Vulgar psoriasis( simple, simple): treatment, medical history, stages

Psoriasis, which occurs for a variety of reasons, affects the upper layer of the epidermis and has obvious manifestations, which even allow a diagnosis to diagnose the disease. And among the variety of its forms, vulgar, or simple( ordinary) psoriasis, which has a number of distinctive signs of external manifestation, requires a definite approach to treatment.

Features of the disease

Being manifested in the form of numerous skin lesions with the formation of dry particles of a grayish hue, ordinary psoriasis develops on the surface of the skin areas with reddened and extremely sensitive skin. The bright red surface is caused by the close proximity to the surface of small blood vessels, which even with mild mechanical stress break down and the formation of small wounds. With further progression of the disease, small areas of the affected red skin combine to form the so-called psoriatic plaques.

To date, this disease can not be completely cured, but timely diagnosis allows you to take measures to stop its progression and improve the overall condition of the patient.

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A feature of this form of the disease can be considered the possibility of its long flow with implicit, sometimes blurred external manifestations, which makes it difficult to diagnose and treat.

Detection of vulgar psoriasis can be achieved by scraping the papules of the skin, under which a patch with an increased level of peeling is usually found, as well as red skin with a tendency to bleeding. Most often such areas are formed under large joints, in the region of the scalp.

Vulgar psoriasis is diagnosed with the same frequency in both women and men, and can be inherited through the father and mother.

Next, the history of the common, common vulgar psoriasis with progressive, stationary and other stages will be considered.

Simple vulgar psoriasis( photo)

Classification of

Along with the usual form of vulgar psoriasis, several other types of vulgar psoriasis can be identified. They differ in the severity of the flow: the

  • is an easy form of the , characterized by insignificant areas of lesion occupying only 3% of the body surface. This form does not last long, usually the color of the particles gradually loses its brightness and gradually completely disappears. However, with the primary manifestation of the disease, under the influence of a number of factors( mainly psychological, after a sharp or prolonged stress), there is a high probability of recurrence of the disease, which, in the course of a prolonged course, can pass into the following form;
  • The average severity of is characterized by the appearance of more psoriatic plaques, which, when the disease progresses, merge and form large areas with an uneven peeling surface. The skin is affected at an average of 3-8% of the total area. Papules have a raised surface above the skin, uneven outlines and different from the natural color. Most often, psoriasis is diagnosed at moderate severity in the region of the scalp, on the waist and sacrum, on flexor surfaces and under large joints;
  • heavy form .At this stage of the disease, a significant part of the skin surface is damaged - more than 10%.In this case, the plaques acquire fancy shapes, their surface is uneven, scaly. Coloring of skin patches of plaques varies from light pink to gray and dark gray. With a prolonged course of the disease at this stage, the skin becomes denser to the touch, its thermoregulation worsens, the area of ​​damage gradually increases and captures all new parts of the body.

There are also several varieties of severe disease. These include:

  • psoriatic erythroderma;
  • arthropathic form;
  • exudative kind of psoriasis, in which particles of dry skin stick together, forming a single yellowish shade of crust on the surface of the skin, which has a greasy sheen;
  • is a pustular form( Tsumbusha, Barbera).

All of them are characterized by a large area of ​​damage, they can pass into each other and require medical intervention.

This video will tell you what vulgar psoriasis means:

Causes of

The most common reasons for the appearance of vulgar psoriasis are stresses, excessive excitement and anxiety. An important role is played by improper and harmful food substances, lack of the necessary amount of vitamins in food.

To date, there is no unified theory of the appearance of ordinary psoriasis;in the course of several theories that differ in the system of views on the nature of the disease, as well as the causes that cause it.

According to the theories that are most popular today, the reasons for the emergence of simple psoriasis include:

  1. hereditary factor - if any form of psoriasis is detected in any of the relatives, its occurrence in children is high enough;
  2. disruptions in metabolism and in metabolic processes;
  3. virus cause - according to medical research, there is a certain virus that causes the appearance of a malfunction in the regeneration of skin cells, in connection with which there is a change in its condition;
  4. disorders and imbalance in the endocrine glands.

Combination of the above causes can cause the appearance of psoriasis of the common, which, under certain provoking factors, can pass from a mild form to a heavy one.

Symptoms of vulgar psoriasis

Typical manifestations of vulgar( simple, ordinary) psoriasis is marked damage to the upper layer of the epidermis, which is focal in nature, the surface of such a site is scaly and covered with gray scales. Under these scales are areas of skin with red, sensitive to the slightest mechanical action of the surface.

With heavier forms, thickening of the skin layer occurs, the affected areas increase. The appearance of such manifestations is accompanied by severe itching, constantly increasing in area scaling.


Usually the detection of ordinary psoriasis is not problematic: the external symptoms are quickly diagnosed. Today, there are no additional procedures that can detect a disease in the presence of certain deviations in health. Sometimes in blood tests, there may be some indicators that indicate an inflammatory, autoimmune or rheumatic process.

  • The presence of pathological processes associated with the development of vulgar psoriasis may be indicated by a biopsy of the upper layer of the epidermis.
  • Diagnostics can also be performed by scraping from a damaged area of ​​the skin: at this point the skin starts to bleed quickly, and microcracks appear on it at the slightest physical impact.

Next, consider the treatment of vulgar vulgar( vulgar).

Treatment of

To date, a treatment that completely eliminates both the causes and manifestations of the disease has not been created. There are a number of measures that make it possible to improve significantly both the general well-being and to approximate the period of remission of the affected skin.

This video is dedicated to the treatment of psoriasis:

Therapeutic method

The therapeutic methods for treating vulgar psoriasis include the use of hormonal and non-hormonal drugs that stabilize the skin and eliminate inflammation. Such preparations can be used both in the form of ointments and creams, and in the form of lotions.

Particularly severe form of the disease requires the use of treatment with the patient in the hospital, where along with therapeutic treatment, various baths, compresses, general health-improving procedures that raise the level of immunity are used.


Medium and severe forms of the disease require the use of medication. The treatment process itself is based on the following approaches:

  • cleansing the body of toxins and decomposition products;
  • detoxification and removal of medicinal residues from tissues and blood;
  • application of local therapy.

Various glucocorticosteroid preparations can be used as medicines, which remove skin irritation, reduce its edema, and restore the keratinization process. Plaque-shaped psoriasis is treated with cytotoxic drugs.

Other methods of

Surgery for extremely severe forms of psoriasis is rarely prescribed.

Good results also result in physiotherapeutic effects:

  • magnetic effect;
  • UV radiation in moderate doses;
  • electrosleep.

Prevention of

As a preventive measure, it may be recommended to establish a full-fledged diet and daily regimen, avoiding excessive sun exposure, and stress free.

Chronic vulgar plaque psoriasis( photo)

Complications of

The transition from mild to heavier forms can be considered a complication of the disease. Also, against the backdrop of insufficient treatment, dermatitis of varying severity can develop, a significant deterioration of the skin condition.


Psoriasis vulgaris is not life-threatening, but it significantly reduces its quality. Removing symptoms requires considerable time.

On folk methods of treatment of psoriasis will tell the video below:

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