Roseola in children and adults: symptoms, treatment, photos, causes

A disease that looks like an allergy, rubella, respiratory infection and a host of other diseases, making it difficult to diagnose, is called roseola. Doctors very rarely put this diagnosis. This is due to the fact that according to the first symptoms it is not yet clear what kind of disease it is.

Features of the disease

The problem is initiated by the human herpes virus( the sixth type and the seventh type). Little pink babies, up to three years old, sometimes four, are ill.

In general, you can get infected with this virus at any age, but the course of the disease is not noticeable, because the body itself copes with the problem. After a person has recovered with roseola, he acquires immunity from this disease.

The virus from the body does not disappear anywhere and settles in it forever. At the time when the infection is in the active phase, which is manifested in the disease - roseola, a person is the source of infection.

Dr. Komarovsky in this video tells about the roseola:

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The disease is classified by the age of the sick person:

  • adult roseola - passes unnoticed, almost without symptoms;
  • baby roseola - it happens at the age when the child is from the age of six and up to two( this period can be considered up to four years).

Also called rosewood is a disease caused not by herpes, but pale treponema - syphilitic roseola( secondary fresh syphilis).

Roseola in children( photo)

Causes of

The disease initiates the sixth type herpes virus when ingested. Because very often young children are sick after the age of six, that is, they assume that they can get infected from adults who surround it.

Symptoms of roseola

Specialists identify several basic signs that are characteristic of the disease in childhood. It is interesting that they manifest themselves consistently, which is why it is impossible to identify roseola with the appearance of the first symptoms.

  • The first stage of the disease refers to itself as a fever. A child may feel a malaise characteristic of a fever: it becomes whimsical, quickly tired, drowsy. On the fourth day the temperature is normalized without the help of drugs - in itself. And it's time to prove yourself to the next sign. The temperature can be very high - above 39 degrees. That indicates the roseola - antipyretic drugs do not help. So three days pass.
  • The second stage of the is a rash that appears on the skin of the trunk and spreads to the upper and lower limbs. This feature also disappears without a trace, after about two days. Rashes have appearance: stains, whose size is in the range of three to five millimeters. The color of the spots is pale pink, there may be a border along the border of the spot. The rash does not cause itching.
  • Additional signs of are:
    • may show an increase in spleen and liver,
    • increase in lymph nodes( ear, neck),
    • may cause seizures from high fever.

Symptoms of pediatric roseola: the subject of the video below:

Diagnosis of

To determine the disease of roseola, the specialist does not have a large arsenal of remedies:

  • is first performed external examination of the patient,
  • the doctor finds out about the symptoms that have manifested themselves during this time,
  • if there is an opportunity for therapeuticinstitution, then serological diagnosis is prescribed,
  • a blood test is performed.

Treatment of

There are no special treatment procedures that are prescribed for roseola. The patient is trying to relieve the condition. Symptomatic treatment is performed.

Therapeutic way of

The child is provided with sparing conditions:

  • preferably bed rest,
  • room should be ventilated,
  • food should be taken lightly, in small portions.


You can take medications to lower the temperature:

  • Nurofen,
  • Paracetamol.

Prevention of the disease

In order to avoid the disease, it is necessary to protect the child from the possibility of catching from already sick children and adults.

Complications of

Most often the disease goes by itself and does not cause consequences. However, there are cases when in young children the body reacts to high temperature and the effect of the virus in the blood with such manifestations:

  • meningoencephalitis,
  • convulsions,
  • purulent otitis.


The organism copes with the disease, it goes by itself. A person receives as a result of a lifetime immunity.

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