Characteristics of cephalic syndrome and how to treat the disease

1 Causes of ailment

Cephalic syndrome can manifest itself as an independent disease, and also be a signal of some pathological process taking place in the body.

In cases where a person is practically healthy, cephalgia may occur as a result:

  1. Nervous or physical overstrain.
  2. Adopting alcohol.
  3. Abuse of smoking.

The head, as it were, compresses the steel hoop as if. In this case, the disease can last more than 10 days.

In addition to the usual headache, there is still such a disease as migraine. In this case, cephalgia can last from several hours to several days.

Migraines often begin before menstruation, due to fasting or strict diet, after drinking alcohol. Women who take contraceptive pills are often affected by migraines.

With such a disease a person with difficulty performs his duties, the headache is quite strong. The patient has dizziness, attacks of nausea;before my eyes like a veil. The cause of a headache with migraines are:

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  1. Hereditary predisposition.
  2. Weakness of cerebral vessels.
  3. Constant nervous tension.

The tendency to migraines is observed in adolescents of older age from the age of 14, and also in women 35-45 years.

In addition, the cephalgic syndrome is a companion of many diseases. For example, such as neoplasms in the brain, predinsult state.

Even a disease of internal organs can indirectly cause headaches. So, with renal failure increases blood pressure. Begin attacks of aching headache.

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Cephalgia is a disease that affects a person at any age. Often even young children complain of headaches. It is worth listening to their complaints, asking for help from specialists.

To suffer a headache it is impossible. Even if the cause of cephalalgia is an ordinary lack of sleep, it is worth taking action. This disease affects the work of the heart.

2 Symptoms of pathology

When determining the cause of cephalalgia, the physician should ask the patient in detail what he feels during the period when the head is aching. Particular attention deserves such indicators:

  1. Localization of pain syndrome.
  2. How long is the headache.
  3. Are there any secondary nervous disorders during the period when the head is aching.

The principle of localization distinguishes diffuse and localized headache. With diffuse localization of cephalalgia, the whole head hurts;with a local headache - certain parts of it.

In the first case, the cause of the cephalalgic syndrome is mental overstrain or the presence of nervous pathology. If the head region usually hurts, this indicates a violation of the vessels. Headaches in the latter case often arise as a result of increased intraocular pressure in glaucoma.

If the head seems to burst with cephalgia, this indicates an increase in intracranial pressure. Acute pain in the right or left lobe of the brain, which is accompanied by numbness of a part of the face, indicates a pre-condition. If there is no numbness, this can be evidence of a malfunction of the nervous system.

The pain can be pulsating and even coincide with the beat of the heart. In this case, it indicates a violation of the cardiovascular system or developing hypertension.

The doctor can also judge the nature of the disease by how often and how dramatically the cephalgic syndrome appears. So, with cardiovascular disorders, the headache begins with the extension of the head. Then there is a slight pain, which increases dramatically with the passage of time. The cause of the etiology of pain is a primary increase in intracranial pressure. If the cause of cephalalgia is mental overstrain or a nervous breakdown, the pain grows gradually.

Finally, the cause of the headache is helped by the presence of secondary signs that accompany the headache. So, in people with disruption of the central nervous system, it is possible, in periods when the head is hurting, the appearance of photophobia. They are very irritated with sharp sounds.


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3 Diagnosis of the disease

Cephalgia is diagnosed severely.

To determine the causes of headaches, it is very important to ask the patient in detail how they are manifested, for what reasons, if any. The doctor receives detailed information from the patient about the localization of painful sensations, their manifestations in the anamnesis.

Patient should visit a neurologist, dentist to identify possible pathologies of the head. After the examinations, if there are no reasons for cephalalgia, it is necessary to conduct brain research using an electroencephalogram. Probably, the study will show a failure during the passage of impulses. Thus, neoplasms in the cerebral cortex are revealed.

If this study does not give positive results, further diagnostic tests are used with ultrasound scanning. This is how the condition of the cerebral vessels is checked.

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In some cases, people are diagnosed with magnetic resonance imaging( MRI).With the help of this study, the state of the brain and blood vessels is determined.

Still, the exact cause of the manifestation of cephalic syndrome can only be established in half the cases. Often, all studies, despite the patient's complaints, give a negative result.

4 Prognosis and prophylaxis of

disease If you have headaches due to a physical illness, you should treat this disease yourself. Migraines and intermittent headaches are not treatable.

To reduce the incidence of cephalic syndrome, you should ensure a healthy lifestyle. That is, try to get enough sleep, do not overexert mentally and physically, leave some time for a full-fledged relaxing rest.

You should reconsider your lifestyle. If possible, avoid stressful situations, do not get nervous over trifles. Great help to your health is the rejection of bad habits. The intake of alcohol should be kept to a minimum, with smoking it is better to completely quit.

Children, in addition to these headache prevention measures, should maximize the nutrition of mineral elements and vitamins. Growing up, they are less likely to experience such pain.

Regarding migraines, you should try to minimize the frequency of seizures. This is achieved through relaxation sessions, meditation. Useful is the implementation of self-massage or massages, which significantly reduce the degree of pain syndrome.

Often, with age, people prone to migraines are less prone to headaches. The disease gradually recedes.

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