Sample menu with colitis and recipes

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Colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease, which causes a significant deterioration in digestion. Therefore, the key role in treatment activities is given to the correctly designed menu. The main task in the development of a specialist diet appropriate to this disease of the digestive system, is to prevent the ingestion of food in the intestines of the patient's chemical and mechanical damage. In addition, the menu for colitis involves the observance of a number of rules, both when cooking and when consuming dishes included in it:

  • Cooking should be done by baking, boiling, quenching, or steaming. Roasting products strictly forbidden;
  • The proportion of carbohydrates( maximum 100 grams) and fats( 20 g) should be reduced in the diet;
  • Food for cooking should be taken rich in protein. A day requires at least 120 grams of it;
  • It is necessary to observe the fractionality of food( food is taken 6 times in small portions).To do this, it is best to establish a schedule of meals and observe it.
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In addition, a sufficient amount of liquid( at least 2 liters per day) should be provided in the menu of the patient with colitis, and emphasis is placed on such recipes that do not require a large amount of salt, and also exclude any spices and seasonings. All cooked dishes should be served only warm. Too cold or hot food is prohibited.

Recipes for colitis

Due to the fact that properly organized nutrition can significantly alleviate the patient's condition and eliminate the possibility of acute attacks, dieticians have developed several rules that require that the products must be included in the diet, and from which it should be fullyrefuse to make a menu for people suffering from colitis:

  • Insect fiber is very harmful for intestinal diseases. Therefore, from the recipes that make up the menu for colitis, you should completely eliminate dishes that are prepared with whole grains, as well as fruits and vegetables such as apples with skin( there are a lot of them in it, so it is recommended to clean them before consumption), grapes, cabbage andsweet corn;
  • The same soluble fiber should be present in the menu when colitis. She has a wonderful property to improve intestinal motility and soften the patient's chair with constipation. Therefore, oat flakes, rice, carrots and potatoes must be present in the recipes of the dishes;
  • When preparing an approximate menu for a patient with colitis for a week, it is mandatory to provide for it the presence of oily marine fish. Fish oil, so necessary for a weakened organism, is best obtained naturally, and not from capsules, since this is how digesting it is much easier;
  • The use of dairy products is not prohibited, but in the recipes of dishes that are prepared for a person suffering from colitis, they should be used in limited quantities, as with their overabundance the patient's condition usually worsens. Therefore, the daily menu should not contain more than 100 grams.

In addition, specialists recommend a differentiated diet, depending on the complications present, the prevalence of diarrhea or constipation, the nature of the changes occurring in the mucosa of the digestive organ, the stage of colitis, and also the etiological factors. All these nuances must be taken into account when drawing up an approximate menu.

Sample menu for colitis

When creating a menu for a person who has a diagnosis of colitis, it should be taken into account that his daily diet should consist of 3 main meals and 3 mandatory snacks:

  1. Breakfast cereals are recommended for breakfast, cooked on the water, steam omelet, soft-boiled egg or curd soufflé.These dishes are quite caloric, so enough small portions to charge the person with energy and prepare the inflamed digestive organs for work;
  2. The lunch menu of the patient with colitis should include the presence of soups on weak fish or meat broths. It is preferable that for the most part recipes of mucous or puree soups are used, since they have a beneficial effect on the damaged intestine. On the second, you can offer steamed dishes from chopped meat or fish with vegetable garnish;
  3. For an approximate menu, recommended for dinner, colitis uses casseroles from cereals with added fruits, as well as vegetable ragout or soufflé.

Mandatory snacks contain loosened tea, fruit drinks, kissels or decoctions of rose hips with biscuits and crackers. At night, you should drink a glass of low-fat kefir with low acidity. In breaks between meals, you must use a suitable amount of mineral water in sufficient quantities.

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