How to pass the analysis of feces to opisthorchiasis, photos of opisthorchia eggs in feces, how to look, how to prepare correctly?

One of the most insidious parasitic diseases, opisthorchiasis, spreads through two intermediate stages( mollusks and fish of carp breeds), where larvae form from the eggs of parasites. When these larvae enter the human body, they begin their parasitic activity, penetrating the liver, pancreas and gall bladder. After 1-1.5 months after infection, the opisthorchis begin to lay eggs, and, falling with feces into the pond, a new spiral of life begins. If there is a suspicion of infection, the analysis of stool for opisthorchiasis serves as a direct proof of the presence of helminthiasis.

To pass feces for opisthorchiasis is necessary in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • rise in temperature;
  • painful enlarged spleen and liver;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • manifestations of allergy on the skin.

Other symptoms are also possible, in particular exacerbation of chronic diseases. It should be noted that the eggs of opisthorchiasis in feces appear only after the onset of puberty and their appearance is of a cyclic nature. In addition, opisthorchia in feces, or rather their cysts may be present in a small amount, which also complicates qualitative diagnosis.

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What does opisthorchiasis look like in feces?

It is impossible to see the opisthorchs in a feces in a live form, as the formation of parasites to its mature stage occurs in the human body. In the future, the adult does not leave his place of residence until the moment of death. How to look helminths in the excrement of a person( photo) can be seen after the treatment and the process of dehelminthization.

How can I pass the opisthorchiasis test?

An obligatory stage of diagnosis is the analysis of feces for opisthorchiasis, which is a way to directly establish the correct diagnosis and begin timely treatment. With prolonged course of helminthic invasion the probability of egg release from feces increases, but their number depends on the severity of the invasion.

Preparation for analysis for opisthorchiasis is simple:

  1. Empty from urine and perform hygienic procedures with the genitals, wiping dry to avoid getting urine and moisture in the sample.
  2. Collect the assay in a clean, dry "duck" type container or directly into the toilet with a food strip stretched on the bottom.

In the question of how to prepare for the delivery of analysis and how to properly hand over it, there are several rules. The first rule, allowing the most accurate detection of opisthorchiasis( photo) is the freshness of the sample. It is best for these purposes to use the morning portion, and if it does not work, then store until the morning in the refrigerator a sample taken in the evening.

The exact results of the coprogram will be provided that the following conditions are met:

  • Obtain naturally by using no enemas or laxatives.
  • Women do not take such an analysis before menstruation or use tampons to avoid getting blood into the sample.
  • Do not perform X-ray examination of the intestine before taking the test for at least two days;
  • Between taking medications that stimulate intestinal peristalsis and the day of testing, it should take about three days;
  • Compliance with a healthy diet for several days.

In addition, you can advise, do not brush your teeth before the day of collection of feces, and for greater reliability of detecting cyst parasites, take stools in greater quantities than with other studies and in different places. Opisthorchiasis in the feces( photo) is revealed when examining a small amount of feces mixed with glycerin under a microscope. Preliminary flotation, and depending on the number of eggs found in 1 gram of bowel movements, the degree of invasion is determined. One hundred eggs are characteristic for a small infection, and more than 3000 indicate a severe degree of invasion.

Estimate of the number of eggs is carried out according to the method of Goryachev or Füleleborn. Goryachev's method consists in carefully filtering a sample of stool( 0.5-10 g) mixed in distilled water into a cylinder filled with 100 ml of a 20% solution of potassium nitrate( sodium chloride) through a metal sieve. Particles of the stool quickly settle on the bottom, and the eggs of the opisthorch very slowly settle, lingering in the upper layer. After three hours, the upper layer is aspirated carefully with a pipette, and the solution is decanted or treated in a centrifuge. The resulting precipitate is examined under a microscope.

Fulleborn used this technique, but with a longer settling time( 7-12 g) and microscopy in a very thin smear of a large area. Treatment of opisthorchiasis involves the use of drugs that lead to the death of parasites, so after treatment of opisthorchiasis in stool, parasites may well be. In all other cases, the question: "Can the parasite come out with feces?" - there will be a negative answer.

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