Influence of drugs on pregnancy: heroin, amphetamine, cocaine, club drugs

The body of a pregnant woman is a very powerful and at the same time fragile system. On the health of mom and future baby can affect anything - unbalanced nutrition, stress, improperly selected medicine. But the most dangerous combination is drugs and pregnancy. Even a single dose can cause irreparable harm to the mental and physical health of a little man. A regular reception of illicit drugs also provokes miscarriage, stillbirth and slowly destroys the reproductive system of a woman, causing infertility.

The impact of drugs on pregnancy

The horrible rates that narcotics abuse spread throughout the world today are spoken at all levels - and doctors, and sociologists, and government officials. But the increase in cases of drug dependence is steadily growing, and the main group of risk is young people of reproductive age.

Often, the future mother starts taking illegal drugs before pregnancy, and when she finds out about her happy situation, she can not stop. Sometimes a woman "pampered with drugs" in the early stages, without even guessing about the pregnancy that has come.

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Therefore, the main consequences from the use of any drugs during pregnancy are:

  • spontaneous abortion( miscarriage);
  • premature delivery;
  • the birth of a dead child;
  • slowed fetal growth and low birth weight;
  • intrauterine growth retardation.

If a young woman during pregnancy is constantly taking drugs, the child involuntarily becomes an addict before birth.

This causes an abstinence syndrome( withdrawal syndrome), which manifests itself a couple of days after delivery:

  • trembling handles, legs and head( tremor);Endless crying and insomnia;
  • diarrhea and vomiting;
  • increased appetite( without weight gain);
  • hyperreflexia, etc.


Opioid heroin is one of the most famous drugs and one of the most terrible. It is very difficult to cope with heroin addiction, and it is simply impossible to give birth to a healthy child with such a diagnosis.

The most terrible consequence that heroin carries for a pregnant woman is that the child simply will not. Miscarriage and stillbirth are the main consequences of this dangerous habit. And the risk that the baby will become a victim of the syndrome of sudden child death, grows at times with enthusiasm for opioids.

Also, with heroinism, the risk of intrauterine growth retardation( SLM) increases to 45%.And in 95% of cases newborn babies are suffering from a strong withdrawal syndrome.

In the vast majority of cases, opioids cause fetal hypoxia( lack of oxygen during pregnancy and childbirth).In combination with a small weight, this can lead to problems in the future: slow speech development, poor learning, and difficulties in behavior.


The amphetamine dependence of physicians is considered the most dangerous for expectant mothers. The most noticeable sign of such drug addiction is severe exhaustion. A pale, thin woman, hooked on ecstasy, "meth" and other varieties of this drug in the early stages or before pregnancy, simply physically can not tolerate a healthy baby. If the mother does not eat well, the baby does not receive the necessary portion of nutrients, and the destructive effect of the drug is added to this.

Abstinence syndrome usually manifests itself not by crying, but by lethargy, drowsiness, a violation of appetite in crumbs.

Increased risk of congenital anomalies in the use of amphetamine in pregnancy:

  • face defects( "wolf mouth", "hare lip");
  • heart disease;
  • abnormalities of brain development.


On the dangers and consequences of marijuana dependence for health, scientists and doctors are still arguing. One of the most controversial moments is the influence of marijuana on the health and further life of the child, whose mother is addicted to marijuana. Meanwhile, statistics assures - up to 20% of pregnant women from low social strata regularly smoke marijuana, so the number of potentially sick children is very high.

The main consequences of marijuana use by mother during pregnancy for newborns is a delay in development, a slow set of weight, a pathology of vision and a nervous system. In boys, reproductive function may decline in the future.

Completely all the harm of marijuana craze for expectant mothers manifests itself in the years after the birth of the baby. Such children suffer from attention and memory disorders, are hyperactive, while they can hardly communicate with peers and establish social ties. They have serious problems with training, which translates into an individual tutorial or "correction class".

Morphine and Opium

The peculiarity of opioid drugs is the rapid development of physical and psychological dependence. If a woman who consumed such substances before pregnancy, after learning about her situation, abruptly refuses the drug, this leads to a strong withdrawal syndrome( break-up).

The withdrawal syndrome can provoke the most terrible consequences:

  • miscarriage or the birth of a dead kid;
  • placental rejection and premature birth;
  • severe fetal hypoxia;
  • sudden death of a newborn baby.

Often a developmental delay is diagnosed, in the future the following disorders are possible in children:

  • slowed development of motor skills and speech;
  • difficulties with auditory and visual perception;
  • strabismus;
  • problems of development of cognitive processes.


The first signs of cocaine use are spasm of blood vessels, a sharp jump in arterial blood pressure, a strong tachycardia. All this still unborn baby experiences with his mother, so cocaine during pregnancy often causes miscarriage, intrauterine fetal death, premature birth.

If mother used cocaine before and during pregnancy, after birth the child will fully experience the withdrawal syndrome. Symptoms are severe crying crying, insomnia, irritability, fever, diarrhea and vomiting, etc. If the mother continues to use the drug during lactation, epileptic seizures may develop.

Very often, with such a woman's drug addiction, there is a high level of hypotension, hypoxia, intracranial hemorrhage. Extremely high risk of congenital anomalies, especially pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, genito-urinary tract."Cocaine" children often have lifelong disability.

Club drugs

The effect of synthetic "club" drugs( LSD, PCP - phencyclidine, etc.) on the fetus during pregnancy is not fully understood. The complexity is added by the fact that during all kinds of parties and parties women often smoke, drink alcohol and mix such drugs with other prohibited drugs, which at times intensifies the harmful effects on the fetus.

It is known that on their own "club" drugs do not provoke spontaneous abortion, the risk of premature birth is also small. However, after the birth of such mothers in the children, abstinent syndrome invariably occurs, the severity of which depends on the frequency and dose of the use of hallucinogens and other prohibited preparations.

The most frequent consequence of the hobby of synthetic drugs is the pathology of the central nervous system. In the future, the children may manifest violations of speech development, problems with learning and social adaptation. Often, cases of congenital malformations in infants.
On the video about the effect of various types of drugs on pregnancy:

Treatment of drug dependence in pregnancy

Treatment of future mothers from drug dependence is a very complicated and responsible process. If a woman is a drug addict with experience, future motherhood will not always be able to force her to give up such a way of life. But in many cases, patients seriously decide to end drug addiction, and then doctors do everything possible to minimize the negative impact of banned substances on the future mother and fetus.

Any treatment for drug dependence includes 2 equitable aspects - drug and non-pharmacological therapy. In the treatment of pregnant women, the potential for drug therapy is extremely limited. The use of sedatives, hypnotics, tranquilizers and other psychotropic drugs is allowed in these 9 months in extreme cases.

Therefore, the treatment in this case is reduced to the elimination of somatovegetative disorders:

  • detoxification therapy( saline solution);
  • vitamins and amino acids;
  • nootropic drugs;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • reception of antispasmodics.

In the treatment of heroin addiction in certain cases, the doctor may decide to substitute therapy with methadone( so that the withdrawal syndrome does not cause miscarriage or premature birth).

Any drugs - both natural marijuana, synthetic LSD, and opiates - is a deadly poison that destroys all the organs and systems of the human body. For an unborn baby, drug intoxication can be fatal or lead to severe disability.

The consequences of narcotic effects on the children's body are unpredictable, and no treatment guarantees that the child of a drug addict mother will be able to lead a full life in the future. Therefore, the only condition for the birth of a healthy baby for a woman is never, under any circumstances, not to try drugs.

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