Methods for improving vision with nearsightedness and farsightedness

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1 Therapy with myopia

With myopia patients can see objects that are near, but they are bad that they are located at a great distance.

Myopia is equally susceptible to both adults and children.

Improving vision at myopia at home allows a number of measures:

  1. Regularly performed exercises for the eyes.
  2. Properly organized food.
  3. Procedures designed to promote health.
  4. Software and hardware therapy.

Performing special exercises leads to improved blood supply to the eyes, strengthens the eye muscles, helps improve eyesight and stop further development of myopia. A complex of simple exercises is shown in photo 1.

It is impossible to perform gymnastics for the eyes of people who had undergone eye surgery less than 6 months ago.

To be engaged in such exercises is necessary both in childhood and adolescence, and adults. It can help not only the performance of muscle movements - with the help of videotapes, the basic vision rises and the peripheral vision improves. Increasing the accommodation capacity of the organs of vision is achieved through the use of the programs "Numerical Pyramids", "Accomodotrener", etc.

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In order to improve vision, without resorting to medical( and even more rapid) treatment, it is necessary to organize nutrition properly. The diet should include vitamins A, E, C.

High content of vitamin A - in carrots, liver, eggs, sour cream, melted cheese, broccoli, butter.

Many vitamins E contain sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, pine nuts, dried apricots, spinach, pickled olives.

Rich in ascorbic acid, rosehip, red sweet pepper, black currant, quince, radish, peas, Brussels sprouts. No less important is the use of products that include trace elements( cow's milk, cottage cheese, nuts, sprouted wheat, garlic, turnips, buckwheat, beets, etc.).

How to improve vision at myopia at home? This is aimed at strengthening the body: a properly organized regime, observing the rules of visual hygiene( do not read in poor lighting, less time to watch TV, limit Internet use, do not read lying down), relaxation after tense visual work( after every hour of tension,rest), the elimination of stress and high emotional stress.

To improve the blood circulation of the vessels of the eyes, it is useful to massage the collar zone. Water procedures( contrast shower, swimming) have a general strengthening effect on the body, contribute to strengthening the vessels, increasing their elasticity.

People who want to improve their eyesight need to engage in exercise therapy. Long walks in the open air, carrying out moderate physical activities are an integral part of the procedures for the successful restoration of vision.

For the eyes of important importance is the reception of complex vitamin preparations with the content of trace elements( selenium, copper, chromium, zinc) - this should also be remembered for those who decide how to restore vision with short-sightedness.

For the stimulation of the activity of the organs of vision, a special therapy is used - the apparatus therapy. This is an ophthalmic device( Sidorenko's glasses), which can improve the nutrition of the eye tissues as a result of increased blood supply and strengthen the ciliary muscle.

Recommended to read

  • Signs of high degree myopia with astigmatism
  • Symptoms of false nearsightedness in children
  • What is presbyopia of the eye
  • Contemporary preparations from Pressure!

The device can be used at home, it includes several procedures:

  1. Colorimmune therapy.
  2. Phonophoresis.
  3. Influence of waves in the infrasonic range.
  4. Specific phonemassage.

Recommended for use in children aged 3 years and adults.

2 Medical measures for farsightedness

A person suffering from hyperopia( farsightedness) can perfectly see objects in the distance and can hardly see nearby.

There are ways to help restore vision at farsightedness at home. First of all it follows:


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  • to refuse from the use of alcoholic drinks, sweets, coffee;
  • to supplement the diet with foods high in potassium( liver, fish, citrus fruits, bananas, strawberries, oatmeal, cabbage);
  • daily perform a set of exercises for the eyes;
  • daily use walnuts( 5 pcs.).

For hypermetropia, you should perform eye massage several times a day. To do this, in the direction along the edge of the eye above the eyebrow and at the bottom edge to the nose, describe the "eight" with the index and middle fingers. In the evenings - do contrastive water compresses, repeating the procedure 10 times( 2 minutes compress of hot water and 1 minute - out of cold).

Treatment for farsightedness of the house is effective with the help of palming - a simple exercise that eliminates eye strain and improves the ability to see clearly. Having settled conveniently, they close their eyes, covering them with the palms of their hands. Relaxing, think about the pleasant, representing the wildlife: the landscape, the sea. Imagine how warmth from the hands warms the eyes. Perform the exercise daily 3 times for 5 minutes.

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To correct vision, Bates's technique will help. Every day, it is recommended that you read the fine-printed book twice, giving it 15 minutes. The book should be away from the eyes at a distance of 30 cm, for maximum relaxation of the eyes, the light should be muffled, glasses are not recommended.

Restoring Bates vision:

  1. In the morning - pouring eyes, doing exercises with the help of a table, relaxing with the use of massage movements, gymnastics for the oculomotor muscles.
  2. At lunchtime - performing exercises that improve the state of the oculomotor muscles.
  3. In the evening - the repetition of the procedures conducted in the morning.
  4. Before going to bed - palming.
  5. During the day it is desirable to perform screwing, central fixing, solarization, "butterfly", therapeutic breathing.

You should not use glasses at this time, as they do not allow you to relax the muscles of your eyes. Also, do not strain your eyes, trying to see the subject.

3 Preventative measures

How to fix hypermetropia, now known, but to warn it much easier. It is enough to follow simple rules:

  1. Lighting should be sufficient at a high visual load.
  2. Every day, it is recommended to perform gymnastics that help to relax the eyes( every hour - a set of the most appropriate exercises).
  3. Keep track of the level of strain on the eyesight( give periodic rest to the eyes).
  4. Identify possible problems and correct them by correcting vision.
  5. Train the eye muscles( only under the supervision of an ophthalmologist!).
  6. Strengthen the defenses of the body.
  7. Eat well and balanced.

People do not always know how to take advantage of the resources available in the body. Correctly activated protective forces of the body are able to begin the process of recovery and renewal.

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