Creon for diarrhea in children

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Infants are almost always diarrhea due to imperfections in the digestive system. On the one hand, such a reaction of the body is natural, but on the other hand, the difficulties associated with digesting food always disturb parents, since they can contribute to the development of a dysbacteriosis in a baby. In this case, the gastroenterologist appoints Creon to children. With diarrhea, it is given to the child, taking into account his age and physiological condition.

The active ingredients in the composition of this drug contribute to a more productive splitting of food, resulting in its digestion and absorption by the body improves. Thanks to this, Creon with diarrhea in children improves the functioning of the digestive tract. This drug is a completely safe medication, so its use can begin with an infant. Young parents are always interested in the question of how best to give this medicine to babies, because it is issued in the form of a capsule? Experts recommend the following method:

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  • Open the capsule with Creon and pour half of its contents into the spoon;
  • A prepared dose of powder intended for the treatment of diarrhea should be diluted with breast milk or a mixture before giving to the child;
  • The kid during this procedure is kept in an upright position;
  • The remaining medicine is given to children after the main meal.

Young mothers need to remember that the combination of Creon, designed for the treatment of pediatric diarrhea, with a hot liquid is strictly contraindicated, since high temperatures help to destroy the therapeutic effect of the drug. Also, do not forget that a child under one year of this drug is given only under close supervision of the pediatrician. In addition, during the course of treatment of diarrhea with this infant drug should be provided with a plentiful drink, otherwise it may start constipation. The dosage of Creon for diarrhea in children is chosen by the attending physician depending on the severity of the disease. This drug also has side effects. These include:

  • Small rashes on the skin;
  • Painful sensations in the tummy;
  • Constipation disorders in the form of constipation;
  • A state of nausea accompanied by vomiting.

In case of symptoms in the children of the above symptoms, the use of Creon for diarrhea should be discontinued and seek the advice of a specialist who will select a more suitable means for a particular kid against diarrhea. Also, when buying a drug in a pharmacy, you should definitely take an interest in the date of manufacture, since with time this medicinal product reduces the healing properties.

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