Chronic colitis of the intestine - symptoms and treatment, signs in adults, diet

Almost half of the world's population has various inflammatory bowel pathologies, among which there is often enough colitis. It can occur in both acute and chronic forms. Symptoms of this disease is very severe and unpleasant, often completely disrupting the patient's habitual lifestyle.

But not always this disease from the very beginning is accompanied by occurrence of corresponding signs. Very often, they can appear only on the neglected stage, which is the cunning of cron.colitis. After all, the patient usually does not pay attention to such manifestations of the disease as lack of appetite and easy nausea.

Therefore, very often there is a situation that the disease, not receiving proper treatment, becomes not only neglected and not amenable to appropriate therapy, but also causes very serious complications. Most often, with this pathology of the digestive organs, when it takes a chronic course, symptoms such as:

  • A pain syndrome localized in the left side of the abdomen;
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  • Problems with defecation. The patient manifests either severe diarrhea, or constipation. And in some cases with xp.colitis such stool disorders can exist together, changing one another;
  • Symptom of the chronic form of the disease in both adults and children is bloating due to excessive formation of intestinal gases, as well as flatulence and the accompanying sound effects like rumbling.

In chronic colitis, nonspecific intestinal pathologies can also be observed, such as skin rashes with unclear genesis and allergic urticaria. In addition, a sign of the disease are decreased appetite, fatigue and frequent headaches.

Therefore, in order not to miss the development of chronic colitis, you should take very careful consideration of your health, and when the first disturbing symptoms, such as stools, the occurrence of an abnormal stomach pain and vomiting for an unclear reason, it is necessary to immediately consult a specialist for a diagnosticresearch and the appointment of appropriate treatment.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that the symptoms of chronic colitis in neither children nor adults never develop suddenly. They are usually preceded by either trauma to the abdomen, or an acute inflammatory process that occurs in the digestive organs. Therefore, in the case when the patient has such possible provocative reasons, he should pay more attention to his health with a double attention.

Symptoms of chronic colitis

If, in childhood, the disease occurs mostly due to a genetic factor and is not always symptomatic, often similar to other diseases not related to the digestive tract, then the picture is slightly different for adults. The following factors can provoke the development of pathological inflammation of the intestines:

  • Presence of pernicious habits. Due to abuse of strong alcoholic drinks, alcoholic colitis often develops, one of the main symptoms of which is permanent constipation;
  • Sedentary lifestyle( office work), accompanied by constant stress;
  • Low-quality food due to constant snacks and eating semi-finished foods.

Symptomatic of chronic colitis in adult patients may also result from untreated gastritis, hepatitis or pancreatitis, as well as food poisoning.

Symptoms and treatment hr.colitis

Treatment of the chronic form of this inflammatory pathology is reduced to relieving the patient of severe symptoms of the disease, as well as the speedy cessation of the inflammatory process that occurs in the intestinal mucosa. The best prognosis for this disease is possible only in case of timely initiation of therapeutic measures. Therefore, you need to be very careful about your health, so as not to miss any possible blurred signs of the disease.

Treatment of cron. Colitis by medication alone, as practice shows, is not effective enough. In connection with the fact that this pathology proceeds according to the chronic type and is characterized by an inflammatory process that periodically arises in the digestive organs, the basis of treatment should be a diet that is designed to create maximum shaking of the damaged intestinal mucosa in order to accelerate its recovery and prevent a relapse of the disease accompanied by severesymptoms.

Patients often ask what kind of dietary nutrition best fits colitis. This question can be answered only by the attending physician, since the chronic course of the pathology implies a constant change of remissions and relapses, and for each period the diet is selected in accordance with the manifested signs of the disease, as well as the accompanying symptoms.

In the case when chronic colitis occurs against the background of a symptom such as constipation, dietotherapy presupposes the predominance of soluble fiber in the diet, since it activates the digestive process. Only vegetables and fruits, which contain this component in large quantities, should be used by the patient with hr.colitis in well-boiled and wiped form. This is necessary in order to prevent mechanical damage to the mucosa, even when the disease is in remission.

If a symptom such as diarrhea prevails, the diet of patients with chronic colitis will mostly contain fixative products that, when served on the table, should have a puree or liquid consistency. But whatever symptomatology and signs the disease had, the therapeutic diet should be prescribed only by a specialist taking into account all the nuances of the course of the disease. Only with this approach to the treatment of this intestinal pathology it is possible not only to accelerate the onset of the period of remission, but also to prevent possible complications.

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