How to cure a papilloma virus: medicines, ointments, reviews, photos

Well-groomed skin without pigment spots, scars and various formations makes the human body much more attractive. Therefore, the appearance of all kinds of warts and papillomas is not without attention and when they are located in open areas is considered a cosmetic defect.

Some people resort to folk methods to remove these growths, but sometimes this approach to treatment only aggravates the problem. In order to permanently get rid of papillomas, you need to know what they are coming from on the body and what you need to do in order to completely cure.

Where does HPV infection come from?

The main reason for the formation of papillomas on the body is the human papilloma virus, which has several dozen subspecies, that is, strains.

Transcribes HPV in several main ways, it is:

  • Sexual transmission, it can be either normal, oral or anal. From getting HPV through the smallest micro-trauma on the skin and mucous membranes during sex does not protect 100% even a condom.
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  • Contact. The virus can pass from person to person on contact, when there is a close contact of the skin with scratches or wounds on the body. This microorganism can live fine for a while in a humid and warm environment, this refers to swimming pools, saunas, baths. That is, it is theoretically possible to become the owner of an infection when visiting these public places.
  • If the personal hygiene rules are not respected. Infection with papillomatosis is quite possible when using someone else's towels, loofah, manicure sets. This is how several members of the family can be infected at once. Children are infected from each other during games with objects, with kisses, hugs.
  • From a pregnant woman to a fetus during childbirth.

The virus initially enters the epithelial layer of the skin and may not manifest itself for long months or even years. Growth and active multiplication of the microorganism occur when immunity is weakened, during recovery from severe diseases, in people with dysbiosis and long-term stress.

That is, the development of the virus should be given a push. Reproduction of the virus leads to the fact that its DNA is introduced into the cells of the epithelium and changes their work. The result of this is the formation of papillomas and warts.

Ordinary papilloma or a wart at any time can become a cancerous melanoma! If the papilloma is not treated, then further development of the disease and spread through the body, until the appearance of rashes on the mucous membranes. Learn how to quickly get rid of papillomas and warts »

Does the virus transmit?

Do not notice the papilloma in the open areas of another person's body is almost impossible. When it comes to two or three outgrowths, people are calm about it. But if there is a whole pile of papillomas on the skin, many people have a question - can they be transmitted and what needs to be done to avoid infection.

On the photo you can see how the papillomas look on the face of an elderly person.

There is no virus on the surface of the growing papillomas, and it can not simply stand out in the surrounding space and wander in the air. HPV is inside the papilloma and the exit of the causative agent of infection is possible when injuring the build-up.

This situation is very dangerous for the owner of the papillomas on his body, as this often leads to self-infection, that is, after a while, dozens of new papillomas may appear on the skin.

When injuring a papilloma, it is theoretically possible to infect another person. But this requires several conditions:

  • Close contact with the owner of viral formations.
  • The presence of microcracks or wounds on the body of a healthy person.
  • Ignoring the rules of personal hygiene. If you wash your hands and other parts of your body with soap more often, then most of any pathogenic microflora perishes, which means that the risk of infection decreases.

HPV is an infection with a different incubation period. And this is precisely what does not allow you to determine exactly when the infection occurred.

You can get infected while communicating with a loved one, or when visiting public places. It is necessary to know that the causative agent of papillomatous infection is not always activated, and in good condition, immunity may die.

How to treat this disease?

HPV is that infection, a development that can go three ways, that is, the virus dies, leads to the formation of papillomas of various kinds on the body or becomes the main cause of cancer.

Features of microorganism development depend on its strain. Growing on the body of papillomas in most cases belong to strains with low-ionogenic activity. They rarely go into a malignant tumor, but even this does not cancel their treatment.

The genital warts that form on the external and internal genital organs cause more concern. Some of them arise in the development of oncogenic strains of the virus, and this requires appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

One or two papillomas on the body can be removed by applying one of the methods of aesthetic medicine - laser therapy, radio knife, cryodestruction. Timely removal will not allow the virus to spread further along the body.

With multiple papillomas, in addition to removal, antiviral treatment aimed at suppressing the activity of the virus is usually prescribed. It is also necessary to improve the state of its immunity, which will affect the absence of recurrences of HPV in the future.

When detecting genital warts, it is necessary to determine the strain of the virus and establish the absence of a malignant process in the body. With such papillomas, treatment consists in removing growths, antiviral and immunomodulating treatment.

Can I remove growths?

Papillomas on the body, external and internal genital organs not only need to be removed, but in some cases it is necessary.

Some patients who have one or two viral formations on the body may be advised by a doctor on expectant management. It consists in observing the growth of formations for several months.

At this time, you can take a course of vitamin therapy, strengthen the defenses, usually these activities are sufficient for the build-up to resolve itself.

Dermatologists believe that it is always necessary to remove those papillomas that are located on easily traumatized areas of the body. Their scratches and tearing lead to self-infection and secondary infection, in rare cases, a permanent mechanical effect can promote the degeneration of skin cells into cancerous cells.

With accelerated growth of papillomas, the appearance of excretions, the development of puffiness, the onset of pain, it is necessary to exclude the oncological process. This can be done with a biopsy.

How to deal with papillomas with medicines from a pharmacy?

In addition to those removal methods for which special equipment is needed, you can take advantage of external and systemic medications.

The means for applying to the skin are divided into ointments, gels, solutions, which have antiviral, keratolytic, anti-inflammatory action. Keratolytic agents destroy the horny layer of the skin and thus the death of papillomas.

When choosing a drug, it is necessary to take into account the location of the viral formation on the body, its size and prescription of appearance. On the face, neck, you need to use less aggressive medications, because on the delicate skin after some medicines may appear scars and pigmented spots.

Ointments, creams and gels

Than to spread papillomas on the skin:

  • Oksolinovaja ointment it is used from a papilloma due to entering into this means of antiviral components. It can be used on the face, greater efficiency is observed if the papillomas have appeared recently. Oksolinovoy ointment is recommended to lubricate warts and papillomas in order to prevent the appearance of new formations.
  • Salicylic ointment has a keratolytic and antiseptic effect. You can apply it to warts and papillomas located on the feet, soles. Education from above is smeared with ointment and covered with a sterile tissue, so it is necessary to do it two or three times a day.
  • Panavir gel is a preparation consisting of plant antiviral components. The gel destroys not only the external virus in the papilloma, but also penetrates deep inside. Due to this, more microorganism is destroyed, and the papillomas gradually come off.
  • The Aldara Cream starts the process of producing interferon in the skin, which leads to the destruction of the virus and, accordingly, to the disappearance of papillomas. Apply the cream to the formation every other day, and to remove the old ones, papillomas may take up to 4 months of treatment.
  • Pencil from the papillomas. This tool is easy to use and highly effective. Lapisk pencil, pencil LEKKER is very popular. These two drugs have a cauterizing and antimicrobial effect. The first positive shift from their application is observed already on the third-fifth day of use.

Medical preparations

For the induction of papillomas on the body, the doctor can prescribe special solutions that destroy the wart.

When using them, it is necessary to follow the instructions, since with improper handling of the product, there is a risk of damage to healthy tissues and the formation of cicatricial changes.

  • Verruccid. Apply the solution with a special applicator, the skin beforehand around the papilloma is protected by applying a greasy cream. To remove small and fresh papillomas, it is enough to apply Verrukacid once or twice. Large formations are removed in about 5 treatments, papillomas on the sole for 10 verruacid. It is not used in the inguinal region, between the interdigital spaces, on the face, since a delicate skin can cause a burn.
  • Superchistotel effectively removes viral formations, but due to high cauterizing properties, scarring may occur. Therefore, this drug is used in the formation of plantar papillomas and provided that the healthy skin is protected with a patch.
  • Dermavit. The gel is used to remove papillomas on the body, excluding the area of ​​the armpits, mammary glands, groin. Before application, the skin around the formation is treated with petroleum jelly or any fat cream. The product does not cause pain, with proper application does not leave any undesirable changes on the skin.
  • Cryopharm. The drug contains a refrigerant substance, it when applied to the skin freezes the tissue. That is, the medicine has a similar action with cryodestruction. The coolant is first applied to the applicator, which is then applied to the body. The effectiveness and safety of the procedure depends on the correct implementation of the instruction.

In addition to the listed products in pharmacies, you can find other topical products from papillomas. Before buying, be sure to read the annotation, it indicates for which places on the body the product you are purchasing is applicable.

Tablets that help to cure the virus

Complex treatment of patients with HPV implies, apart from removing the external defect, the use of systemic drugs - antiviral and immunomodulating tablets.

For the treatment of HPV use:

  • Isoprinosine.
  • Immunomax.
  • Allokin-alpha.
  • Indinol.

The dosage of drugs and the general course of their admission are selected for each patient with HPV separately. Reception of drugs if necessary can be repeated.


Anna, 28 years old:

After the appearance of placer papillomas on the body turned to the doctor. The results of the examination were disappointing - several HPV strains were found at once. The doctor prescribed Panavir treatment - injections and gel. Papillomas have become smaller already somewhere in five days of treatment. Analyzes I shall go to hand over in a month, I hope, that all will be normalized.

Maria, 34 years old:

On the hands a few months ago there were small tubercles, on the description on the Internet realized that it was flat papillomas. She began to smear with oksolinovoy ointment, the growth of growths stopped, but they themselves do not pass. You will have to go to the clinic to remove these shishikas with a laser or in another way.

Pauline, 27 years old:

The plantar papilloma has troubled me for several weeks. At first I tried to cut it off and steam it off, but I did not completely grow up and the most important thing in this place began to ache with walking. The drug Cryofarm was advised in the pharmacy. I used it 5 times and everything went away, but there was a small burn on the healthy skin, which also had to be healed.


For a long time sought an effective remedy for small papillomas under the armpit to her husband. Tried several drugs, but eventually stopped on Verrukacide. The effect of its use has appeared in 4 days, though not really like its smell, and on the skin there are small wounds. But the wound is quickly healed, and there is no trace, so I'm pleased with Verrukacid.

Recipes at home

There are many folk ways from papillomas on the body, and some of them are really effective.

Using folk techniques, you need to prepare that the disappearance of growths on the body in some cases will have to wait for weeks.

But the grandmother's recipes have the main advantage - it's the possibility of treating the house, which allows you to save money. It is only necessary to remember that such therapy is necessarily performed if the papillomas are not inflamed, are not prone to rapid growth and do not bleed.

In order to remove papilloma formations by household means, use:

  • Castor oil. Perhaps, the safest method, and applicable for the treatment of tumors on the face. Castor oil can be lubricated with the desired area of ​​the body with a wart up to several times a day.
  • Aloe juice. In the sap of the century, a tampon is moistened, applied to the papilloma and fixed with a plaster for several hours.
  • Tea tree oil in the amount of two to three drops should be dripped daily on the papilloma.
  • Garlic cream. Two or three cloves of garlic make a gruel and mix it in equal proportion with baby cream. This ointment is applied to the papilloma on a tampon.

There are a lot of widely used folk methods of getting rid of papillomas. Some of them can be used only to remove plantar warts, so you need to correctly choose a prescription, depending on the location of papillomas on the body.

Which doctor is treating papillomas?

When a papilloma appears on the body, you should first contact a dermatologist. This doctor, if necessary, will send a consultation to an oncologist, an immunologist.

If the papillomas are on the genitals, then women should be examined by a gynecologist, and men have a urologist. Removal of tumors is handled by a surgeon or a cosmetologist.

Video on the removal of papilloma by electrocoagulation:

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