Means for cleaning the human ears: hydrogen peroxide, drops, cotton swabs

Earwax is the only substance that is produced in the external ear canal. It is a protective barrier that prevents the penetration of pathogenic microflora and protects against other various external hazards.

Cleaning the ears

Cleaning the ears should be done at regular intervals. However, the approach to this issue in children and adults varies. Children's otolaryngologists recommend clearing only the outer ear from an excess of sulfur. In adults this can lead to the appearance of sulfur plugs. They not only can damage the hearing, but also cause discomfort.

What is sulfur

This is a yellow-brown lubricating secretion that is produced by special glands. It is necessary for cleaning and lubrication of the auditory canals.

Excess of this composition can lead to clamping of the tympanic membrane. This causes noise in the ears, dizziness, vomiting and even seizures.

Within one month about 20 mg of sulfuric substance is produced in the ear passage. That is enough to protect against pathogenic microorganisms. One of the functions is moistening the ear canal, lubrication and cleaning. If there is no sulfur in the ear, this is one of the serious pathologies that must be treated.

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What is a sulfur plug:

How often is it done?

To clean the ears it is necessary to remove the excessive pressure on the ear. More often it is required to conduct hygienic procedures if:

  • excessive functioning of sulfuric glands,
  • special anatomical structure of the ear,
  • is the influence of external or internal factors on the yield of sulfur.

It is established the scientific fact that the more a person cleans the ear, the more sulfur begins to stand out. Most patients who complain about the frequent formation of ear plugs, in fact, have an excessive desire for cleanliness.

Improper use of methods of mechanical cleaning can lead to the fact that sulfur begins to slowly move toward the tympanic membrane. There is its compression and accumulation.

How to clean the ears

Than to carry out the procedure

For cleaning are used:

  • cotton buds,
  • drops,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • candles.

Cotton buds

They are not designed to clean the ears. Their main purpose is applying antiseptic solutions to wounds. Therefore, you need to use them very carefully. They:

  • May injure the tympanic membrane. This entails strong dizziness and a semi-fainting condition.
  • Will lead to tissue infection. Cotton sticks are tough enough so they can easily damage or scratch the skin.
  • Will lead to a greater pushing of the earwax to the eardrum.

If you decide to clean your ears with cotton buds or your child, use special ones with limiters. This kind has many advantages: it does not allow penetrating deeply, effectively cleans the outer ear of dirt and sulfur.

For cleaning it is necessary: ​​

  • to wet the stick with water or hydrogen peroxide,
  • very gently wipe the auditory meatus.

It is almost impossible to get rid of sulfuric cork in this way. This method can be applied to children, but with extreme caution. In this way, ears should not be cleaned more often than three times a month.

Perforation of the tympanic membrane with the cotton swab


Drops are less traumatic than the spinning variant. In the composition there are substances that act on sulfur and the surface of the ear canal. Most of the drops for adults contain surfactants.

For children from one year, you can use Aquamaris Oto lotion. In its composition there is sea water, which helps purify the auditory canal, nourishes its epithelium. This leads to the normalization of the functioning of the sulfur glands.

If you not only want to clean your ears, but also to prevent otitis prevention, then you can use Otinum drops. In any case, today manufacturers offer to get rid of the surplus of sulfur, not only drops, but also sprays.

They should not be used on infants. If you decide to use, then only after consulting a doctor. In all other cases, it is permitted to use drops based on sea water.

Among the shortcomings of using this method of exposure is a large circle of contraindications. Do not use drops during perforation in the tympanic membrane, with ear infections, allergic reactions or by shunting the eardrum or after its removal.

Use drops according to the instructions. Usually it's enough to lie down on the opposite side, in the ear to drip a few drops of the remedy and lie down. After such procedure it is recommended to make a cotton swab and protect the ear from cold air.

Hydrogen Peroxide

To use this method, it is necessary to purchase hydrogen peroxide in a concentration of 0.3%.The mixture is then diluted 1: 2 with water. Apply a small amount of the composition on your arm. This will allow you to check the most suitable temperature regime. Drop a few drops into one ear. Then cover it with turunda and lie down for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure with the other ear.

The procedure should not be carried out regularly, it is best to use it for rare cleanings. If you need to get rid of significant sulfuric plugs, then you can not dilute hydrogen peroxide.

The merits of this method is that under the influence of this active substance wound healing is well heal, purulent formations are removed. But with the inflammatory process of a chronic form, it will not be possible to achieve a quick cure.

This procedure, if necessary, can be given to infants and children. Bury in the ear hydrogen peroxide, then put the baby on the barrel so that sulfur and excess solution can go out. Then it is necessary to wipe the external ear canal with a diaper.


Candles allow you to get rid of sulfuric cork. They are available in different sizes for children and adults. Usually they are made of foil and wood, impregnated with beeswax.

As additional components, grasses, ethereal substances can be used. Thanks to this, the candles not only free the ear of excess sulfur, but also have different effects:

  • bactericidal,
  • decongestant,
  • soothing,
  • analgesic.

This cleaning method should not be used in cases of injuries, purulent otitis, head tumors, and neoplasms.

How to clean your ears, see in our video:

Dangerous symptoms that may occur

If the technique is not observed, pain, blood, or a feeling of embarrassment may appear. If you experience these symptoms, contact your doctor for help.


Discomfort or soreness often occurs with microtrauma. Sometimes the cause is hidden ears infections. The use of mechanical means can lead to damage to the tympanic membrane. Removing earwax makes the auditory organ sensitive to various ear infections. Therefore, pain can appear in a few days or hours.


If there is a violation of the tympanic membrane, then one of the most dangerous consequences is the appearance of blood. In this case, the biological fluid is released in a small amount and quickly stops.

If during the cleaning process, pushing the person under the elbow, the blood can also stand out from the ear itself if the skin is damaged. The doctor will find a blood clot and an intact tympanic membrane.


The stagnation can occur after an abrupt pressure drop, for example, when using candles. If cotton swabs were used, removal of the sulfur plug does not occur, and the symptom appears as an answer to the fact that the plug has moved closer to the eardrum. The cause may be:

  • skin trauma during cleaning,
  • blockage of the channel with cotton wool.

Do I need to clean my ears for children? Responds to Dr. Komarovsky:


The main principle when cleaning the ears is - do no harm. Therefore, do not often clean with cotton buds. In the human body self-cleaning of many organs is established, especially those that are hidden from the person.

For children, it is better to clean soft cotton woolen turuns soaked in hydrogen peroxide. For each ear should be applied its own turunda. If you need to clean your ears, it is better to use hydrogen peroxide or candles in the absence of contraindications.

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