Diet in irritable bowel syndrome, an exemplary menu for IBS, prohibited foods and food, what can not be eaten, and what can you eat?

Diet in irritable bowel syndrome, a common digestive disorder with diarrhea, constipation and pain in the abdomen, is the main condition for the restoration of the digestive tract. Nutrition of the patient with IBS should be complete, and the menu balanced. During this pathology, you can only eat food. Much can not be eaten to avoid exacerbation of unpleasant symptoms. Alcoholic beverages are also prohibited in this disease.

Many people are interested in various questions about irritable bowel syndrome. Diet and nutrition with it cause the greatest interest, because this pathology violates the quality of life of a person at least 12 times a year. Specialists always offer patients with IBS an approximate menu, the purpose of which is to provide a full-fledged diet that brings maximum benefit to the digestive system. What can you eat with irritable bowel syndrome, and what foods should be included in the diet? Menu for IBS is developed for each patient individually, because what is allowed with constipation is prohibited during diarrhea. In addition, the products are selected depending on the phase of the pathology - remission or exacerbation. But there are general principles of nutrition in IBS:

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  • In irritable bowel syndrome, one should eat regularly, take food in small portions, but often. There should be no hurry, 5-6 times a day. This is a prerequisite for the normalization of the digestive tract. The average daily calorie content of the diet should be about 2500 kcal;
  • Fat, coffee and sweet fizzy drinks should be limited in the diet. Completely banned alcohol, canned food and spicy dishes;
  • It is recommended to increase the intake of fiber contained in fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, as it absorbs water, thus normalizing the stool, and reduces spasms.

Diet 2 or 4 is taken as the basis of the ration in irritable bowel syndrome. The diet is approved by the attending physician. In the event that the patient's diet menu is correctly written and these general recommendations are observed, significant changes in the condition can be felt already on the 2nd day of the diet change.

Many doctors recommend the Australian diet. With IBS, it is very popular. It is developed on the principle of reducing the level of FODMAP carbohydrates, provoking abnormalities in the digestive tract. The Australian diet for irritable bowel syndrome has an effective effect due to the fact that products containing these carbohydrates are removed from it. According to patients and experts, the Australian diet helps patients to reduce or completely eliminate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome very quickly.

What to eat with irritable bowel syndrome?

Most often, patients with IBS are interested in table number 2, and recommended foods. In the daily menu you can include the following dishes and drinks:

  • Liquid porridge on water or a weak broth from any cereals except for pearl barley, corn and millet. From permitted cereals, you can also prepare a casserole or pudding;
  • Soups for diet 2 for irritable bowel syndrome are also prepared on low-fat broths with wiped vegetables, pasta or cereals. You can not add beans or peas;
  • Fish and meat dishes should be prepared only from low-fat varieties, be sure to steamed and chopped;
  • From the dairy to the diet menu with irritable bowel syndrome, you can include fresh cottage cheese and low-fat kefir, cheeses of mild varieties, sour cream, butter;
  • It is recommended to eat and honey with IBS.It will benefit both patients with constipation, and with diarrhea. The thing is that honey is unique in its composition, and contains a large number of essential trace elements. This is very important in the diet for irritable bowel syndrome. It's honey experts recommend to replace sugar with this disease.

The nutrition of patients with IBS also includes the consumption of flour products. It is allowed to eat bread of yesterday's baking( white or gray), unhealthy cookies, dry biscuit, biscuits. You can not any dish from puff pastry or dough. Also banned fresh bread. Interested in patients and menus with IBS.An approximate version of a one-day diet for irritable bowel syndrome will look like this:

  • Breakfast. A soft-boiled egg or steam omelet, a toast with a piece of low-fat cheese and green tea with honey;
  • Lunch. Dietary vegetable soup with weak chicken broth, baked chicken breast and boiled rice, compote, cracker;
  • Dinner - boiled vegetables, cut into a salad dressed with a small amount of vegetable oil, boiled fish, jelly.

In breaks between basic meals, patients with irritable bowel syndrome recommend yogurt, baked apple and tea with biscuits. At night you need to drink a glass of yogurt.

During the day it is recommended that all other beverages prefer green tea. This drink is useful for a diet during irritable bowel syndrome, as it contains not only tannins, but also a large group of vitamins and trace elements. To drink green tea at this pathology follows in a cooled form.

Vegetables and fruit in IBS

Often, people who suffer from frequent manifestations of irritable bowel syndrome, the question also arises about vegetables and fruits that are allowed in diet 2. Here it should be noted that they should be consumed for the most part only after heat treatment,baking or boiling, and also ground to a puree state. From vegetables, experts recommend paying attention to broccoli and garlic, and fresh fruits and berries should be included in the diet watermelon, melon and orange. And then only those patients who have irritable bowel syndrome with constipation. It is they who need laxatives during the diet. But add them to the diet with IBS should be carefully and in small amounts. The reason for this is as follows:

  • Watermelon in irritable bowel syndrome can not be eaten when pathology occurs with diarrhea or is accompanied by flatulence and bloating. He is also rich in cellulose. Therefore, having eaten it, you can earn heartburn, eructation. But watermelon has a good laxative effect, so in a diet with irritable bowel syndrome with constipation, it is simply necessary;
  • Citrus, especially oranges, most often provoke the emergence of IBS.Due to the fact that these fruits are able to cause harm to the digestive tract in this disease, do not consume orange juice. Although in small amounts( approximately 4-5 lobules during the day), and provided there are no adverse reactions of the body or allergies, an orange can be entered into the menu. It is best to prepare from this vitamin fruit compote or jelly, which diversify the diet during exacerbation of irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Melons for patients with IBS with diarrhea should also be excluded from the diet menu. But with constipation caused by irritable bowel syndrome, it is simply necessary to include melon juice in the patient's diet. Also, the melon has an excellent ability to eliminate depression and nerve stress that causes IBS, so during the remission period, this dietary fruit in small amounts is recommended to all patients;
  • Broccoli with IBS is recommended not only after cooking, but also fresh. The whole point is that broccoli is rich in essential trace elements, which during cooking are destroyed. Also fresh cabbage broccoli regulates the work of the digestive tract;
  • Garlic in irritable bowel syndrome is used only in the processed form. Completely exclude this vegetable from the diet should not be, since garlic contains useful substances that kill the pathogenic microflora in the digestive tract. But fresh garlic can not be consumed, as it has an irritating effect on the digestive tract.

What can not be eaten with irritable bowel syndrome?

This question interests patients not less. The answer to it can be obtained from the attending physician, because for each patient the permitted and prohibited products will be different. This is due to what kind of symptomatology is present in a person. But there are general rules. First of all, it should be remembered that in dietary nutrition with IBS, it is strictly not recommended to eat food that was prepared in large amounts of fat, without difference, animal or vegetable. Such a load is not possible for weakened organs of the digestive tract, and therefore, people who are predisposed to this pathology develop negative syndromes in the form of diarrhea or constipation. Also from the diet should be excluded a number of products that cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Fast food and semi-finished products;
  • Most raw vegetables and fruits;
  • Fried food;
  • Spicy seasonings and spices.

All this is excluded from nutrition in all patients with IBS, and the remaining products remain at the discretion of the treating physician. Alcohol in IBS is also mostly forbidden by nutritionists. Patients who have irritable bowel syndrome, alcohol is contraindicated due to the fact that its consumption affects the ability of the body to absorb water. It disappears because of the toxicity of alcohol, falling into the digestive tract, and oppressive peristalsis. But this happens in case of consumption of a large number of strong drinks or beer.

But dry red wine with IBS in small amounts is very useful. It reduces the inflammatory process and neutralizes the action of toxins. Polyphenols dry wine protect the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. But you should consume wine moderately. Approximately 1-2 glasses a day. The benefits of a small amount of wine in IBS, despite the fact that it is an alcoholic beverage, is confirmed by specialists.

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