Chicory with gastritis, can I drink it?

There are many contradictions about chicory: some say that it can be used with gastritis, and others that it is contraindicated. Those who produce soluble chicory, convince buyers that this product is completely safe and useful. That is, it, according to them, is recommended to drink to everyone. But also there is an opinion that the drink from this plant affects the gastric mucosa as badly as ordinary coffee. In case of gastritis, if you can not refuse it, you should not eat it on an empty stomach!

Is there any benefit from chicory for gastritis?

This plant is unique in its kind. Its root is rubbed into powder, and then used as a tasty and fragrant drink. But how this drink is useful, and whether it can be used for gastritis? Let's understand.

First, chicory contains pectin that stimulates normal bowel function, helping to get rid of constipation, in addition, it cleans toxins, as well as toxins. Also, this drink heals wounds and relieves inflammation, which helps restore the mucous membrane of the stomach, that is, it can be used for gastritis.

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Secondly, thanks to the antimicrobial activity of essential oils, as well as tannins, with the use of chicory improves the condition of the kidneys, puffiness, liver, gallbladder and helps restore flora in poisoning. In addition, it is exactly possible and even necessary to drink with gastritis with reduced acidity, because it increases the appetite and stimulation of the production of gastric juice, which is responsible for digesting food. Accordingly, this drink can not be drunk with gastritis with high acidity for the above reasons.

Among other things, this drink has a restorative effect, in connection with what you should drink chicory in gastritis, as this disease is often accompanied by avitaminosis.

How to take chicory with gastritis?

As we found out earlier, this plant can and sometimes even needs to be taken with gastritis, but not all forms.

That is, this beverage can not be used with increased acidity of the stomach, and also in the case of an erosive form of the disease, which is accompanied by deep damage to the mucous membrane.

The first option is to pour into the cup one teaspoon chicory powder and pour boiling water. You need to use it cold, if desired, with the addition of sugar and milk. The daily intake norm of the received drink is not more than three cups.

Also from this plant can be prepared tincture. Place 50 grams of powder in a thermos bottle or other closing container and add half a liter of boiling water, close tightly. Hold it for a while in a warm place. This tincture should be taken ΒΌ cup before meals.

Also very effective is the decoction of chicory. To prepare, pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan and put on a fire. After boiling, pour half a glass of powder. And cook on a quiet fire for half an hour under the lid. At the end of the time, strain and take one tablespoon during meals.

In order for chicory for gastritis to be really useful and effective, and also harmless to your body, you need to use it in any kind of exclusively in acceptable quantities. It is very important to follow all the recommendations, or even better, to avoid unacceptable consequences, you need to seek advice from a qualified gastroenterologist or your doctor. We wish you good health and a happy recovery.

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