Hypertrichosis in women, men, children: treatment, causes, symptoms

Representing a rare skin disease, hypertrichosis can cause a significant decrease in the self-esteem of the patient, since the manifestations of this pathology are accompanied by significant negative changes in appearance. Due to genetic mutations and a number of certain diseases, hypertrichosis can also be triggered by a number of external factors.

In contrast to the disease, which can occur exclusively in the female half of the population and is expressed in the appearance of vegetation in unsuitable places for this, hypertrichosis has the property to arise and aggravate in representatives of both sexes. At the same time, the dependence of the manifestations of the disease on age, belonging to a certain class or race was not revealed. Hypertrichosis with the same frequency is observed in children, and can occur in the adult state, as evidenced by medical statistics.

Features of the

problem Hypertrichosis can be a consequence of both genetic abnormalities or mutations, as well as a number of certain diseases that are accompanied by pronounced impairments in the functioning of the human hormonal system.

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Also the reason for excessively abundant and active growth of hair on the body and face can be considered the taking of certain medications, some mechanical damage to the skin or body in some cases can also provoke this pathology.

Since excessive growth of hair on the body and more so the person is able to cause pronounced cosmetological defects in the representatives of both sexes, timely diagnosis of the disease will help to start the medication in time, which makes it possible to stop the pathological process in the skin cells, stabilize hair growth and prevent the aggravation of the pathology. Today, dermatologists have created a specific approach to the effects on the skin with excessive growth of hair on the body and face, which can be called an opportunity for patients not to experience an inferiority complex and not to experience difficulties in conducting an active social life.

Hypertrichosis in children( photo)

Classification of hypertrichosis

Depending on the location of the pathological process, its duration and neglect by a dermatologist, a certain method of treatment may be chosen to remove the main symptomatology, expressed in the significant growth of hair on the body and face.

The modern classification of the disease is determined by the location of the areas of excess hair. The classification of hypertrichosis looks as follows:

  • is the localized pathological process of , which is characterized by the location of the active and excessive growth of hair in a specific area of ​​the skin( face or body).With this type of disease, medical treatment is easier, since hair removal in a limited area is more effective than on the whole body;
  • common , without a specific location. This type of pathology of the skin is less susceptible to complete cure, as it develops significant damage to the body, treatment is more difficult to perform and this treatment takes a considerable amount of time.

The presented classification gives an idea of ​​the possibility of assigning a diagnosed disease to a certain type.

Hypertrichosis is considered from the cosmetic point of view in the following video:

Causes of

This skin lesion, like hypertrichosis, has a number of causes, and some provoking factors can also stimulate this pathology. The most common reasons for hypertrichosis include the following:

  1. Heredity .If this pathology is detected in the next of kin, the probability of hypertrichosis signs is increased to any degree. It is in connection with the hereditary factor that the tendency is transferred to excessive body embryos for subsequent generations.
  2. gene mutations are also the most common cause of active hair growth on the body and face. Changing the number of chromosomes that transmit a certain amount of information to the next generation can provoke the body's tendency to excessively active hair growth.
  3. Admission of certain medications , which stimulate disorders in the hormonal background and the regulation of the body. Such medications can usually be prescribed only by the attending physician and are not freely available on the market. Therefore, uncontrolled use of medications can often provoke this unpleasant manifestation, like excessive growth of hair on the body and face.
  4. Nervous overload and long-term stress can also cause disorders in the mechanisms of controlling hair growth and cause hypertrichosis. With the listed causes of the disease, the symptomatology is considered the most obvious and the disease is diagnosed in the best way.
  5. The period of pregnancy , at which there is a significant fluctuation of the hormonal background, some processes of regulation of the work of individual systems of the body are violated. Hypertrichosis during pregnancy is most often detected in the first trimester, as a result of which the disease particularly often has some manifestations in subsequent generations.

Any hormonal fluctuations caused by the intake of hormonal drugs( eg, contraceptives), fluctuations associated with age-related changes, as well as excessive physical and emotional stress, often become the cause of excessive growth of hair on the body and face of the patient. Also, the manifestation of varying degrees of intensity can result in such actions as mechanical trauma of the skin, an attempt to independently remove the fleece hair in the face( with the hair of the hair becoming more coarse and stiffer).

Hypertrichosis in a woman( photo)

Symptoms of

External manifestations of such a skin lesion as hypertrichosis are so obvious that setting a preliminary and then refined diagnosis is not difficult. However, additional studies of skin specimens at the sites of injury, laboratory tests of blood and urine tests help clarify the diagnosis and suggest the cause that caused the development of this skin pathology.

To external manifestations of hypertrichosis of any degree, the following symptoms should be attributed:

  • manifestation in certain areas of the body or face( with a localized variant of the disease) or over the entire surface of the skin( with a non-localized version of the disease) of excessive hair growth;
  • increase in the volume of the hair cover in those areas for which hair growth is normal( for example, articulated eyebrows can be attributed to the signs of hypertrichosis, most often it occurs in the male half of the population, but to a certain extent, it is noted in women);
  • Excessively active hair growth on the back and shoulders of men is considered a manifestation of atavism, in some cases this phenomenon refers to the manifestation of hypertrichosis.

With the growth of hair in places that are not normal and habitual for this, we can talk about the initial stage of hypertrichosis. The activation of hair growth and increase in their volume, as well as the appearance of increased roughness and stiffness in such hair, can also be considered a definite stage of hypertrichosis. Modern methods of diagnosis can identify the current pathology, prevent its worsening and identify the cause that caused increased hair growth. And the impact on the root cause of pathology allows in the shortest possible time to reduce the intensity of manifestations of the disease.

  • For adults is characterized by the appearance of excessively hard and long hair on the back, legs, abdomen, hands, on the skin of the face. At the same time, virtually all organic and external causes can provoke the disease. The increase in hair growth activity with the beginning of hypertrichosis can begin at any age.
  • For children and newborns is characterized by the manifestation of hypertrichosis since birth. In this case, abundant hair is noted both on the body of the newborn and on his face. Hair can even be marked on the inner surface of the palms.


The methods of diagnosing this pathology allow us to timely identify its initial stages, to prevent the aggravation of the pathological process. At the first examination of the patient, the places of the most active growth of hair, a preliminary diagnosis can be made, since such a lesion of the skin, as hypertrichosis, has quite obvious manifestations and characteristic symptoms.

After external examination and preliminary diagnosis, a number of additional diagnostic measures are carried out, which make it possible to clarify the diagnosis and designate the most appropriate scheme of therapeutic effect. These methods include:

  • study of the genome of the patient with the detection of abnormalities in the functioning of the body and the existing disorders in the genome;
  • study of skin, urine and blood samples, which will give the most complete picture of the patient's health.

Timely detection of developing pathology allows to correctly and most effectively react to the development of pathology, restore the skin to a normal appearance and prevent the aggravation of hypertrichosis, which manifests itself in the form of excessively active hair growth.

Male hypertrichosis

Treatment of

The treatment procedure for diagnosing hypertrichosis may differ significantly depending on the causes that provoked the lesion. Therefore, when diagnosing a disease, special attention is paid to the cause, which caused this skin lesion to manifest itself.

The psychosomatics of hypertrichosis is described in this video:

Therapeutic way of

The therapeutic methods of action in the case of hypertrichosis are the removal of excessive vegetation on the body. And the most effective method is the electroepilation, which involves removing the hair and destroying the hair follicles with the help of an electric current.

A thin needle is inserted into a hair bulb, an electric current of a certain power is conducted through it. After the destruction of the bulb, the hair is removed completely independently, without external mechanical influences. This method of therapeutic effect in detecting hypertrichosis gives a positive result in the absence of hormonal imbalance in the body, as a result of which the activation of hair growth on the body occurs.

Drug medication

The use of certain medications gives a pronounced result in disorders in the hormonal system. The treatment uses antihistamines( Suprastin), which copes well with the manifestations of the disease in the allergic nature of its manifestation.

Drugs that regulate the hormonal background of the body, can eliminate the causes of the appearance of excessive vegetation on the body.


The use of surgical methods of exposure is not used to detect any stage of hypertrichosis.

Prevention of

In the presence of provoking factors in the patient's history, their aggravation should be excluded. This applies to the hereditary factor, the avoidance of mental and emotional overload, regular examination by a dermatologist and trichologist.

Complications of

As a complication of a hypertrichosis revealed complication may be a gradual aggravation of the pathological process, an increase in the volume and speed of hair growth.


Survival in hypertrichosis is of the order of 100%, but the quality of life is significantly reduced in the absence of curative effects.

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