How to make turuns in the ear: with levomititsinom, boric alcohol, camphor oil

In the treatment of ENT organs, dressings that are suitable for size, shape and absorbency are used. These include napkins, tampons, turundas, cotton wool, bandages and marbles.
Neglecting sterility and use for medical purposes by everyday personal hygiene products is unacceptable. This can lead to microtraumas and infections in the depths of the affected organs.

All of the above materials can be purchased at the pharmacy or made independently of sterile blanks, hand-treated disinfectant.

Feature of

Turundas are twists of different diameters made of cotton wool and narrow stripes of bandage.

Unlike a round tampon used for superficial bleeding and for treatment of open extensive wounds, turundas allow the treatment of hard-to-reach cavities and mucous membranes, as well as deep areas of surgical intervention.

Indications for use

  • Hygiene of the infant.
    ( To clean the ears and nasal sinuses in babies make of cotton wool small turundochki, gently cleaning them with auditory canals from surplus sulfur and nasal passages from accumulated dust in them).
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  • Catarrhal diseases.
    ( A couple of small pieces are wrapped in two layers of gauze and put such tampons in the ears, excluding the ingress of garlic into the ear canals, which is extremely dangerous for the hearing organs).
  • Nasal bleeding.
    ( To combat bleeding use either dry turundas, or wet them in hydrogen peroxide).
  • Otitis.
    ( with unopened otitis media, turunda with medicines is the most effective and harmless way of treatment).
  • Runny nose.
    ( flagella twisted from bandage, dipped in alcohol solution of propolis or smeared with propolis ointment).
  • Sinusitis.
    ( Relieve the symptoms of turunda disease with propolis, onion juice, these drugs dilute pus, contributing to its outflow).

Turundas are also used in dentistry, gynecology, trauma and surgery.

How to instill medicines with turundum

How to make a turunda in the ear, in the nose

Turundas for nasal and auricular orifices are made in the same way. The only difference is that for the nasal passages, twists are more dense and longer.

The material for manufacturing is chosen depending on the purpose of application. Wadding, as a denser material, it is convenient to clean the cavities, and gauze blanks are better absorbing properties used to impregnate drugs.

In addition, when folk methods of treatment in a bandage before twisting, put pieces of onions, propolis, aloe.

How to make turuns in the ear, see in our video:

Step-by-step instruction

From cotton wool

  1. A small piece of cotton wool takes. It is evenly spread and stretched.
  2. This cotton wool is rolled from the center into a thin roller.
  3. Then the roller is bent into two equal parts, and its halves also twist among themselves in a spiral.
  4. You can make the wadding by using a pointed match or a toothpick. Wrapping cotton wool on her, pull the stick, holding the winding with two fingers. The resulting twisting is tightened by twisting in a spiral.

From the cotton wheels

The cotton disc is divided into two thin circles. Then they are individually folded into tubes and screwed for compaction. Vata in the discs are less friable, so there is less chance that its small pieces will remain in the auditory canals.

On a photo of turunda from a cotton disk

From a gauze and bandage

  1. Bandage is cut into longitudinal strips of the correct width.
  2. The ends of the bandage must be wrapped inside, so that scraps of thread do not remain after the procedure in the damaged cavity.
  3. Next, the workpiece is folded two times along the length so that its edges join in the center.
  4. After that, a roller is twisted from the bandage.

Applying turundas for treatment of ENT organs, do not forget the following general rules:

  • Before the introduction of curative twists, the cavities should be cleaned of contaminants and excess secretions in order to ensure access of drugs to the site of inflammation.
  • The length of the outer part of the tampon is left such that it is easy to remove it.
  • Introduce turundas by rotational movements, without compacting them in the cavity and not pounding deep inside. In the absence of ventilation, infection can spread even more.
  • Change flagella usually after drying drugs on them, several times a day, but depending on the drug and the doctor's recommendations, the frequency of application may vary.
  • Remains of cotton wool in the ear and nose canals cause severe inflammation, so it is important to monitor the complete removal of turuns after the procedures.

How to twist turundum from cotton wool

What medicines use

The list of medicines applied to turundas in the treatment of diseases of the ear and nasopharynx is large enough. It is preferable to select individual medicines by consulting with a doctor.

  • Boric alcohol is the most well-known product that has a warming effect in ear diseases. For the same purpose, common alcohol or vodka is often used. Flagellum, soaked in alcohol solution, also have an antiseptic effect, but boron alcohol is contraindicated for children and patients with injuries of the tympanic membrane.
  • Calendula tincture has a softer warming and anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of otitis. It is also effective in sinusitis and it interacts well with Levomekol ointment. Turundas are first impregnated with tincture of calendula, after which they are applied a little ointment.
  • Levomekol has a very wide spectrum of action. It has a strong antibacterial and healing effect, while having few contraindications.
  • A tampon with camphor oil relieves pain and inflammation in the ear, but it can not be used for bleeding.
  • Vaseline is effective for removing ear plugs, it is good for allergic rhinitis and is part of many ointments.
  • Furacilin solution is an antimicrobial agent with a drying effect. It is used in the treatment of furuncles, purulent otitis, staphylococcal infections. The effectiveness of furacilin is comparable to that of strong antibiotics, which makes it very widely used in medicine.
  • Dioxydin is an antiseptic used for purulent forms of bacterial infections.
  • Levomycetin is an antibiotic prescribed by a physician for infectious infections of an inflammatory nature.
  • Hydrocortisone - a hormonal ointment, designed to combat allergic and inflammatory skin lesions of a non-microbial nature. She is treated with dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema.

How to bury boron alcohol in the ear:

The use of

The use of medical twisted flagella contributes to the elimination of:

  • Pus.
  • Accumulated mucus.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Edge.
  • Infectious infections.


  • Do not put medical tampons for children under three years.
  • When treating children under the age of ten, turuns with aggressive herbal remedies can not be used, which can lead to irritation or burns.
  • Pregnant women without a doctor's prescription.
  • Individually for severe injuries that caused cartilage and bone deformities of organs.
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