Nevus Unny: causes and signs, diagnosis, treatment

Birthmark located on the head, neck, and other part of the body is called nevus Unna. Education is congenital and represents a vascular pathology.

What is a nevus Unna?

Nevus has several more names:

  • angel kiss,
  • flaming nevus,
  • wine formation,
  • fire nevus.

Education is called the "kiss of the stork", as it seems to be on the trail from its beak.

In certain areas of the body remains for life. Parents confuse him with a bruise that has arisen in the event of a birth injury, in part this conclusion is true.

In addition to the appearance of a stain, there are no specific symptoms. It is not prone to itching, inflammation. If the education does not disappear with the growth of the child, it becomes cyanotic, there are nodules in the center.

Birthmark is not related to benign or malignant formations, representing only dilated vessels without the presence of altered cells.

Causes of development of

One of the causes of development is heredity. In this situation, we are talking about an autosomal dominant type of inheritance.

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The risk group includes:

  • Caucasian babies,
  • premature babies,
  • girls.

Other doctors suggest that the appearance of education is due to fetal hypoxia during passage of the birth canal. It appears in areas where the pressure in the process of birth is particularly strong. Hypoxia and pressure provoke paralysis of microvessels, which gives the effect of a spot.

Clinical manifestations of

A neoplasm immediately after birth is detected. It focuses on the bridge of the nose, eyes, nape or upper lip. Education has a pale pink hue or red. The spot is irregular in shape.

It is easy to differentiate the nevus from the others, because it becomes bright when the baby is crying or worried. The most saturated color is located on the frontal part.

The spot does not rise above the skin, but it can be seen thin sosudiki. It is characterized by a lack of growth, as well as gradual regression. Sometimes it does not appear immediately, but during the first months of life.

Diagnosis of fiery nevus

The doctor unequivocally differentiates the nevus Unna. Specialists are obliged to pay attention to it, if it is on the face. Then it is advisable to conduct additional tests with a neurologist. Such a diagnosis will show that there are no problems with the development of the brain.

Scientists have established a relationship when formatting a stain with other diseases of organs. In rare cases, it is one of the signs of diseases of the eyes, hands or feet.

A child can be diagnosed with hemangioma. Get rid of the latter is difficult, but you can do it with the help of professionals. Doctors will determine the treatment regimen taking into account the age and features of the course of the disease.

Methods of treatment

If the stain is prone to regression and does not grow, doctors simply observe it, without interfering with natural processes.

If you suspect a hemangioma or if a nevus appears in an unsuccessful place, medical procedures for its removal may be suggested.


  • laser therapy,
  • cryodestruction.

The peculiarity of this nevus is that there are almost no relapses, so once you delete it, you will forget about it forever.

The classic treatment is a laser. A special device for vessels is used. Under its influence, the capillaries coalesce, and the surrounding healthy tissues remain intact.

After the procedure for about a week there is a slight cyanosis, prone to gradual disappearance. Scars remain only if the vessels are greatly enlarged. Therefore, the easiest way to remove stains from a child is without a trace.

When the laser is working, the efficiency is high, because the doctor can accurately differentiate healthy vessels from enlarged ones.

Cryodestruction implies treatment with liquid nitrogen. Using a special tool, cold exposure to a specific area of ​​the skin occurs. There are no painful sensations in the process of treatment in humans.

After a cold burn, the tissue completely regenerates within 2 months. There are no traces after manipulation. With large lesions, scars are possible. Over time, they will become invisible.

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