Causes of irritable bowel syndrome, psychosomatics - IBS on nervous soil, postinfection, after antibiotics

Irritable bowel syndrome is the most common pathology of the digestive tract. The chronic form of this illness occurs in about 20% of the population. This complex of symptoms affects women more often than men. The main cause of the disease is psychological.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a stable functional disorder in the digestive organs, expressed in discomfort, spasms and pain in the abdominal region. Violation is accompanied by a change in the frequency of defecation and the consistency of stool. In this case, there are no organic lesions of the intestine. IBS is not so much a disease as a functional deviation, which, as a rule, arises on the nerves, because of stress or negative emotions.

To date, precise etiologic factors have not been established that trigger the onset of irritable bowel syndrome. The conducted scientific researches have shown that the syndrome does not entail pathological changes of the intestine itself, but is accompanied only by temporary discomfort disappearing after defecation. Doctors believe that this pathology is a psychosomatic disease, that is, it arises on the nerves. Emotional stress and stress are the main causes of irritable bowel syndrome. Among the other possible causes of IBS are the following:

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  • Disturbance of the motor function of the digestive organ: its strengthening leads to diarrhea, and a slowing to constipation;
  • Dysbacteriosis, a change in the balance between pathogenic and beneficial microflora in favor of pathogenic microorganisms, is also an important cause of IBS.Postinfection dysbacteriosis occurs, as a rule, against the background of taking antibiotics;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Various eating disorders: overeating, consumption of low-quality products.
  • The more causative factors involved in the development of irritable bowel syndrome, the more pronounced the symptoms of the disease.

The cause of the postinfection syndrome of the irritable bowel is covered in dysbiosis, both during the period of the disease itself and after it. It arises from the use of antibiotics. Thus, the postinfective syndrome of the irritable bowel is largely provoked by potent drugs. They destroy not only pathogenic, but also beneficial bacteria for humans. Since good microorganisms are necessary for the stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of their disappearance, the digestive process is disrupted.

Antibiotics are indispensable medications used to treat many diseases, but in order to avoid the emergence of IBS, it is necessary to use probiotics at the same time, then the medicinal cause of irritable bowel syndrome will disappear. After all, probiotics contribute to the formation of good conditions for the recovery of useful microflora, and interfere with the development of irritable bowel syndrome. The cause of the exacerbation of the disease is food intake, after which there are diarrheal phenomena:

  • Pain sensations and abdominal cramps that disappear after defecation;
  • Diarrhea or constipation;
  • Increased gas formation.

Psychosomatics of irritable bowel syndrome

This direction is separate in medicine. It studies the effect of psychological factors on the occurrence and development of somatic diseases. He explores the causal relationships between the emerging pathologies and personality characteristics. Diseases, caused primarily by emotional factors, are called psychosomatic disorders. Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the examples of such diseases. Stability of the organism to unfavorable factors is always individual. Stressful effects result in the appearance of psychosomatic reactions in the event that the body stops responding adequately to stress.

Man, facing problems in everyday life, in fact, all the time in a state of tension. Stresses deplete the body, lead to various kinds of dysfunctions, as a consequence, there are changes in the work of internal organs. Psychosomatic digestion - a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which have arisen on the nerves. The reasons for them are precisely psychological factors.

Many patients are interested in what therapies are used in the case when irritable bowel syndrome appears on the nerves. Treatment in this case is aimed at disabling the stressful regime of the body. Hypnosis and training in auto-training are the main treatment methods. We must adhere to the principles of HLS: moderate physical activity, rational nutrition, the right regime and the daily routine will be in this case excellent preventive measures.

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