Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with folk remedies and herbs at home, homeopathy, yoga and fasting with IBS

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Functional indigestion of the digestive system, such as IBS, does not usually require radical treatment, so the use of traditional medicine is not always justified. With irritable bowel syndrome, folk remedies usually bring great benefit, and unlike medications, for the most part, not just temporarily stop unpleasant symptoms, but rid the patient of it for good. At home, various herbal collections, propolis, and yoga are used with great success. These methods usually bring quick and tangible benefits without causing side effects in humans.

When a patient is diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, treatment with folk remedies brings tangible benefits, first of all, a consultation of a gastroenterologist and psychotherapist is needed to identify the cause that provoked the disease. Any phytotherapeutic fees in the case of their uncontrolled reception will not only not be beneficial, but also can harm the body. In order to better understand which of the methods of treatment of IBS at home can best be approached, it is necessary to consider them in more detail:

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  • The folk treatment of irritable bowel syndrome should be conducted against a background of a strict diet. But it should be remembered that complete starvation, as some advise, is not shown for this disease. Only if the pathology occurs against a background of severe diarrhea, you should starve the first day. It is necessary that the accelerated peristalsis calm down. Instead of starvation in this pathology, you should completely revise your diet to exclude from it those foods that provoke an increase in the course of irritable bowel syndrome. Only in this case, treatment with folk remedies will give tangible results and will allow getting rid of IBS forever;
  • Yoga in IBS also helps to eliminate problems with digestive organs. When engaged in it, a person controls muscles in certain areas of his body. This way of treating irritable bowel syndrome is absolutely safe, and all patients who use it notice that yoga and meditation have a quick and positive effect;
  • In therapy of this disease, a folk remedy like propolis has also proved itself well. But the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome should be carried out rectally, using oily microclysters. Only in this case, propolis can have a direct effect on the mucosa.

Treatment with homeopathy of irritable bowel syndrome

It is this method of treatment of the disease that is recommended by many specialists along with various folk remedies. Homeopathy is an alternative to medication. This treatment of IBS is very mild. In addition, homeopathy, along with folk medicine, does not give any side effects that are inherent in medication designed to rid the patient of manifestations of irritable bowel syndrome. Although homeopathy usually lasts a long time, but in its strength, it gives amazing results.

What is the meaning of this therapy? This issue is of concern to many patients. Homeopathy does not divide a person into separate systems and organs, and at the same time takes into account its emotional and psychological characteristics. At the reception, the specialist conducts a complete survey and from a huge number of drugs picks up a unique one that will help a particular patient. Medicines of this direction contain minimal doses of substances of vegetable or animal origin, therefore, in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with these traditional medicine, the patient does not experience allergies, since they are non-toxic. Timely assignment of individual homeopathic therapy in many cases of IBS rapidly improves the well-being of a person and significantly shortens the period of full recovery.

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with herbs

At home, people who suffer from frequent manifestations of bowel dysfunction, almost always use the most affordable folk remedies - the decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs. There are many well-proven recipes that not only effectively remove unpleasant symptoms of IBS, but also contribute to the speedy recovery of the patient forever. Most experts recommend such herbs in irritable bowel syndrome, like parsley, lemon balm, chamomile, oregano, dill and milk thistle. What is their healing power and why are the decoctions of these herbs or their collections considered to be the best? These folk remedies contribute to the rapid alleviation of the patient's condition. Usually it is recommended to use the following recipes for therapeutic purposes:

  • Milk thistle at IBS is well established due to the valuable medicinal properties found in its seeds, which contain a lot of useful for human microelements and substances. In the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, a folk remedy such as oil from the seeds of milk thistle is most often used. The recipe for its preparation is quite simple. It is enough to take 5 spoons of plant seeds for 0.5 liters of oil and for 15 minutes to stand in a water bath. This drug is used for microclysters, and it has a very fast effect;
  • Parsley with IBS is also an excellent folk remedy. The irritable bowel syndrome is treated with a decoction from this plant. Parsley in this case contributes to the normalization of the digestive tract, as well as the removal of toxins from the digestive organs. To prepare it for a glass of chopped parsley, add 500 milliliters of boiling water and leave to stand until completely cooled. Drink this folk remedy with IBS three times a day for a third glass half an hour before meals;
  • In the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, melissa is also used. This herb has a calming effect on the active peristalsis of the digestive organ. Also, the infusions and decoctions of melissa have a good analgesic effect, so with the help of them quickly stop such negative feelings as colic and spasms;
  • Another great folk remedy from the field of phytotherapy, used in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, is chamomile grass. Broth from it quickly brings a patient suffering from symptomatic IBS noticeable relief, and is ideal for eliminating digestive problems. Chamomile flowers have a relaxing and antibacterial effect, and can also relieve inflammation. To prepare the preparation, add a teaspoon of vegetable raw material to 250 ml of boiling water, leave on a small fire for 10 minutes, and then cool. Take it should be 2 glasses a day;
  • In the case when irritable bowel syndrome is accompanied by flatulence and bloating, it is best to use a folk remedy such as dill seed for therapy. To prepare medicinal broth, simply brew 1 tbsp.spoon green dill with a glass of boiling water, insist on a towel 20 minutes, and drink with exacerbation of irritable bowel syndrome in half a glass 3 times a day just before eating. This folk remedy used to treat IBS, contributes to the rapid cessation of pain and normalization of the digestive tract;
  • If pathology is accompanied by severe flatulence, it is good to use oregano. Decoctions from this plant are also a magnificent folk remedy used for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Also, infusion of oregano can be used rectally, in the form of microclysters.
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