Is it possible to eat borsch and cabbage soup with gastritis?

Borsch and soup are the favorite first dishes of most of the population of our country. But in the case when a person suffers from inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including gastritis, the traditional version of this favorite dish is prohibited, as it is prepared from such products, which can cause even greater lesions of inflamed mucosa.

But from any position you can always find a way out. So in this case, in response to a question from a patient suffering from an inflammatory disease of the stomach: "Is it possible to borsch with gastritis?" It is quite possible to give a positive response. True, not the traditional version of this first dish, but slightly modified, but it's no less delicious and a plus to everything is more useful.

Since white cabbage is strictly forbidden for use with gastritis, and in the main version of this dish it is used as the main vegetable, then in inflammatory pathologies of the stomach it is necessary to replace it with another variety. You can take a few leaves of Peking cabbage.

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The same applies to broth. Instead of fatty pork it is worth to take veal or chicken. And sharp spices should be replaced with greens of dill or parsley. And from garlic, Bulgarian pepper and vinegar, used in borsch, patients with gastritis should be completely abandoned. The taste of the dish will be slightly different, but nothing worse.

Here's how the recipe for cooking borscht with a gastritis looks like:

  1. In boiling weak meat broth put potatoes, cut into strips and boil for about 5 minutes. Further, the finely chopped Peking cabbage is dropped, everything is brought to a boil. The fire is reduced to a minimum and the pan is covered with a lid so that the future borshch is filled;
  2. At this time, preparing "zazharka."But vegetables for it are not fried in vegetable oil, which is strictly forbidden when gastritis, and stew. It takes a carrot rubbed on a large grater and is allowed in a small amount of liquid until soft. Next to it are added boiled beets( straws) and tomatoes( lobules);
  3. Minutes 5 everything is stewed together, and then added to a pot of borsch. After 7 minutes, the magnificent first course is ready. It remains only to cool it to the desired temperature and serve to the table, with cream or sour cream.

But the cabbage soup, especially sour, is strictly contraindicated in gastritis. Therefore, with this disease it is worthwhile to stop on cabbage soup from fresh cabbage, also replacing it from white to Beijing. This dish is also cooked on a weak meat broth, and all other vegetables are laid down according to the recipe. Serve with cabbage soup with gastritis also stands cold to the desired temperature, slightly flavored with sour cream or cream.

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