Etiology and clinic of gastroenteritis

Gastrointestinal infection often causes inflammation of the gastric mucosa and intestines - gastroenteritis. The infectious agent penetrates organs in different ways, but more often through non-observance of elementary sanitary rules. It is not accidental that it is called, mainly, the disease of dirty hands. It happens in acute and chronic form.

The disease develops in two ways. This can be a direct destructive effect on the mucous membrane of the organ, or when microbes, poisonous substances are introduced into the intestinal vessels by the flow of blood. Then, due to the beginning of the process of destruction of healthy cells by the system itself, or during excretions into the lumen of the intestine, the mucosal damaging actions occur. Factors against which development of gastroenteritis is possible are hypothermia, uncontrolled consumption of foods rich in fiber, alcohol abuse, love for acute, fatty foods, overeating. It is also possible industrial intoxication, the presence of chronic diseases( gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis) and others.

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The most common etiology of gastroenteritis is rotavirus. The virus is indicated by the reaction of immunoelectronic microscopy. The clinic of gastroenteritis differs cyclicality and rapid acute process of the disease. A characteristic feature of the etiology of the disease are abundant watery discharge without admixtures of blood and mucus and with a sharp odor.

The clinic for mild gastroenteritis of any etiology passes without a rise in temperature, and the stool is mushy brown or greenish in color. Pathological changes with sigmoidoscopy are not observed. Palpation of the abdomen reveals painful sensations in the peripodal region. To identify the possible bacterial or parasitic etiology of disease carried along with virological, and other studies. In the toxic-infectious etiology of gastroenteritis, inflammation is caused by microbes from the Salmonella group and staphylococci. Infection with E. coli is also possible.

The incubation period ranges from a few hours to a day or more. At the same time, the cardiovascular and nervous systems can be involved in the pathological process, the body temperature rises to a considerable extent and lasts for a long time. Intoxication and dehydration of the body are very acute, accompanied by prolonged diarrhea and persistent vomiting. Untimely or incorrect treatment can lead to death. The duration of the treatment process in severe cases is a week. With violations of diet in a few hours, the etiologic signs of alimentary gastroenteritis develops in an acute violent form. The etiology of this type of inflammation is characterized by great vomiting with the presence of undigested food in the emetic masses, with a vomiting of a smell of acetone.

With mild form after vomiting, the patient's condition improves and recovery occurs in 1-2 days. In more severe cases, the body temperature rises to 39 ° C, distended pain in the abdomen, a feeling of weakness, chills, nausea. General intoxication of the body is possible in young children. The etiology of secondary gastroenteritis is difficult to determine, since the disease develops against the background of already existing severe infectious and somatic diseases. Therefore, the main thing in the treatment of gastroenteritis, even without obvious etiological signs, is compliance with a strict sparing diet.

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