Exacerbation of chronic colitis - symptoms, treatment, diet at this stage

The clinical course of chronic colitis implies a constant change in the stages of remission and exacerbation. To relapse this pathological inflammation of the intestine is characterized by an increase in the accompanying symptoms. In this case, the patient needs inpatient treatment, since with frequent liquid stools that occur in this pathology, dehydration and electrolyte disturbances develop very quickly. Also during this period it is necessary to observe a very strict diet that helps stop the development of inflammation in the digestive system.

Exacerbation of chronic colitis occurs usually due to eating disorders or strong emotional overload. At the same time, the patient's quality of life deteriorates sharply, which leads to malaise, general weakness and insomnia. Also, the patient begins to suffer from depressive disorders, frequent mood changes and irritability. To determine that chronic colitis passed into the stage of exacerbation simply by the increased signs of the disease.

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Manifestations of exacerbation of chronic colitis

Among the evidences that cause the patient to immediately consult a physician for the purpose of appropriate treatment, the following can be distinguished:

  • Severe abdominal pain that is spastic. At night she becomes numb and deaf. This syndrome is localized mainly on the left side of the ileum. When the doctor performs palpation of the abdomen, in certain areas of the large intestine painful contractions are determined;
  • Bloating due to accumulation of gases in it is also a characteristic symptom of exacerbation of chronic colitis. It arises because of the fact that due to the development of the inflammatory process, the balance of the microflora in the intestine is significantly impaired. The number of pathogenic bacteria increases, which release a large number of toxic products in the form of gases;
  • In the acute stage, there is a violation of the consistency of the stool. It can be expressed as long and very painful constipation, and frequent diarrhea, the number of which can reach up to 15 times a day. This manifestation of the disease occurs even at night. Fecal masses are either with veins of blood, or covered with whitish mucus.

All these manifested symptoms of exacerbation of chronic colitis require the prompt start of adequate treatment, capable in a short time to save the patient from these severe manifestations of the disease and improve the quality of life they have violated.

Treatment of exacerbation of chronic colitis

When choosing a method for treating chronic colitis in the acute stage in a particular patient, the specialist must take into account the causes that provoked it. In addition to eating disorders and emotional overstrain, an acute form of the disease can also cause infectious diseases.

Therapy of this pathology requires restoring balance in the intestinal microflora, ridding the patient of dyspeptic symptoms of the disease, nausea and diarrhea, as well as fighting the dehydration caused by frequent diarrhea. Treatment can be carried out by the following methods:

  • Drug-medicated therapy with medications. With this intestinal pathology, the patient is prescribed antispasmodics to provide an analgesic action, motor regulators that help to restore peristalsis and prevent stool disorders and antibacterial agents;
  • Diet therapy, which is practically the most important moment in the treatment of chronic colitis, which is in the stage of exacerbation. Diet with this disease should completely eliminate the food irritating the intestines. Only in this way it is possible to achieve the greatest efficiency from other methods of therapy. Therefore, a diet with exacerbation of chronic colitis, and, accordingly, its unpleasant symptoms, requires a complete rejection of smoked, fatty, pickled, spicy and fried foods;
  • It is strongly recommended that exercises of exercise therapy and light sports that do not involve unnecessary strain on the body, as well as frequent outdoor walks.

In addition, the therapy, conducted with exacerbation of chronic colitis, must necessarily include preventive visits to resorts and sanatoriums, hydrotherapy and the use of mineral waters that contribute to the early recovery of the mucosa. It is also acceptable to use folk methods that facilitate the early removal of severe symptoms of the disease.

A big role, both in therapy and in the prevention of disease, is also played by lifestyle changes. To ensure that the period of remission of the disease lasts as long as possible, it is necessary to abandon any harmful habits, to prevent stagnant processes in the intestine of an active lifestyle and to avoid both fatigue and stressful situations.

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