Menu with gastritis, diet, recipes, approximate dietary food for the patient

Gastritis is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach, which can cause a malfunction of the organ presented. There are several forms of gastritis, acute and chronic, as well as gastritis with normal, low and high acidity. And gastritis can affect people of any age. With such a disease, food in the stomach will be digested with difficulty, and this often leads to a general weakness of the patient. Now let's look at the main symptoms of gastritis:

  • Heartburn;
  • Pain in the stomach;
  • Bloating of the stomach;
  • Poor appetite;
  • Weight reduction;
  • Sensation of severity in the stomach after eating;
  • Emetic pushes.

Nutrition for gastritis

The main topic of today's article will be: "Diet for gastritis of the stomach, menu."Diet with gastritis c the right menu is a very important factor in the treatment of the presented disease. Especially important is the diet with chronic gastritis. When the symptoms of the disease exacerbate, namely frequent pain and vomiting, it is necessary to use exceptionally warm and rubbed food without the addition of seasonings in the menu. It is also important to monitor the regularity of food, not allowing large breaks between meals. That is, a person with a gastritis should eat food every four hours, no more and no less. But the diet for gastritis should be not only in this, you need to consume more dairy or sour-milk products, and alcoholic beverages should be completely excluded from the diet of the patient. Sometimes doctors not only give recommendations about nutrition, but individually for the patient make a menu with gastritis. In this diet and menu for gastritis is several types, such as:

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  • Diet with gastritis, which is accompanied by a decreased level of acidity;
  • Diet with gastritis with normal acidity.

For all forms of gastritis, you must adhere to such requirements:

  • Reduce the time between meals;
  • Eating at the same time;
  • Portions should be about 400 grams;
  • Rest for ten or fifteen minutes after eating;
  • Eat simple and varied food;
  • Food should be heat treated, such as cooking, baking or steam cooking;
  • Reduce the amount of salt consumed per day;
  • Do not eat more than three thousand calories per day;
  • Thoroughly and slowly to chew food.
  • Also with gastritis are strictly forbidden:
  • Frequent overeating;
  • Hard menu;
  • Chewing gum;
  • Eating food while watching TV or reading a book;
  • Frequent intake of food in the dry.

Eating with gastritis with increased acid level in stomach

With gastritis with increased acidity level, the level of activity of juice secretion in the stomach decreases. In this case, the menu for gastritis should meet such requirements: it is necessary to remove from the diet of the patient food that has pronounced fibers or other coarse elements that contribute to damage to the walls of the inflamed stomach. Such products include: radish, oatmeal, meat with a lot of veins, fish, turnips and the like. Also, the menu should exclude those foods that cause an increase in the level of secretion of gastric juice. These products include: alcoholic and carbonated and coffee drinks, black bread, various sauces, all kinds of citrus fruits, mushrooms, cabbage and much more. And most importantly do not eat much cold or hot food, the ideal option will be eating food with a temperature of fifteen to sixty degrees. This is due to the fact that very hot food causes irritation of the stomach, and the cold requires a lot of effort. The menu for gastritis should contain such products:

  • Egg whites;
  • Buckwheat;
  • River fish;
  • Fatty milk;
  • Oatmeal;
  • Lean meat;
  • Vegetables such as carrots, green peas, beetroot, pumpkin, green onions, parsley, dill and tomatoes, but only without skins;
  • Seafood;
  • Berries and fruits, but only rubbed and not on an empty stomach, for example, strawberries or raspberries.

For gastritis with elevated levels of acid, you should avoid the use of such products in the menu:

  • Low-fat dairy or sour-milk products;
  • Sweets;
  • Various confectionery;
  • Garlic;
  • Onions.

Sample menu( diet) for stomach gastritis:

  • For breakfast: omelet cooked in a double boiler, oatmeal in milk, milk tea;
  • For the second breakfast: milk with crackers;
  • For lunch: carrots and mashed potatoes, meat cutlets, steamed, fruit jelly;
  • For a snack: a glass of milk;
  • For dinner: boiled fish, carrot-beet pulp, milk tea;
  • At night: a glass of milk.

Nutrition for gastritis with reduced acidity level

With this form of gastritis, gastric damage occurs, resulting in a level of production of juice in the stomach and acid, which is contained therein. Thus, the food will be processed poorly, and this will affect the functioning of all the systems of the patient's body. The menu for gastritis of the stomach of this form should be so varied and appetizing that the stomach begins to allocate the necessary amount of gastric juice. With gastritis with a reduced level of gastric juice, the following requirements must be met:

  • Chew slowly;
  • Before consuming food, it is necessary to drink a glass of low-carbonated mineral water;
  • You need to eat more baked fruit, which you can eat with garnish.

The menu for gastritis can contain such foods:

  1. Honey;
  2. Sweet Tea;
  3. Cowberry;
  4. Different types of citrus fruits;
  5. Cabbage;
  6. Gooseberries;
  7. Herbal decoctions;
  8. Fish;
  9. Cauliflower;
  10. Lean meat;
  11. Carrots;
  12. Fermented milk products, excluding dairy products.

You should also pay your attention to the fact that the menu for gastritis of the stomach of this form should not contain malicious fast foods. Approximate menu with gastritis of the presented form:

  1. For breakfast: oatmeal, milk tea;
  2. For the second breakfast: baked apple;
  3. For lunch: steam cutlet from meat with buckwheat, compote and light broth;
  4. For dinner: fresh cottage cheese with jam and vegetable puree;
  5. Before going to bed: kefir with white croutons.


As you already knew, you can not eat all the food, which means that the diet is included and therefore you will need to add several new recipes to your list. All recipes must conform to the of the above information, namely food recipes with low fat content, recipes without sharp spices and additives, recipes with a high amount of light carbohydrate. Now we will consider the approximate menu of a diet at a gastritis, namely recipes:

  1. Recipe - chicken fillet with apples. For its preparation you will need such ingredients: one chicken fillet, three apples, greens, salt and one tablespoon of vegetable oil. First you need to marinate meat in salt and greens. After you need to clean the apple and cut into small slices. Put in the oven for baking for an hour. This dish is very tasty, which is very rare with a gastritis diet;Recipe: rice casserole. To prepare this recipe, you will need such ingredients: one glass of rice, water and milk, two tablespoons of raisins, five eggs, salt and one hundred grams of sugar. First you need to boil the rice in the multivark, and then cool it. Next, we separate the proteins from the yolks and rub them with sugar. After mixing the yolks with rice and raisins, and then beat the whites and add to the mixture and bake the dish in the multivark.
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