Anaprilin: instructions for use, contraindications, prices, medicine analogues

Anaprilin is a medicament consisting of a group of non-selective beta-blockers. Applied it for a variety of diseases, and with VSD or frequent panic attacks, the drug and does become a "lifeline."

However, the use of the drug is consistent with the doctor, since the drug can hardly be classified as harmless drugs. At what pressure is the medicine taken, what is the price and feedback about Anapriline, its analogs, instructions for use - all this we will consider in this article.

Features of the drug

  • The hypotensive effect of the drug increases with the simultaneous use of sympatholytic drugs.
  • Its effect decreases with the combination of Anaprilin with NSAIDs, estrogens and glucocorticosteroids.
  • You can not combine Anaprilin with antipsychotic drugs.
  • Use with hypoglycemic medications is carried out carefully.


Table of the main component( propranolol) 10 to 40 mg. As auxiliary elements, usually calcium stearate, talc, milk sugar, potato starch.

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Dosage Forms

Anaprilin is available in several dosage forms.

  • Tablets 10, 20 and 40 mg.
  • Injections are presented as a 0.25% solution of 1 ml in an ampoule.
  • Eye drops Anaprilin in a concentration of 1%.They are used as a means of normalizing intraocular pressure.

The average price for a tablet form of release is 20 rubles. The cost of injections - 80 rubles, eye drops - 60 rubles.

Pharmacological action

Beta-blocker non-selective. Action - hypotensive, antianginal, antiarrhythmic.


  • Relaxes the effect of pulse in the heart on beta-adrenoreceptors, which contributes to a decrease in the amount of heart rate, blocking the positive effects of catecholamines.
  • Under the action of the drug, cardiac output is reduced, as is myocardial contractility. Less is his need for oxygen.
  • The stabilization of the hypotensive effect occurs at the end of the second week of the course.
  • Anaprilin increases the atherogenic property of blood, acts as a membrane stabilizer, contributes to retardation of atrioventricular conduction.
  • After surgical interventions and during childbirth the drug reduces the possibility of bleeding, has a stimulating effect on the uterus, strengthening its contractions.
  • In a large dosage, Anaprilin is able to have a sedative effect, increase the tone of the bronchi.
  • Decrease in intraocular pressure occurs under the effect of inhibition of the development in the eye chamber of aqueous humor. The ability to clearly see the objects and the size of the pupil does not exert any influence.


Absorption of the drug occurs quickly, as well as excretion from the body. An hour later, the peak concentration of Anaprilin in the blood plasma is observed.

Bioavailability is 30% and becomes higher after food, but it does not affect the effectiveness. With a blood plasma protein, the bond is up to 95%.Up to 90% of the medicine is excreted by the kidneys.


For prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, our readers advise the drug "NORMALIFE".This is a natural remedy that affects the cause of the disease, completely preventing the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. NORMALIFE has no contraindications and begins to act within a few hours after its use. The effectiveness and safety of the drug has been repeatedly proven by clinical studies and long-term therapeutic experience.

The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;


There are a number of indications for the use of Anaprilin:

  • essential tremor,
  • migraine prophylaxis,
  • tachycardia, sinus,
  • hypertension arterial,
  • angina different shapes,
  • thyrotoxicosis,
  • atrial fibrillation( tachysystolic),
  • diencephalic syndrome sympathadrenalic crises,
  • renal hypertension,
  • to stimulate labor,
  • violationwork of the cardiovascular sphere in the presence of toxic goiter,
  • preparation before surgery,
  • warning postpartum complicatedd.

The drug is indicated for use in resistance to other drugs. Knowing about the price of tablets and injections, let's talk about the instructions for use, reviews and indications for taking Anaprilin.

Instructions for use of the drug Anaprilin

The effectiveness of the drug is not dependent on food intake. The dose is better divided into several receptions to ensure a stable effect.

  • In the presence of heart rhythm disturbances or angina pectoris take the medicine three times a day in a minimum dosage of 20 mg. For several doses, if necessary, increase the dose. More than 240 mg per day can not be consumed. Injections are more often used for relief of angina attacks. For the first time, 1 ml of Anaprilin is injected, and with a good tolerance of the drug, the dose is increased to 10 mg.
  • The initial dose for hypertension is 40 mg per 1 dose. The medicine is drunk twice a day. If the hypotensive effect is not enough, then 3 medications are taken per day, or simply taken 2 times at 80 mg. The daily maximum of the drug is 320 mg, but for some categories of patients, 640 mg is also prescribed. Anaprilin in hypertension is usually used only at the initial stages of the disease.
  • When essential tremor and as a prevention of migraine also need to apply 4 mg from 2 to 3 times a day. In the future, a gradual increase in the dose to 160 mg per day is possible.
  • To stimulate childbirth, drink 20 mg of the drug every half hour, repeating the reception 4 to 6 times. To prevent complications after delivery, take Anaprilin for about 5 days 3 times per day in an amount of 20 mg.

The following video is devoted to the instructions for the use of the drug Anaprilin:


  1. Hypotension,
  2. acute myocardial infarction,
  3. diabetes mellitus,
  4. heart failure,
  5. atrioventricular blockade of 2-3 degrees,
  6. bradycardia sinus,
  7. vasomotor rhinitis,
  8. sinoatrial block,
  9. asthma bronchial,
  10. bronchospastic reactions,
  11. sinus node weakness,
  12. metabolic acidosis,
  13. arteries disease( obliterans),
  14. Yemen.

Side effects of

Frequent side effects from taking Anaprilina are diarrheal disorders. Sometimes there is skin itching, dizziness, bronchiolospasm. Some patients report a worsening mood, a depressed state. There is a risk of developing Raynaud's syndrome because of the blockade of beta-adrenergic receptors.

Rarely occur the following reactions:

  • hypoglycemia( in the presence of diabetes),
  • spasm of peripheral arteries,
  • asthenic syndrome,
  • lowering of the rate of mental reactions,
  • skin rash or itching,
  • nightmarish dreams,
  • paresthesia,
  • excited state,
  • visual impairment,
  • cold extremities,
  • exacerbation of psoriasis.


When an overdose of Anaprilin occurs bradycardia. To eliminate these phenomena, intravenous injection of atropine( up to 2 mg) is indicated.

Additionally, an injection of a suitable beta-adrenostimulant is administered: orciprenaline or isadrin.

Special instructions

It is necessary to take Anaprilin under the supervision of a doctor, especially if prolonged therapy is expected. Observe the effect of the drug on the cardiovascular activity of the body.

  • Because of long reception, a bradycardia can develop. This is not a reason for immediate withdrawal of the drug, but if it is clearly expressed, you will need to reduce the dose.
  • Patients with diabetes should regularly be tested for blood sugar.
  • In the presence of pheochromocytoma, in addition to Anaprilin, alpha-adrenergics are prescribed.
  • To stop taking Anaprilin is important gradually, otherwise the risk of aggravation of the condition is great. With a high degree of probability with a sharp withdrawal can develop bronchospasm, there will be phenomena of myocardial ischemia, aggravated anginal syndrome. In such cases, there is a change in the properties of blood( rheological), a decrease in the physical load of tolerance and a number of side effects.

Long-term use of Anaprilin in IHD should be combined with cardiac glycoside therapy. The drug is not desirable for spastic colitis.


Patients using the drug note its availability and very high efficiency. Most of all they pay attention to the fact that Anaprilin is able to provide quick help with an attack of tachycardia.

No dissatisfaction with the effect of the drug if it is used for the doctor's prescription and under his supervision. Some people suffer from side effects or note a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug due to addiction.


  1. Adrenoblock,
  2. Inderal,
  3. Vero-Anaprilin,
  4. Obsidan,
  5. Propranolol,
  6. Propranolobene.
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