Can I warm my ear with acute and chronic otitis?

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1 Symptoms of the disease

Manifestations of the disease depend on the localization of a painful focus. Often this ailment is accompanied by a headache. The temperature may rise. The severity of hearing decreases. There is a noise in the ears. In the back of the neck, neck, teeth, whiskey often gives a sudden, sharp, shooting or aching pain directly in the auricle. These painful sensations gradually increase.

Does not allow to sleep a sharp nocturnal pain in the ear. There is reddening of the tympanic membrane and auditory canal. Appear pus-like discharge. Otitis in children are characterized by severe pain during swallowing, sudden causeless crying, disturbance of night sleep, restless behavior during the day.

2 When the warming up of the

is shown A positive result can be achieved much more quickly if the medicinal therapy is combined with thermal procedures. Under the influence of heat, blood circulation improves, recovery processes are accelerated with different ear diseases, regenerative capacities of tissues become active, pain decreases. Only the doctor should prescribe the treatment after a professional examination. Whether it is possible to warm an ear at an otitis, also it is necessary to specify at the expert.

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By appointment, doctors apply warming procedures at an early stage of the disease and during rehabilitation, when the inflammatory process fades .This really helps to stop the disease in adults. It is forbidden to provide children with thermal treatment in the acute catarrhal stage of inflammation, since in young patients the pathology progresses very quickly already in the first hours of the disease.

In the presence of an earache it is extremely difficult to determine without a specialist what pathological processes occur at the moment in the ear. During the ear sickness, the use of thermal methods of exposure is possible only in the stage of recovery in patients of childhood.

3 Treatment with camphor oil

This remedy is a strong antiseptic, advantageous for warming, healing properties. The drug has a local irritant effect. The drug is used at home as an auxiliary therapy. If it is laid down or the ear hurts, on the basis of the doctor's recommendations, the diagnosis given by the otolaryngologist, a camphor oil solution is used for warming up.

This drug is used for various ailments:

  1. In the form of slow instillation, this essential oil is used to expel an insect that has penetrated into the ear. To relieve pain and inflammation, a 10% camphor solution in oil using tampons is used for otitis media of the middle organ.
  2. External otitis, which is manifested by burning and itching in the ears. At the first unpleasant sensation, this herbal remedy is warmly buried in the ear three times a day.
  3. Inflammation of the inner ear. A cotton swab dipped in warmed camphor oil is inserted into the auricle. Compresses or turundas with this medicinal substance are made if the specialist diagnosed edema of the eustachian tube.

Caution should be applied camphor oil at home in the treatment of children. Only in the form of turunda wrapped with a bandage, it is possible to use camphor tree oil to treat patients under 3 years old. Children up to two years of age are not recommended camphor compresses. Heat therapy is strictly contraindicated, if a purulent inflammatory process has begun, since the appearance of suppuration is a sign of perforation.

4 Alcohol Compress

This is a warming dressing with oil or alcohol solution. It is used to improve the functional state of the hearing organ, to remove pain. When treating pain in the ear, dry compresses are usually used, moist, with a slight warming effect. It is necessary to dilute twice with water with ethyl alcohol or vodka. This procedure speeds up the regeneration process, lowers the pain threshold. Composition of the compress depends on the duration of the process.

Since the contents of oil compresses are poorly absorbed into the skin, there is a risk of leakage of vaseline or plant extract from under the dressing. The action of alcohol turundas is short-lived, as they retain heat more weakly. Only a dry variant is recommended to be left overnight.


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How to make a warming compress:

  1. This is a traditional effective tool. With catarrhal otitis, the healing bandage helps well.
  2. Warm vodka is poured into a glass. The gauze, folded in 4-5 layers, should have an opening in the middle for the ear. This cloth needs to be moistened in vodka and wring out.
  3. Compress is applied not on the sink, but on the stone. From above put a moisture-resistant film material or wax paper. Then add a layer of gauze.
  4. Compress is attached around the head with a bandage or a warm scarf. Sleep is not necessary. It should be kept for 2-3 hours. Then the medical dressing is removed, the patient should go to bed. It is not recommended to go outside after this treatment procedure.

There is a danger of generalization of the infection if you make a compress at high temperature.

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Effective fights with microbes and warms up boric alcohol in the flagellum made of gauze, cotton balls. For the whole night it is useful to leave in the ear a cotton wool soaked with this remedy.

5 Application of dry heat

Such treatment can be performed by an adult in the first hours of the disease in order to suppress the activity of pain receptors. In order to inflow blood to the affected area with ear diseases before bedtime, intense warming of the BTE area with bags of flax seeds heated in a dry skillet with salt is used. The filler is filled in a bag of natural material. The product should not burn the skin, but its heat needs to be felt for a long time. It is required to lie down for a quarter of an hour, putting a sick ear on a warm bag of salt or with another filler. After 3 days, the patient will feel relief.

The Minin Reflector is another name for a multifunctional bactericidal blue lamp for heating the ears of an adult, a child. During the procedure, the eyes must be closed. Thermal exposure of the blue light emitter to the BTE should be performed 3-4 times a day, since this device stimulates the immune system. It generates infrared radiation, which is converted into heat energy and sent to each ear in turn. The inflammatory process decreases. Dying pathogenic microbes. The lamp should be kept at an angle to the warmed ear at a comfortable distance for 5-10 minutes. Then, without being affected by cold air and draft, it is advisable to go to bed.

Today, a more modern instrument is a lamp with a red spectrum. Light therapy is very effective. The procedure promotes the rapid healing of ear tissues. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, since red light increases the activity of leukocytes. The lamp has a resolving and analgesic effect. At home, with the permission of a doctor, you can use portable devices. In the treatment rooms use stationary light installations.

6 Traditional medicine recipes

When ear pains in the early stages of the pathology, a pouch with elderberry or chamomile flowers, brewed with boiling water, is applied.

Doctors categorically forbid:

  • heating the ears with steam;
  • use of candles, which are inserted into the ears, and then ignited.

Warming with otitis media at home is contraindicated in case of far-gone pathology, a purulent infection. To a patient with an elevated temperature, heat treatment is by no means carried out. Do not ignore the pain in the ear, because the centers of hearing are located in the cerebral cortex. Otitis is dangerous. The pathological fluid can easily break out of the ear into the brain.

Self-treatment is unacceptable! This can lead to disastrous consequences. Without delay, seek medical help if symptoms of ear pathology are found. Only if the doctor has allowed, it is possible to begin thermal procedures with an ear disease. Observe the recommendations of a specialist.

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