  • Tacrol;
  • Advocate.

According to medical statistics, Protopik has the most pronounced positive effect on the skin in the presence of inflammation in it and on its surface both the initial stage and the neglected forms. In comparison with Elidel, Protopik has a wider range of applications and can be used both in monotherapy and in complex treatment to increase the effectiveness of treatment. Elidel copes best with the initial stages of dermatitis, with vitiligo this drug is less effective.

On the Protopicture and other tools in the fight against vitiligo, the video below will be narrated:

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