Treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies - sea buckthorn and linseed oil, honey, propolis, herbs, aloe, potato juice

If stomach pains, nausea and heartburn have been tortured, vomiting often occurs with spotting, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic examination urgently to find out which gastrointestinal disease they are associated with.

Most often with such symptoms, the examination reveals an erosive gastritis. With this disease, you need prompt medical treatment, which is carried out in the hospital.

But after the first acute symptoms are removed, except for it, you can also call on people's methods of treatment. Remarkable means for him in folk medicine are presented in large numbers, and many do not have any time limitations, which is very good in the chronic form of this disease.

And do not worry that treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies will cause harm. All recipes have been tested for centuries and are quite welcome by doctors. Only it should be borne in mind that their use should not replace the course of therapeutic therapy. They are just additional tools to help cope with this problem, but not the main ones.

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Treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies

In this disease, always accompanied by ulcerative, often bleeding mucosal defects, herbal treatment is very effective at the time when the exacerbation begins to subside.

In order to accelerate the healing of numerous erosions, significantly reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice and improve digestion, it is recommended to use decoctions and infusions of many wild and cultivated plants, among which can be called flaxseed( from which linseed oil is prepared), fruits of sea buckthorn,aloe, potatoes and much more. But to carry out such therapy follows nevertheless after advice or council with the attending physician.

Sea buckthorn oil with erosive gastritis

Very popular with this disease is a home remedy like oil from sea buckthorn berries. It is very rich in flavonoids and vitamins, and also possesses such properties as the ability to quickly heal wounds, good anesthesia, the removal of any inflammation and the regeneration of tissues.

Take it with an erosive gastritis on an empty stomach, no later than half an hour before the morning meal. This remedy from the recipes of folk treatment is used daily, 1 teaspoonful. At first it can cause heartburn, which you can easily get rid of by drinking half a glass of 2% solution of soda.

Also a good effect and renders linseed oil, which is used as a primary enveloping and anti-inflammatory agent. It very well removes all external symptoms, especially heartburn, and promotes rapid recovery. Take it should also be on an empty stomach, starting with a teaspoon and gradually bringing the amount to the dining room.

Honey and propolis with erosive gastritis

The products of the life of bees, such as honey and propolis, also proved to be excellent folk remedies for the treatment of this disease. They have well-expressed regenerating( promoting rapid recovery), antimicrobial, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to them, these products are able not only to protect against gastric acid irritation, but also to suppress the processes of putrefaction and the development of pathogenic bacteria.

These folk remedies are recognized by traditional medicine as a true panacea in the treatment of erosive gastritis. One can even hear the statement that propolis, thanks to its rich composition, is more effective than some anesthetics and even antibiotics.

Honey, as a folk remedy for the treatment of erosive gastritis, is taken as fresh, and in the form of a solution( water for it should be warm, but in no case hot).It should be remembered that his daily rate should in no case be more than 150 grams.

A solution of honey is well absorbed by the body and has a beneficial effect on the work of the stomach. The course of treatment should last about 2 months and it repeats after a month's respite.

And such a folk remedy for the treatment of erosive gastritis, like propolis, is truly inexhaustible. It has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial properties. It is best used in the form of alcohol tincture.

The method of preparing it is quite simple. It is necessary to take 100 milliliters of warm water or milk and add to them 20 drops of 30% tincture of propolis on alcohol. The resulting solution is taken one hour before meals three times a day. With the correct use of it in a week, the patient will show significant changes in the direction of improvement.

Treatment of erosive gastritis with other folk methods

In addition to such widely known methods, various herbs and cultivated plants, such as cabbage, potatoes, calendula, flaxseed oil, chaga, aloe and many others are also used to prevent the disease.
Treatment of erosive gastritis with potato juice is used because of its alkaline reaction to reduce the aggressiveness of the acidic environment in the stomach. To prepare this folk remedy, the potatoes are not cleaned, they are simply thoroughly washed and dried. The dose of this juice starts with one tablespoon and is gradually brought to half a glass for one reception.

Treatment of aloe with erosive gastritis is based on such properties of this plant as soothing and wound healing. From its leaves prepare juice and take before meal on two table spoons. You can also mix 200 grams of ground aloe leaves with 200 grams of honey and 500 milliliters of red wine. After this folk remedy, used for the treatment of erosive gastritis, is infested in a dark place for two weeks, it is taken at 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.

Thanks to all these tinctures, juices and broths that home medicine recommends, getting rid of such an unpleasant and dangerous disease is easy enough. It is necessary only before starting their application, completely consult with your doctor.

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