Once a week, diarrhea( loose stools)

Diarrhea is characterized by an increase in the number of defecations, in which the feces have a watery consistency. This is due to various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract caused by an infectious agent or disease of an organ. It usually lasts a fairly long time, but there are also situations when diarrhea occurs once a week.

Those patients who have a loose stool with such periodicity are usually interested in why this happens. Experts immediately exclude such factors as the occurrence of an illness, such as the defeat of digestive organs by pathogenic microorganisms or the development of a serious disease in them, and functional diarrhea is diagnosed. Numerous studies have shown that discomfort or psychoemotional causes may lead to unpleasant symptoms.

Causes of a loose stool once a week

Diarrhea of ​​a neurogenic nature can appear due to stressful situations, feelings or fear. To more accurately determine the why there is once a week a loose stool, you should pay attention to your lifestyle. There is a certain category of people on whom stress can have a specific impact. Because of it, the regulation of the proper functioning of the intestine is turned off. As a result, the brain with the help of nerve and hormonal influences is directly related to the digestive organs, and each stressful situation affects the functioning of the intestine, leading to the appearance of diarrhea.

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In the event that once a week a person is exposed to any neurogenic effects, his acts of bowel movements become more frequent and a loose stool appears. Experts believe that "bear illness" or "nervous diarrhea" is inherited. If the diarrhea provoked by a psychoemotional condition occurs only once a week or less, the following symptomatology will accompany it:

  • The stool frequency is no more than 3-5 times a day, and its consistence can be not only very liquid, but also mushy;
  • In the fecal masses may appear tenesmus, which usually do not have a vivid expression;
  • No inclusions of blood, mucus, fat or pus in the bowel movement;
  • With such a pathological symptom, like diarrhea, which occurs once a week, painful sensations during acts of defecation are moderate, but gas formation leading to bloating becomes worse.

Also appearing once a week diarrhea for neurogenic reasons, occurs only after eating. This type of pathology does not require specific treatment. It is enough just to reconsider your way of life and begin to feel more comfortable about stressful situations.

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