Training of the vestibular apparatus in children and adults at home

The position of our body and the maintenance of balance are controlled by a tiny organ located in the inner ear - the vestibular apparatus.

Functions As part of the vestibular analyzer system, this sensitive organ provides excitation of receptor cells by analyzing the effects on the body of gravity and rectilinear acceleration. The irritation of the receptors occurs with the turns and inclinations of the head.

Muscles of the body are reflexively reduced, allowing a person to maintain balance and navigate in space.

Causes of disorders

  • Craniocerebral trauma.
  • Edema of the inner ear.
  • Intoxication of the body.
  • Occlusion of internal auditory artery.
  • Accepting a number of chemical preparations.
  • Syndrome of vertebral-basilar insufficiency.
  • Increased blood viscosity.
  • Vestibular neuritis.
  • Vessel diseases.
  • Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Tumor process.
  • Labyrinthite.
  • Meniere Syndrome.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Otosclerosis.
  • Stroke.

Vestibular functions and signs of impairment:

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Symptoms of

  • Vertigo.
  • Chaotic eye movements.
  • Nausea.
  • Loss of balance.
  • Blood pressure disorder.
  • Flies before the eyes.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Pale face.
  • Problems with coordination of movements.
  • Increased salivation.
  • Ejaculation of the ears.
  • Change in heart rate.
  • Divided vision.
  • Dark in the eyes.

Training of the vestibular apparatus

The state and development of organs of balance from birth in humans are different. Weakness and pathological disturbances of the vestibular apparatus cause a lot of inconvenience to a person. These are constant motion sicknesses in transport, frequent dizziness, forced physical activity limitedness, falling on an equal place.

For the elderly it is a good prevention against dizziness and numbness of the limbs.

Reviews on the benefits of training the vestibular apparatus:


Exercises for the head

  • Turns at a fixed view. Concentrate your eyes on a motionless object that is within one meter of your eye level. Turn the head to the right - to the left so fast that the outline of the object remains clear. Gradually speed up the process, avoiding sudden movements.
  • The head turns up and down in the same way 3 times a day for 30 seconds.
  • Tracking the ball. The ball is thrown from one hand to the other. The look concentrates on the ball for 30 seconds. To begin it is necessary sitting, in due course exercise can be complicated, carrying out it standing.
  • Circular movements of the head with raised shoulder joints. Alternately, 10 turns are made in different directions.
  • When reading books from time to time, it is recommended that you look away and slowly shake your head.

In a sitting position

  • Sitting on a chair, you need to alternately try to reach the fingers of your left and right legs.
  • Turns the torso left and right.
  • Slopes of the trunk back. It is necessary to sit facing the back of the chair and, holding on to it, gently slant.
  • Office workers are suitable exercises on a rotating chair. Scrolling several times, it is useful to fix a look at a small motionless object.

Simple exercises for vestibular apparatus training after

disease Standing

  • The simplest exercise. You have to put your feet together, spread your arms to the height of your shoulders, close your eyes and stand there for about 20 seconds. Then, without opening your eyes, you need to lower your arms along the trunk and stand for a few more seconds. With large problems with the vestibular apparatus, even this simple exercise can cause certain difficulties.
  • Hands to set aside, to rise on your toes and try to keep balance with your eyes closed.
  • To rise on the toes, to throw back the head and try to keep the balance in this position.
  • A series of fast slopes forward. At the same time you need to keep your hands on your waist.
  • One knee rises to the level of the chest, hands are bred in the sides. It is desirable not to bend the knee of the supporting leg. With closed eyes, maintaining balance in this exercise is much more difficult.
  • Circular motion around itself with the subsequent walking in a straight line.
  • The slopes of the body in different directions at this position of the feet, when the toe of one foot rests against the heel of the other foot( as when walking on a rope).

Exercises for training coordination

With help of tools

  • Holding and carrying small items on your head( book, notebook).Having mastered the usual walking, you can complicate the exercise by adding obstacles and turns.
  • Riding on a swing, amusement.
  • Rocking in a hammock, in a rocking chair.
  • Jumping on the trampoline.
  • Exercises with a hoop, skipping rope.
  • Turns and rotates using the health drive.

Simple exercises for vestibular apparatus training in our video:

Kinds of sport that will help

Proper and systematic physical activity is very important for the development of equilibrium organs. Combine business with pleasure:

  • Badminton.
  • Cycling.
  • Jumping on a skateboard.
  • Ice skating.
  • Random gymnastics.
  • Dancing.
  • Acrobatics. ATP Challenger Tour Tennis.
  • A variety of ball games.
  • Classes in martial arts.
  • Yoga.

Kinds of sport that develop the coordination of

How important is the stability of the

If the child starts to develop equilibrium gradually from birth, then in future it will protect him from many problems related to violations of the functions of these organs.

  • The risk of getting domestic injuries related to loss of coordination of movements will decrease.
  • The choice of sports which the person can be engaged in will increase.
  • Love for travel also implies good tolerance of all modes of transport. Constant motion sickness and dizziness can darken any trip.

Threatens the pathology of

Vestibular apparatus abnormalities can lead to loss of tactile sensitivity, to disorientation and to negatively affect the work of the entire nervous system.

As a consequence of inflammatory, vascular and neoplastic diseases, the failure of the work of the organs of balance indicates the need for urgent measures for their treatment in order to avoid undesirable complications and relapses.

The organs of the inner ear are directly connected to the brain, therefore it is impossible to ignore the presence of any disturbances in them.

Is it possible to restore or "train" the coordination of

? Restoring the vestibular apparatus is a complex exercise where taking medications prescribed by a doctor should be combined with therapeutic gymnastics and a healthy lifestyle. Treatment of any disease is individually and is prescribed, based on the symptoms and severity of the disease.

Strengthened training of the vestibular apparatus is also practiced in extreme sports.

Forecast of

Adult person can significantly improve coordination of movements, regularly engaged in special gymnastics and leading an active lifestyle. Systematic training of the vestibular apparatus in children gives quick positive results.

People in old age are extremely necessary for exercise to prevent diseases associated with disorders of the nervous system.

After injuries and infectious diseases, the vestibular apparatus is restored quickly enough, without neglecting the recommendations of medical workers.

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