Doppler( Doppler study): price, analysis, norm, reviews

Doppler study( Doppler study) of vessels, is one of the main methods of diagnosing blood flow in blood vessels. It can indicate a problem even if it has not been detected by the ECG.Therefore, today we will talk about echocardiography with Doppler analysis: what is it, what reviews about it and what device is used for the conduct.

What is an

Doppler Study? The method is based on the Doppler effect. With its help, the direction and velocity of blood flow in the arteries and veins, the width of the lumen of the vessels, and the pressure inside the vessel are calculated.

More details on what a Doppler study will tell this video:

To whom it is assigned

This survey method is used:

  • for diagnosing the nature, degree of circulatory disorders in the vessels;
  • allows to give an objective assessment of the degree of stenosis of valves;
  • during pregnancy, conduct a Doppler study to assess the performance of the placenta and uterine arteries.

Why go through this procedure

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Dopplerography is used to assess blood flow in the vessels if the patient's complaints and the nature of the development of the disease are indicated for the presence of vascular pathology. In this case, the treating doctor should determine which vessel is deformed and how much( this indicator determines the further treatment), how this will affect the patient's condition, possible complications.

The method is completely safe, atraumatic for the patient, the procedure is quite comfortable. Due to this, the Doppler study is allowed to be carried out to a patient of any age, including a baby in the womb of a pregnant woman, a newborn and a pregnant woman. It can be repeated many times, because the procedure has no contraindications.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

Doppler studies are prescribed in such cases:

  • severe migraine, frequent headaches in the patient;
  • often recurring dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness without established causes;
  • reduced temperature of hands and feet at room temperature indoors;
  • heaviness and swelling of the legs;
  • varices;
  • hypertension or suspicion of it.

Types of diagnostics

  • With duplex Doppler heart scanning, two modes of investigation are used: ultrasound and spectral.
  • There is also a triplex scan, during which, in addition to the two conventional modes, color( color) Doppler mapping of the blood flow is used.

In modern clinics, all Dopplers have the ability to conduct a triplex survey, but the most common is duplex scanning. This is a highly informative method for conducting a survey of disorders in the cardiovascular system, it allows to determine not only the permeability of the vessel, but also the causes of the disorder and conduct a detailed assessment of atherosclerotic plaques.

For information on what color( color) Doppler mapping is, you will learn from the video below:

Indications for

Some conditions in which the doctor most often recommends Doppler examination of the heart:

  • recurrent pain in the sternum;
  • marked increase in the liver;
  • elevated body temperature, accompanied by pain in the heart;
  • for alcohol abuse;
  • for heart murmurs;
  • if the changes in the electrocardiogram were negative;
  • kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension, vascular problems;
  • gestosis;
  • is a "bad" cardiogram.

Contraindications for carrying out

The Doppler study is practically not contraindicated. You may be denied the procedure only if you have a general condition or have a neurological condition.

Is the

method safe? The procedure is completely painless and safe for the patient. Additional sensors or other additional devices are not used in its implementation.

Preparing for

procedure For a larger type of dopplerography that is not associated with the abdominal cavity, special training is not required. The doctor who will perform the test will instruct you in advance when using a particular type of Doppler.

Doppler examination of the heart can only be performed by a trained diagnostic professional, attending physician or ultrasound technologist.

It should be noted that the correctness of the results is influenced by both the equipment used in the clinic and the qualification of the medic. Modern equipment allows you to obtain fine-grained and accurate images, which allows you to carefully consider the pathological changes in the heart.

How the

Diagnosis Is Performed The Doppler examination reveals pathology, determines the localization, the extent of blood flow and patient risk. The universality of such diagnostics consists in the possibility of conducting it out-patient, in a hospital, in an ambulance, directly during an operation or on the site of an accident.

Feels for the patient that the procedure of doppler in the usual state and during pregnancy does not differ from usual ultrasound.

  • Before Doppler-examination of the heart, it is necessary to remove all ornaments, and also - to get rid of outer clothing.
  • Then the patient lays down on the couch, on his back.
  • A little gel is applied to the area of ​​the body being examined. This is done to ensure that the procedure was carried out without error - errors can occur in the event of air entering between the sensor and the skin.

The duration of the procedure, as a rule, does not exceed half an hour. About the rate of doppler during pregnancy and in normal condition read below.

Interpretation of results

The specialist doctor should estimate the proportion of S / D - the obtained index if the maximum velocity in the vessel is divided by the final diastolic velocity( when the heart muscle "rests").In order to obtain a correct estimate, the index for each vessel must be compared with the existing regulatory tables.

But do not try to decipher the results yourself: it's quite difficult for a layman to do this. About the price of echocardiography with Doppler analysis for adults and children, fetal doppler, laser Doppler flowmetry, below.

Average cost of

The price for the Doppler survey is from 1 thousand to 3500 Russian rubles. Such diagnostics can be carried out in specialized centers, in some modern maternity hospitals.

Thus, Doppler research is an objective diagnostic method that helps to make a prediction, to estimate the degree of changes in heart diseases.

The following video contains even more useful information about Doppler research:

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